In this world, Monaco still has a high status and great commercial value, but Li Xin doesn't know any of the racing drivers in this world.

Moreover, many teams have also changed, because Stark Company has its own F1 team. Although it is the"Mars Rover" every year, its performance has always been the third. The top three F1 teams in recent years are Ferrari, Mercedes-Benz and Audi (Stark).

Today, the qualifying race just ended. Stark's No. 1 driver Locke took third place, and No. 2 driver De Filippo took fifth place. Li Xin was surprised that there were two Americans in the F1 event.

After taking pictures with his family, and then wandering around, Li Xin quickly returned to the hotel after checking the time on his watch.

In the hotel, Li Xin took out three incense sticks from the drawer and inserted them into the temporary incense table.

These things were obtained by giving the hotel concierge a $50 tip. In the room, Li Xin folded his hands and bowed to the east.

"Taishang Laojun, Jade Emperor, Western Tathagata, Guanyin Bodhisattva..."Li Xin silently recited the names of all the gods and masters he could think of.

Today was the auspicious day when Li Xin was going to draw ten times in a row. Yes, Li Xin had waited until he arrived in Europe to draw cards. And the task of [Proof of Hero] had naturally been completed.

Perhaps because of the lack of publicity, he only received a B rating, but was given 3 card drawing opportunities and 800 points.

In this way, Li Xin now has a total of 11 card drawing opportunities and more than 2,000 system points. Points are permanent, but the card drawing opportunity can only be kept for 9 days.

After Li Xin lit the incense and worshipped, he began to open the system card drawing page

"Today, a wave of invincibility today"

It was still the same ancient gate as last time. As the gate opened, balls of light spit out from the cosmic background inside, and then the light dissipated and turned into cards.

Li Xin counted them, and it turned out that the 72 cards had not changed, but this time there were only 5 cards with purple light, and the others were either green or white. But Li Xin didn't have the opportunity to change the deck this time.

"Draw a card! Destiny!"Li Xin roared and clicked the ten-draw button.

""Hua La Hua La ~" After a shuffle, the ten cards were quietly arranged.

But at this time, Li Xin's face was darker than that of an African.

Ten cards, not a single purple card, four green cards, six white cards....

"Hey~" Li Xin sighed and leaned back on the sofa, posing like Ge You.

‘Click Flip’

""Hua La Hua La"

White quality [Item Card: Yasuo's Bamboo Wine Flask] (Only fine wine and swordsmanship are not to be missed)...

White Quality [Skill Card: Deer's Distant Sound] (Yasuo's favorite song. When you play it with an instrument, people who hear it will feel ethereal and depressed)...

White quality [Item Card: Idol Ahri's Stockings] (the best reward for fans) ?

White quality [Item Card: Pool Party Leona's Bra] (36D) (⊙o⊙) ?

White quality [Item Card: Pantheon's Armor Cape] (Never forget the tenacious tenacity in mortal nature)...

White quality [Item Card: Ezreal's Goggles] (Enjoy the charm of adventure~)....

Green Quality [Skill Card: Jax's Relentless Combo] (Each time you attack, your attack speed will increase, up to 8 layers)...

Green quality [Item Card: Psionic Agent Yi's Suit] (Suit for the leader of psychic agents, which can increase some magic resistance and mental shock )...Green quality [Talent Card: Talon's Assassin's Way] (Whenever you climb over terrain and buildings, your figure will become more handsome. This is a talent that every assassin should master)..."Okay, I can do it anyway."

Green quality [Skill Card: Yi's Wuji Sword] (After opening, your weapon will add extra damage)"Accept"

Li Xin was silent. Except for the Ruthless Combo and Wuji Sword, the cards he opened seemed to be somewhat useful, but the others were useless......

Li Xin always got good stuff every time he drew cards before, why did he only get this kind of stuff now? Could it be that the novice period is over and the European emperor has become a chieftain?

He didn't believe it! There is still one purple guarantee and one chance,"Draw it for me!"

""Hua La Hu La" the ancient door opened again, but this time it spit out all purple light.

Then, in the rolling of the cards, after a burst of purple light, a card slowly slid out.

Li Xin clicked to flip the card.

Purple quality [Item Card: Mercury Sash] (Removes all control-type debuffs on you, and requires 72 hours of charging time after use)

Li Xin looked at the white sash in his hand that looked like it was made of mercury. This is a good thing that can save lives at critical moments! Suddenly Li Xin felt that this wave of card drawing was not unacceptable.

Then he wrapped the mercury sash around his arm. This sash is worthy of being a purple item. Even the touch is as gentle and cool as water. Just wearing it feels like it has an effect.

After that, Li Xin learned the Deer's Distant Sound skill, and then took out the bamboo wine pot, goggles, and a tattered and old cloak. He looked at each one carefully, and finally found that these were just ordinary items....

Apart from the fact that Ezreal's goggles were made of gold and were worth some money, Li Xin didn't know what the rest of them were used for.

Li Xin put on the goggles and looked at himself in the mirror."Well, it's really handsome."

He then put the other things into the suitcase and took out the psychic agent suit. After Li Xin put it on, he found that he didn't feel any other obvious effects.

This is the same as his own three-magatama white mask. The green quality must have an effect. The effect of the white mask is to enhance the release speed and power of ninjutsu, as well as change one's voice.

And Tingfeng Dao has another combat skill. This agent suit can increase some magic resistance and mental resistance, but Li Xin couldn't think of how to experiment with it.

"Forget it, forget it for now."

Then Li Xin put all these things into the suitcase.

Li Xin was very disappointed with the League of Legends universe deck this time. After all, there were so many gods in it, but he didn't draw any of them.

"System, how do I configure my card-drawing deck?"

"The card decks in the card drawing system are paired according to the host's character tags. The host can check his or her character tags in his or her attribute area."

"Character tag? When did this appear in my attribute column?"

Then Li Xin opened her attribute column..............

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