At this time, some gang members holding guns hurriedly approached Tucker, aiming nervously. While he was still aiming. A familiar-looking corpse suddenly fell from the upstairs.

Li Xin had returned to this unfinished building a long time ago, and this time he planned to get rid of the people with guns on high places first.

The lightning flashed and jumped, and the gang members couldn't aim at all, so they could only shoot randomly in that direction.

The captain of the mercenaries outside the unfinished building looked back and sighed. How could he have accepted this order when facing such a monster? Even if it will be difficult to get along in the future, he should save his life first.

A cold light flashed on the second-floor platform, and a guy with a gun fell to the ground. Li Xin walked out of the darkness slowly. A pair of blood-red Sharingan, the murderous aura on his body pressed everyone to the point of suffocation.

"Hehe~haha, so what, even if you kill us all, will the world be better?" Tucker said loudly with red eyes;

"And you are just like us, you are just an executioner! Kill him."

Several brothers rushed over with guns, but Tucker jumped down from the second floor and pressed a button.

""Boom~Boom~" In an instant, there was a violent explosion on the second floor, and suddenly a flame shot up into the sky, and a huge impact spread in all directions. Tucker had buried more than 100 kilograms of TNT here, just for this opportunity.

In the pool on the first floor, Tucker slowly got up. Although there was a pool to cushion him, the jump still broke his foot, but he did not regret it, because the smoke and dust above were rolling, and the whole building felt like it was going to collapse. He didn't believe that this weirdo could survive.

At this time, some gang members who were still hiding in the dark hurriedly ran out and prepared to evacuate here. BJ Tucker also retreated quickly with the help of two younger brothers.

But just as he walked out of the pool, he suddenly felt a sharp tingling sensation coming from the heart of his body.

"Ho~cough cough.."Blood slowly flowed from the corner of Tucker's mouth. He slowly lowered his head and saw that a sharp blade had pierced his heart from behind.

It all happened too fast. Everyone present looked at Tucker and the masked man behind him in horror and despair.

While the two younger brothers next to Tucker were still in shock, the"little white worm" on their necks turned into a pure white arc and flashed by, followed by a huge blood line. The two men immediately fell to the ground.

As Tucker fell, the pool had already turned into a pool of blood.....

At this time, Li Xin's three-magatama Sharingan has changed into a rotating windmill pattern."Mangekyo Sharingan-Kamiu"

Kamui is the unique ability of Uchiha Obito's Mangekyō Sharingan, and the abilities of the left and right eyes are different.

Left Eye Kamui: The left eye Kamui can forcibly break the enemy's limbs and send them into another space from a long distance, and can also teleport oneself in and out of another space. The size of the teleported object is determined by the amount of chakra of the caster.

Right Eye Kamui: The right eye Kamui can not only allow oneself to transfer back and forth between the real space and the other space, but also absorb the enemy into the other space, and can make oneself virtual to avoid the enemy's attack (that is, at the moment of being attacked, the attacked part is transferred to the other space to avoid the enemy's attack).

At the same time, the ninja tools can be stored in the other space in advance and released when needed.

(Obito once stored large shuriken and spikes in the different space of Kamui)

The disadvantage is that when absorbing, releasing or attacking the opponent, the body will be materialized, unable to avoid the enemy's attack, and in the single-eye state, the duration of Kamui's virtualization can only last for five minutes at most, and it will become invalid after five minutes.

In the original comics, Obito used the Kamui of his right eye many times to avoid the enemy's attack and suck the enemy into the different space.

Just as the rest of the people were preparing to continue shooting, a black shadow rushed towards the masked man with a cold light. It turned out to be another masked killer!

Li Xin dodged backwards, but under the Mangekyō Sharingan, such an attack could not pose any threat to him at all.

Then Li Xin swung the knife at the masked man. This seemingly casual flick was like a sharp lightning in the eyes of the masked man, leaving him nowhere to hide.

The masked man jumped back with all his strength, but the blade still cut a blood line on his chest. When he looked again, the blade was like a flower blooming in an instant, filling the last picture of his life.

The masked man lying on the ground at this time could never have imagined that he could not withstand two stabs.

Just as Li Xin's knife was stabbed into the masked man on the ground, two masked men in black flashed out from the air and were about to stab Li Xin's back.

There were actually masked men!

""Puchi~" There was a sound of a sharp blade piercing into flesh, but the people at the door let out a cry of shock and fear.

Because the two black-clothed masked men who jumped down from behind, their swords went through Li Xin directly as if through the air. They were directly stuck into the black-clothed men on the ground.

The two black-clothed men were shocked at this time and looked at each other, and they were about to withdraw with their swords, but Li Xin directly left the spot. When he appeared, there was a ripple in the space in his left eye, and then a vortex sucked the two black-clothed men in!

"What kind of monster is this? Did he eat people directly? My God, this is crazy."

A black guy said with his eyes wide open in disbelief; a space vortex swirled and Li Xin appeared, but with him appeared countless broken limbs and flesh."Pa pa pa" fell to the ground.

At this time, Li Xin's mask and robe and the Tingfeng Knife in his hand were covered with blood, as well as the cold and terrifying Mangekyō Sharingan. He stood there like a bloody man returning from hell and slowly walked towards the rest of the people.

At this time, the remaining gang members had already been scared out of their wits. You let them bully the weak and shoot them in the wind, but if they really meet such a ruthless person who kills people faster than killing chickens, you really overestimate their courage.

"Please, don't kill me. Please~"

Some people have thrown away their guns and knelt on the ground crying and shouting; some people who were still in a daze immediately threw their guns aside and knelt down.

But Li Xin still walked forward step by step with a knife in his hand. Just as he raised the knife, an energy cannon blasted over.

A mechanical sound came from above his head, and then a steel armor interwoven with gold and red slowly fell; then he quickly knelt on one knee, opened a palm and faced Li Xin

"That's all, mysterious man~White Mask, oh, do you have colored contact lenses? Oh, it's easy to scare children,"

Iron Man greeted in a hippie way;

"I know you have good intentions and want to do good things, but believe me, you have done almost enough. If you continue, you will become a worse person than them,"

Tony said in a serious voice;

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