There are only 18 places above the demon level. Everyone here is a ruthless killing machine, and some of them have abilities that exceed the limits of human beings. As for the heaven level, there are only two people.

The second in the world, the eighteenth. This is the saying that has been circulating in the hand and the society.

When Yamashina Yuji and his teammates gathered, they bowed towards the hot spring not far away.

"Mountain Ghost"

"Go and see the real strength of that person...."

A lazy Kyoto accent came from the hot spring. A woman with a delicate face and smooth skin was seen drinking sake and squinting her eyes.

Facing this woman who seemed to be slightly drunk and naked in the hot spring, Yamashina Yuji and the other three did not dare to take a sneak peek, nor did they dare to have any improper thoughts, because she was the"Mountain Ghost" who was one of the eighteen highest ranking women."

"It seems that the guild attaches great importance to this mysterious man, White Mask, and even sent Lord Yamagui to come here." Yamashina Yuji, who had already left the other courtyard, said to his teammates;

"Yes, after all, everyone failed last time," said a team member;

"Will we die this time?...."A teammate with a still childish voice said;

"Don't worry, we have planned everything, and you are mainly responsible for observation tonight, and we have Lord Mountain Ghost to support us this time," said a teammate easily; and Li Xin, who was still unaware of the situation, was carrying an unconscious old lady to the hospital. Li Xin quickly came to the emergency department, found a bed frame and put the old lady on it, then took out 500 US dollars and put it beside the bed, and quickly wrote down the old lady's home address.

""I have already called her family and they are on their way." After saying that, Li Xin jumped and disappeared in the hospital building.

At this time, the nurses at the nurse station were stunned and reacted,"Ah!! It's the mysterious man in the white mask." The two young female nurses reacted and screamed.

In addition to Li Xin sending an old man to the hospital, there was another Li Xin who was carrying a kitten back to its owner outside a high-rise apartment.

"Thank you so much, otherwise if Xiaobai fell down and died, I don’t know what to do...Thank you," a bespectacled office worker thanked excitedly;

""Next time, remember to close the windows." A cold voice came from under the white mask.

After that, Li Xin continued to use his clone to help with small things. Since he saved a kitten left behind by its owner in a burning house last time, Li Xin found that the system task also counted as a heroic achievement for him.

So as long as Li Xin felt it was a heroic act, he would step forward to help. Sure enough, in just a few hours, the number of tasks had increased to 73.

Just as Li Xin was looking at the system tasks, a cry for help came to Li Xin's ears, and these cries for help were mixed with a few Chinese sentences.

"Another mission, and it’s from the same hometown." Li Xin quickly ran towards the direction of the voice.

In an alley on the bar street, two young Asian faces were surrounded by a group of black people in the corner of the alley and shivered.

"Hey, man, we just want to have some fun with your girlfriend, why are you so nervous?"

A black man walking in front said obscenely; and some younger brothers behind him also began to make strange laughter to echo their big brother.

""Brother, why don't you let me play with that guy? I think he looks quite young, so it should be a different kind of experience." A black boy licked his tongue and said, which caused others to whistle and laugh.

"No.....Don't come over here, we are Chinese tourists, we are going to call the police, please don't come over here anymore."

Although the young man had a greasy face, he still acted like a man and protected his girlfriend behind him.

His girlfriend was pale and trembling behind him.

"Call the police? Aren’t we friends? Don’t worry, my house is pretty big."

The black man said and walked forward again.

"Don't worry, serve me well tonight, maybe I will reward you with a tip~"

At this time, the Chinese man took out a small dagger from his pocket and gestured in front of him.

"Don't come over here! I will fight anyone who comes over here," the man said tremblingly;

"Hahaha...."The black man laughed and lifted his clothes, revealing a pistol stuck in his waist.

"Don't worry, it's just my girlfriend. We won't give you money after we have fun. Why are you risking your life?"

The black man had no intention of hiding the desire in his eyes at this moment, and then he walked straight up.

At this time, Li Xin saw all this in a building not far away.

"What a bunch of beasts, they don't even let the men go."

Li Xin was furious when he saw his compatriots being bullied.

But now this Li Xin is just a clone, and the real body is still rushing here. And most of the people below are carrying guns, so they can't just go down like this.

Just as the black man grabbed the man's hand and wanted to throw him to the ground, an iron pipe was thrown over;

"Bang~" The iron rod hit the black man's bald head.

""Ouch, f*ck! Damn!"

The black man was in so much pain that he squatted on the ground, covering his head with one hand and cursing loudly.

When the younger brothers saw an iron pipe suddenly dropped from the sky, some people habitually put their hands on the guns on their waists.

At this time, a black shadow stood on the wall not far away. Just as everyone looked over,"Bang~" it turned into white smoke and disappeared.

"What the hell is this? Listen, no matter who you are, if you dare to mess with the Crocodile Gang, you are dead today."

A black man with a big flower tattoo on his arm shouted in the direction just now; and this black shadow was naturally Li Xin. When Li Xin arrived, he recovered his clone. Because the other party was carrying a gun, the clone would consume his chakra if it was dispersed.

"It seems to be bleeding, big brother," said a younger brother who went up to help check it to the big brother; the black man touched his head and felt a little wet, and he was immediately furious.

"Damn it, come out! Don't hide! I know you are here!"

Just as the black man was cursing, a pure white electric light flashed behind the crowd, followed by the screams and twitching sounds of several brothers who were numb from the electric shock.

After that, several arcs of electricity flashed with cold light. Several black brothers only felt a chill on their necks, and then their vision dropped directly to their heels.

At this time, several brothers had already reacted and took out their pistols and opened fire. But Li Xin moved very quickly. Li Xin in the thunder state flashed with lightning, and several people with pistols instantly found that their hands were neatly cut off.

"Oh, my hand!..."Some of the black men who fell to the ground screamed like pigs being slaughtered.

At this time, Li Xin jumped between the black man and the two Chinese people.

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