"Character tag? When did this appear in my attribute column?"

Li Xin opened her attribute column page out of curiosity.

【Li Xin】

【Age: 16】

【Height: 176 cm】

【Weight: 68 kg】

【Talents: Mangekyō Sharingan (Uchiha Obito), Finnish Iceman driving talent (Kimi Raikkonen), electronic music singing talent (Yiqi) Assassin's Way (Talon)]

Li Xin continued to scroll down......

Finally, at the bottom of the attribute column, there are three character labels: [Traveler (You are more sensitive to time and space)] [Worker (You are hardworking and patient when working or doing tasks)] [Good Person (You are a good person)]】......

After reading these labels, Li Xin seemed to understand something. In addition to the fact that the Mangekyō Sharingan was given as a gift, the reason why he could draw cards like Yu Dayan and Zhang Chulan seemed to have the answer.

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore, let's go have a big meal first."

After closing the system page, Li Xin ate up the offerings on the incense table, then opened the door and left.

Monaco during the Grand Prix is indeed the peak of commercial value. The hotels in the whole country are basically fully booked. Even eating in the hotel restaurant requires queuing.

Li Xin had no choice but to sit in the waiting area and wait, and by the way, study the explorer goggles he had just received.

Li Xin found that he liked the goggles more and more. The Shurima style design and some ancient arcane characters, no wonder Ezreal always wears them.

"Wow, Philip?"

Just as Li Xin was watching quietly, a surprised female voice shouted;

"Ava? What a coincidence!

The person who came was Ava Thornton Wells, the star of Midtown High School, and with her was a tall and handsome white man.

"This is my brother, Aiden. This is my classmate Philip Lee," Ava introduced them generously; then the two shook hands and greeted each other, but Aiden just shook his hand lightly and then withdrew.

In the subsequent chat, Li Xin learned that Aiden was a fan of the racing driver Locke, and he was also an underground racing driver. Ava just came here to travel with her family.

As they were talking, a middle-aged couple inside waved and greeted Ava and others outside.

Aiden walked into the restaurant without saying a word, and seemed too lazy to stay with Li Xin.

"I’m sorry, Aiden is just like that," Ava apologized with a smile;

"It's okay, you go in first, I need to wait here a little longer."

Li Xin is not a child. Although he doesn't know why Aiden doesn't like him, he is too lazy to get involved with these people. After all, they are not from the same circle.

"Why don't you come with us?" Aiwa suddenly thought of something and said to Li Xin with a smile.

Just when Li Xin was about to refuse

"It's okay, let's go together. Besides, didn't you promise to write a song for me? I just want to thank you." Ava pulled Li Xin inside.

When Li Xin was still a little confused, the two had already arrived at the table, and Ava even pulled out the chair for Li Xin and gestured for him to sit down.

Li Xin had no choice but to sit down in astonishment. Anyway, there was still a line outside, so he could just leave after eating.

"This is my high school classmate, Philip Lee," Ava introduced to her parents after sitting down;

"I know him. I really like the song he sang at the art festival a few days ago," said Mr. Wells with a smile.

Although this dinner was very sudden and awkward, Li Xin had lived two lives, so she quickly became familiar with him and started chatting freely.

""Dad, Philip is not only a good singer, but also the president of our high school Chinese Martial Arts Club."

For some reason, Ava kept saying good things about Li Xin at the dinner table, and Li Xin took the opportunity to look at the expressions of other people at the dinner table.

Mr. Wells was smiling all the time, and nothing could be seen. Aiden drank red wine silently with an indifferent expression on his face, and Mrs. Wells had a gloomy expression, as if she was a little unhappy.

But Li Xin didn't bother to care about these. After the braised pork and rice he ordered were served, he lowered his head to eat. What happened in this family had nothing to do with him.

Li Xin quickly finished his meal and said goodbye and left. When he was about to pay the bill at the front desk, Ava caught up with him again.

"Sorry, Philip, I'll come to you in the evening and talk to you about it, okay?"

"Why are you apologizing? I took advantage of you and I should thank you,"

Li Xin said with a smile. In fact, Li Xin probably guessed what was going on. It was nothing more than wanting him to act as a shield or something.

"Well, last time we asked each other out for drinks, you disappeared somewhere, so don’t stand me up this time," Ava said with a smile;

"Don't worry, I will send you the song I promised you after I return to school, but I really have something to do tonight," Li Xin refused;

Ava is indeed rich and beautiful, and her age is the most beautiful and attractive age for white people, but Li Xin really doesn't want to talk about some bullshit romantic love story now, and he doesn't want to let his Yang Wu Lei fail.

After paying the bill, Li Xin waved and left the restaurant, and Ava looked at the back that had already gone away, and didn't know what to think for a moment.

"This is the first time someone has rejected me. Philip, you are so interesting. Ava smiled in her heart.

After returning to the hotel room, Li Xin continued to practice. This is also the habit that Li Xin has maintained for so many years, because he always believes in one sentence: Self-control will not make you worse, but self-discipline can make you stronger.

When Li Xin was a child, he envied the male protagonist in Jin Yong's martial arts novels very much. His martial arts were unparalleled in the world, and there were many beautiful women around him, but people always forget the hardships that the male protagonist suffered in the early stage, and the boring time of practice.

And Li Xin naturally has to cherish this new life. It's not easy to control his own destiny once, and he doesn't want to ruin a good hand.


The next morning, Li Xin opened his eyes from meditation. Today was the day of the race, the day Tony Stark came to Monaco, and the day"Lightning Five Whips" came to challenge Iron Man. I just don't know if Tony will go up to the race in this life.

In the last life, Tony's palladium poisoning became more and more serious. He felt powerless and just wanted to experience indulgence in his life, but in this life, Li Xin gave him potions to relieve some of the pain. He should be more confident.

When Li Xin and his family set out for the viewing area, they found that the country had become very lively and full of people. As fireworks began to be set off in the sky, the police cleared the streets, and Li Xin knew that Tony was coming.

Sure enough, not long after, a luxury car stopped in front of a hotel led by two police cars, and Tony, wearing a suit and sunglasses, slowly got out of the car. While getting out of the car, he was chatting with Miss Pepper Potts next to him. Then the national leaders shook hands and took photos.

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