After Tony drank the potion, he felt a warm current flowing down his throat, and then blossomed all over his body.

After opening his eyes, Tony felt that his body suddenly became very light, and the state of being exhausted from staying up late last night suddenly became refreshed. And he suddenly felt like he was galloping on a horse.

"This feeling.....This is amazing, this is a real life potion," Tony said with emotion;

"By the way, where did Philip’s ancestors come from?" Tony suddenly asked;

"Sir, his father is Chinese....."Jarvis then retrieved all the information about Li Xin on the virtual page.

"Is this the mysterious oriental power?" Tony looked at the empty bottle in his hand and murmured. This magical power that could not be explained by science was too domineering. He liked it too much.

"Sir, your blood activity and cell activity have increased significantly, and the palladium poisoning has been temporarily controlled," Jarvis said mechanically after scanning Tony's body;

Tony looked at the report he had just scanned on the virtual page. Although the palladium poisoning state was not completely eliminated, he now had confidence in the future again........

Li Xin's art festival was coming to an end, and the actors on the stage took their bows. The audience applauded the performance.

Li Xin rubbed her eyes and stretched. The play was too long and too elegant. It was a pity that Li Xin didn't know how to appreciate it.

Open the system page [Campus Star] (completed). This task was actually completed when Li Xin first appeared on the hot search, but if Li Xin wants a better score, she needs a higher popularity.

"Is the host sure to complete the task?"OK""

"Mission [Campus Star] Completed, Rated A+. (Your name has spread throughout Central City High School, your deeds will cause widespread discussion, and your actions here will affect those who like you) Rewards: 3 card draw opportunities, 800 points, and a purple quality guaranteed card"

Li Xin was relieved in his heart. At present, there are 5 times last time plus 8 times this time, and now there are more tasks than before, so it should be possible to accumulate 72 times soon.

Just when Li Xin was thinking about how to draw a deck without any cards and get a golden flash, he received a prompt from the system.

"Host, please note that you have 5 chances to draw cards that are about to expire. Please handle them in time."

Li Xin was stunned. He never expected that such a thing would happen. If he drew cards purely by luck, he would have to wait until the end of time to draw a gold card!

Li Xin looked at the expiration date and saw that there were still 3 days left. Li Xin did a simple calculation, which meant that the chance to draw a card could be retained for 9 days.

"No, I have to do ten consecutive draws anyway." Li Xin had already decided at this time that she had to work overtime to complete another task before leaving for Monaco!

Then Li Xin said hello to Catherine and the others and said that she was not feeling well and went home first.


After returning home, Li Xin quickly changed into a hero suit. Then he made a seal on the spot."Bang~" A puff of white smoke, a pajamas-wearing Li Xin crawled into the bed.

At night, on the top floor of a high-rise building in Brooklyn, Li Xin ate three pieces of chocolate in one mouthful, and then drank a bottle of mineral water in one gulp.

""We should have a day off today, but I'm sorry, I'm used to working overtime." Li Xin said, looking at the busy streets below;

New York at night always has a different charm, and all kinds of dirty things are hidden under the beautiful appearance. Anyone who comes to Brooklyn, New York, the locals will tell you the same thing:"Try not to go out at night."

Looking at the lively neon streets, it seems that everyone is happy and free, but if you pay a little attention, you will find that the sirens of police cars have hardly stopped......

At this time, in a luxurious pub in Brooklyn, Kevin Corea was chatting with a white man in an expensive suit. At this time, a white man ran to Kevin Corea and whispered something in his ear.

Kevin Corea, who was originally smiling, suddenly turned black and a murderous look appeared between his eyebrows.

"Mr. Corea, since you have something to deal with, I won't bother you for now."

Seeing the other party's face suddenly become so ugly, the white man put on his hat and said goodbye.

"OK, I look forward to meeting you next time," Kevin Corea said as he stood up and shook hands.

As the white man and the bodyguards got into the car and left, Kevin Corea quickly took out his cell phone and made a call.

It turned out that the mysterious man in white mask had been coming to Brooklyn to fight criminals every day, and often moved around in the area of the Lucchese family. Recently, he had messed up their business.

Brooklyn was the area that Kevin Corea was in charge of, and he had been scolded by his superiors recently.

Moreover, the Lucchese family, a mafia that had been in power for so many years, The underground emperor, the curses are as harsh as they can be. Kevin Corea has been the leader of a hall for so many years, and has been pampered for so many years. How can he endure such humiliation?

So he didn't wait for the unlucky Blood Gang leader's perverted brother, and directly asked someone to"arrange" the mysterious man White Mask. Just when he was thinking that his brothers might not be strong enough.

The famous Japanese killer organization Hand and Society actually contacted him and sent a master to help. At this time, Kevin Corea was calling the killer.

After a series of phone connection sounds, the other party answered the phone.

"Said"A cold voice came from the other end of the phone;

"Mr. Yamashina's target appeared..."Kevin Corea said smilingly into the phone;

""According to the plan"

In a luxuriously decorated Japanese-style villa, Yamashina Yuji hung up the phone after he finished speaking, and then returned to his room to change into a black killer outfit.

When Yamashina Yuji came out of the room, there were already three men in black kneeling in the living room. If Li Xin was here, he would find that the clothes these people wore were exactly the same as those of the killers who appeared in the gang before.

These people are all"ghost"-level killers from the Neon Hand and Society. The Hand and Society has a clear killer level, ranked according to heaven, earth, ghosts, and humans.

Human-level killers are those who have just graduated from the killer training camp. These people have learned various killing techniques and various infiltration and assassination work since childhood.

The ghost-level is the old-fashioned killer who has been in actual combat for many years after graduation. It is also the backbone of the Hand and Society. Each ghost-level is an elite among the elite killers.

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