Just as Tony finished speaking, the sirens of police cars sounded outside, and several men in suits and sunglasses came up, and the remaining gang members were pinned to the ground.

"Oh, damn, what happened here~"

A police officer came in and saw the bodies and some things that had been cut into pieces. This bloody hell scene made some police officers who had just started working turn around and vomit.

Li Xin saw that Iron Man and the police had come, so he naturally put away his murderous intention. But Li Xin didn't want to deal with these people yet. He saw his right eye spinning, the space twisted, and Li Xin disappeared on the spot.

""Jarvis, did you see it? Can you analyze the situation just now?"

Tony said in surprise;

Tony seemed to have met his favorite toy, and hurriedly flew around in the air to observe.

But unfortunately, he never found any trace of the mysterious man with the white mask. In the end, he could only leave silently while looking down.

In fact, Tony has not had a very good time during this period. Now his business enemies are attacking him one after another, and the government and various media have begun to put pressure on him.

The most terrible thing is that the palladium element in the Ark reactor has penetrated into his body, and he can't find an element to replace it. His life seems to be counting down.

After leaving, Li Xin appeared on the roof of a hotel. After appearing, Li Xin immediately took off the mask panting. There was a strong smell of blood on his body, and the knife wound on his arm was still bleeding.

Bennett, who was even paler, reported his work during this period at the bathroom door. In the past few days, he has integrated the whereabouts of drugs in Queens, who still has a large amount of drugs, and how much drugs he has transferred from his hometown.

""Bang", there was a sound of the door opening, and Li Xin, who had just finished taking a shower, walked out of the bathroom shirtless. He looked at Bennett.

At this time, Bennett's face was pale and haggard, and his physical condition was gradually getting worse. This was the sequelae of the illusion. Bennett, who was completely controlled by the illusion, was just a walking corpse in a sense, no matter how normal his life was.

Once the mind and body lose balance, the body of an ordinary person will definitely collapse. Although he was still a normal person on the surface, Li Xin knew that he was not going to live long.

Now the [Heroic Dawn] mission has reached 90%, and it will probably be completed when the news is broadcast again tomorrow.

As for the Dali Gang, they have been keeping a low profile underground for so many years, and in fact many people don't know about this gang. But Li Xin is still ready to perform"The Last Dance"...

"Hello everyone, welcome to the New York Times. Behind me is the fight between the Blood Gang and the mysterious man White Mask. According to the police analysis at the scene, the Blood Gang has been annihilated by the mysterious man White Mask alone, and there is no body of the mysterious man White Mask at the scene...."

The unfinished building site has now been cordoned off, with a large number of police and medical staff busy everywhere.

"Sir, the victims at the scene were basically killed by electric shock and cold weapons. The forensic doctor initially determined that they were stabbed. Each wound was very smooth, and they were basically killed by a single blow."

"There are also several yellow people wearing black clothes. We can't find any information about them in the database...."

Officer Hank reported the situation to the police chief with a serious face. Judging from the situation on the scene, they would have to stay here all night.

"Let's ask the logistics department to bring some coffee and midnight snacks. We will probably have to work all night tonight. Let's notify the people in the bureau and issue a wanted order for the mysterious man in White Mask."

George Steve sighed and said;

Li Xin's annihilation of the Blood Gang was certainly a meritorious achievement for him, and he could also foresee a sharp downward trend in the crime rate in Queens in the future.

However, the higher-ups still wanted to arrest the mysterious man in White Mask and he had no choice because legally speaking, he had indeed violated the law.

George looked at the bloody scene and thought helplessly in his heart,"How can mortals contend with such extraordinary power?".......

The next morning, the news media forums exploded with news that"the government has issued a warrant for the arrest of the mysterious man in the white mask."","The scene at the Blood Gang was like hell." (with a picture of a police officer vomiting at the scene)

"I have said it before, weirdos like White Mask are a cancer that harms society, this is the result of unrestricted power," one netizen commented;

""The mysterious man White Mask destroyed the Blood Gang, and I can finally go out at night!" A netizen left a message; for a time, the public had a more heated discussion about the mysterious man White Mask. Some people thought that the Blood Gang deserved to die, and the police were unable to deal with it, so it was a good thing that White Mask helped you kill them all.

On the one hand, White Mask certainly has extraordinary abilities, so will he be the next Blood Gang? People should not worship such people who despise human life so much.

Some people also think that the mysterious man White Mask should contribute this extraordinary method instead of being a selfish lone ranger.

At this time, Li Xin, who was far away in the Alex Hotel, was looking at his system task [Hero Dawn 95%] which was about to be completed. As for the government's arrest warrant, Li Xin had long known that this would be the outcome sooner or later.

"It seems that after finishing the last thing tonight, I have to keep a low profile for a while."

Li Xin murmured as he looked at the huge New York from the French window;

"Master, everything has been arranged,"

Bennett said slowly with a pale face and head down.

Li Xin turned his head to look at Bennett. At this time, Bennett had a high fever of 39 degrees, but there was still no abnormality in his appearance, not even a cough. If this continues, his body will probably collapse in the next two days.

Li Xin still wanted to control Bennett to manage the Dali Gang, but ordinary people could not bear such a rough illusion. Perhaps a more sophisticated illusion could be invented to achieve a function similar to brainwashing.

In a seaside mansion far away in Malibu, California, Tony was watching the video of Li Xin using Shenwei last night back and forth. A virtual page on the desktop was playing the first-person perspective of Iron Man last night frame by frame.

There was also a page showing the hand gestures used by Li Xin when he used Yang Wu Lei in the alley and the spells recited in Chinese.

Tony was watching the video with his hands on his chest with a puzzled look on his face.

"Jarvis, do you think humans can really reach this level through cultivation? I think this is not scientific, but I also think his method must follow some kind of scientific’?"

Tony was puzzled at this time, but he always believed that science was meant to be broken and questioned.

In fact, the hand seals and spells in this video were only used as traditional rituals. With his current strength, Yang Wu Lei could also use it without reciting spells. As for ninjutsu, Li Xin only needed simple hand seals to release these C-level ninjutsu.

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