The moment the black man saw the mysterious man with the white mask, he quickly retreated, and the remaining two brothers hurried forward to support him.

"I heard that the boss wants to find someone to have fun with, so why not let me accompany you to have fun."

Li Xin held the bleeding Tingfeng Knife in one hand and spoke in a cold voice from the mask; at this time, the black man found that he could not escape and quickly knelt down to beg for mercy, because the mysterious man with a white mask was no different from a devil in the eyes of these gang members. If you are caught by the police, you can still have food and drink, but if you are caught by this man, you can only wish you good luck.

"I'm sorry, brother. I was wrong. I'll give you all my money. Please spare my life. I was wrong...."Woo woo woo"

The remaining two brothers also knelt down and kowtowed, begging for mercy from Li Xin.

At this time, the woman behind hurriedly came up and held Li Xin's arm in worship, and said in a sweet voice in Chinese;

""Wow, brother, you are so awesome, thank you, thank you for saving us~"

Just as Li Xin was about to say something, she suddenly made an emergency evasive action!

It turned out that at the moment when the woman hugged Li Xin's arm and said thank you, the man behind her used the dagger in his hand to quickly stab towards the back of Li Xin's heart.

This stab was like a poisonous snake that had been lurking for a long time, tricky and vicious!

But Li Xin had super physical fitness and conditioned reflex ability after all, and avoided the vital parts in the extreme time of the stab, but this stab still cut a wound on Li Xin's waist.

At this time, Li Xin had instantly started the Mangekyō Sharingan! The emotions of disbelief and anger had already overwhelmed Li Xin....

The man found that the first stab was unsuccessful, so he quickly stabbed the second time. Only by killing the man in front of him could he stay in the United States and get more money than he could spend in his lifetime."So, fellow countryman, don't blame me."

As he thought, the knife easily stabbed into the body of the masked man, and even his hand passed through Li Xin's body.

"Divine power!"

After a rotation of space, Li Xin disappeared. When he appeared again, he was already in the air behind the two men. A sharp knife flashed, and the heads of the two men fell to the ground neatly.

When the black man saw that the Chinese man succeeded, he immediately stood up and ran out of the alley, because he knew that this trick could not deal with such a freak!

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique" Li Xin in the air quickly formed a seal with one hand, and a large fireball sprayed towards the alley, and instantly burned and exploded in the alley.

"Boom~" As a burst of flames shot up into the sky, many painful and terrifying screams came from the alley, and some"fire men" who were not yet dead were still rolling and struggling....

After Li Xin finished the operation, he jumped onto a roof and looked down to check his wound.

Just as Li Xin looked down,"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh~" a series of rapidly spinning shurikens flew towards Li Xin's position.

The positions of these shurikens were very tricky, leaving no place for people to hide, and they would hit Li Xin in the blink of an eye.

Li Xin, who was in the state of Mangekyō Sharingan, naturally dodged and slashed the remaining shurikens with the precision of Tingfeng Knife. He saw a masked killer who had appeared in front of him at some point.

"It's you again..."Seeing the familiar killer costumes, Li Xin knew that they were the same group of people who assassinated him in the unfinished building last time.

Seeing that Li Xin had easily resolved the shuriken, Yamashina Yuji stopped talking. Holding a katana, he sprinted a few steps on the eaves and arrived in front of Li Xin. Then, a fast and fierce cold light was pulled out of the scabbard and slashed towards Li Xin's mask.

""What a strong explosive force, what a fast Iai!" Li Xin sighed in his heart as he watched the killer attacking quickly.

""Ding~" There was a crisp sound of swords colliding. Li Xin blocked the sword with his sword sideways!

Yamashina Yuji's face suddenly showed a trace of disbelief. Although he had been trained to be an emotionless killing machine since he was a child, he was still deeply shocked when he saw that the man in front of him wearing a white three-magatama mask could easily block his sword.

Because this means that his sword path, force point and timing have all been seen through by the opponent!

""Hmph!" Then Yamashina Yuji adjusted his position again and began to slash at Li Xin rapidly. His sword skills were sharp and fast, and each sword accurately attacked Li Xin's vital points, making it impossible for people to be careless.

"Ding Ding...Dangdang..."Amid the fierce clashes of swords, Li Xin fought and retreated.

It seemed that Li Xin was unable to resist, but he just wanted to feel the swordsmanship of the man in black in front of him, which was extremely fast and full of murderous intent. Fighting with such a master, Li Xin felt that his Xuanxu swordsmanship had improved a little.

The two fought each other on the eaves for two minutes, but Li Xin was actually just defending most of the time, only occasionally attacking with a few swords. After all, the Sharingan has the ability to copy. Only by learning more swordsmanship and integrating it more can you develop a stronger swordsmanship.

""Exquisite swordsmanship, but that's all." A cold voice came from under the mask, and Yamashina Yuji was a little out of breath at this time. Although the short confrontation lasted less than two minutes, every move and style was extremely thrilling. And every time he looked at the blood-red eyes with dark windmill patterns revealed by the mask, he always felt a little scared.

Li Xin clenched his hands and listened to the wind, then took a step and slashed down with a knife. This knife was so swift that it was like lightning cutting through space. Yamashina Yuji looked at the knife and he immediately felt his hair stand on end!

Just as Li Xin was about to chop down with his sword, a man in black appeared in the dark behind him again, trying to seize Li Xin's weakness at this time, and threw a chain with a sharp tip towards him. The tip of the knife was like a poisonous snake coming out of a hole, heading straight for Li Xin's vitals!

But Li Xin had already been prepared, after all, he had already experienced how much these people liked to play tricks.

Li Xin turned around and chopped the chain blade, then turned around and chopped it with his toes. A cold light flashed, and a line of blood flowed from Yamashina Yuji's forehead to his lower body, and then blood began to spurt out

"Listen to the Wind..."Looking at the sword in front of him that had been cut into two pieces, Li Xin said silently;

""Hah~" With a roar, the man in black with the chain blade quickly threw a few shurikens and then swung the chain blade at Li Xin again, trying to use the length of the weapon to pull Li Xin and help another companion who was hiding in the dark to create an attack opportunity.

But at this time, Li Xin ignored the chain blade and the flying shurikens, and was behind the man in black with a flash.

In the black man's horrified eyes, Li Xin fiercely slashed the Tang sword that had been against his neck. With a stream of blood spraying, the man in black slowly fell to the ground

"Come out, don't hide.".........................

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