"Come out, don't hide anymore,"

Li Xin shouted in a cold voice towards the shadow of a roof.

Sure enough, another man in black dressed in black killer clothes slowly walked out.

Jing Teng had just watched the whole process of how Li Xin killed his two companions.

He was lurking in the dark and was originally prepared to cooperate with the chain blade to give Li Xin a fatal blow, but the situation turned around too quickly in the end. In the blink of an eye, the captain and his companions fell down....

"Isn't it already agreed?...Isn't it already agreed?....Why did it suddenly become like this!"

Ito looked at Captain Yamashina who was kneeling beside him and said in disbelief; the captain had already pressed down on the target. The target was surrounded by shuriken and was about to be stabbed by the chain blade, and he appeared to kill him with one blow.

"Why, why is this happening?..."

Jing Teng looked at the bodies of his teammates and thought of the scenes when their Yamashina team carried out missions together, trained together, drank wine and played with women together, and remembered the scene of cherry blossoms flying in his hometown that year.....I remembered the gentle girl from my hometown wearing a kimono...

At this time, Jing Teng looked at Li Xin with a determined look. He knew that his strength was far inferior to that of the masked man, but he did not want to be looked down upon by the captain and the others.

"Kill!"Jijiji!" Jing Teng's eyes flashed with tears of grief. After raising his sword, he quickly killed Li Xin who was standing not far away.

As the space twisted and blurred, Li Xin suddenly appeared in front of Jing Teng, and a gloved hand grabbed his neck like a pair of pliers.

Jing Teng was like a chick with its throat pinched, being held in the air by Li Xin's neck. At the moment when his brain was about to suffocate, he saw a pair of blood-red eyes.

Then Jing Teng's consciousness fell into darkness, and when he opened his eyes again, a Sharingan with a rotating windmill pattern was slowly turning in his sky.....

On the roof of the real world, Li Xin looked at Jing Teng, who was kneeling on the ground, lowering his head and speaking intermittently, and frowned slightly.

"Hand and meeting? Interesting..."

After learning the information, Li Xin killed him with a single blow.

As for the fourth teammate Jing Teng mentioned, Li Xin had already sent one of his clones to follow him....

At this time, Li Xin was closing his eyes and feeling the killing tonight. For some reason, he felt a little excited....Especially the Tingfeng Blade and his own pair of Mangekyō Sharingan.

After all, the Tingfeng Blade is a weapon that grew up in killing. Its previous owner didn't know how many lives he had killed with it, so Li Xin understood why the blade was excited.

But the pleasure from the Mangekyō Sharingan made Li Xin a little panicked, because Li Xin knew what was wrong with the Uchiha family, could it be that he was also?

Li Xin shook his head and stopped thinking about it; then a breeze blew over Li Xin and disappeared into the vast night.

At this time, in a remote street corner, Fujikawa Hanmiao was hiding with a face full of grief and anger. Everything that happened tonight was too much of a blow to him, who was only 14 years old.

As a genius boy who graduated early at the age of 12 in the killer training camp, he was promoted to the lower level of the demon level in just two and a half years after entering the industry.

After coming to the Yamashina team, he experienced the beautiful thing called life. Captain Yamashina has always taken good care of him, and everyone cares about and helps him.

For him who had no parents or family since childhood, the Yamashina team gave him the warmth of family and the feeling of family.

But today it all ended, the target was too powerful! Fujikawa witnessed everything that happened tonight, the exquisite clone technique and the incomprehensible fire escape. He seemed to understand the determination of the club for the target.

But all he could do at this time was to escape, he had to send the information out

"At this time, he had already fled for 6 streets and would soon reach the safe zone.

Just as Tengchuan was wondering if he had escaped the target's pursuit, a cold light suddenly appeared above his head and attacked him.

""Ah~" With a childish but strong voice, Fujikawa quickly drew his sword to block the dangerous blow.

But the masked man raised his foot and kicked him. Fujikawa only felt a strong force coming from his chest, and he was kicked away. But Fujikawa was worthy of being a ghost-level killer.

When he was in the air, he waved his left hand quickly and shot out several tricky and accurate shurikens!

"whoosh...Ding Ding..."With a few crisp sounds, the masked man slashed down a few shots and dodged a few more, then chased after Fujikawa again.

Just as Fujikawa was about to get close, several thorny vines came from nowhere and passed through Fujikawa's ears, armpits and crotch from behind.

The thorny vines that suddenly appeared instantly bound the masked man's neck and torso, and after binding the target, the vines began to spread rapidly and contracted vigorously.

""Bang~" A burst of white smoke exploded, and Tengman fell to the ground.....

""Sir, Mountain Ghost~" Fujikawa sighed happily as he looked at the newcomer.

Senju Kyoko, who was wearing a very revealing ninja outfit, was slowly walking out of the dark with sexy steps. She glanced at Fujikawa who was still lying on the ground and licked her tongue seductively.....

Li Xin, who was eating chocolate on the rooftop of the building after bandaging his wound, suddenly opened his eyes, and saw the last image sent by the clone in his vision.

"Is this the Earth-level killer?..."

Then Li Xin slowly stood up and looked at the place where the clone disappeared."Hand and will..."


Far across the ocean in Europe, Li Xin is at the famous Monaco attraction, the top of the city on the mountain, overlooking the entire Monaco harbor; but he is not alone. Aunt Darlene, who received Tony's invitation, came to Monaco with her family.

In this hot July summer, the city-state of Monaco has assembled eleven F1 teams. In the racing world, especially Formula Monaco, the status is very high. This track is likened to the"crown jewel of F1".

Monaco is a city-state located in southern France. It has a very small area of only 1.981 square kilometers and a local population of less than 40,000. If it were in China, it would probably be the size of a larger village.

But such a small country is indeed a symbol of the peak influence and commercial value of racing in the world.

In the three major Formula events, every legendary racer has a track that must be conquered; the Le Mans track for the endurance race, the Indianapolis track for the Indy Formula, and the Monaco Monte Carlo track for the F1 Grand Prix.

Many people even say that if you conquer Monaco, you have conquered motorsport. This is not a joke but a consensus among many people............

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