In the distant SHIELD headquarters, Nick Fury also finished watching the video material about the mysterious man with the white mask on the sofa.

"Contact him as soon as possible, and I will talk to the police system,"

Nick Fury said to Hill, then turned and looked out the window at the Pentagon....

In Brooklyn, New York, in a lavishly decorated tavern, a man frowned slightly,"BJ Tucker is dead? Does that mean we can't sell our alcohol in Queens anymore?"

The man's name is Kevin Corea, and he is a member of the Lucchese family, one of the five major mafia families in New York. He is responsible for the alcohol smuggling business in the family.

Basically, the so-called five major families in New York all got started with the"Prohibition", and although they later switched to drugs, the alcohol smuggling business has never stopped.

He supported BJ Tucker because he helped his perverted brother, the Blood Gang in Queens, over the years.

"Yes, sir, I sent someone to inquire about it. Suddenly, a mysterious man wearing a white mask appeared over there and wiped out the Rat Gang and the Blood Gang over there," a subordinate next to him reported in a low voice;

Kevin Corea gently stirred the coffee in his cup with a spoon, took a sip and said lightly:"The loss of the alcohol market share in Queens is a small matter, but BJ Tucker's matter must be notified to his brother."

Today, Iron Man Tony Stark, who has been active on TV, and the mysterious man with a white mask who has been frequently searched in New York may have some influence on some ordinary gangs, but for the five major families that have been deeply rooted in the underground of New York for many years, it has always been a small ripple in the long river of history......

A dinner party was going on in the Alex Hotel. Alex seemed to have drunk a lot of wine and was chatting happily with the people around him with a rosy face.

"Listen to me, although Queens has been very uneasy recently, some brothers' markets have been affected."

"However, only people are still here, so how can you get less money if you follow me? Hahaha, come and drink."

Alex raised his glass again and said loudly.

Alex was actually very happy about the destruction of the Rat Gang and the Blood Gang, because this Queens area would belong to his Dali Gang in the future, and the Dali Gang had been keeping a low profile for so many years that even the police could not catch any evidence against them, let alone the White Mask.

"Are we just going to ignore our boss's revenge?"

At this time, a black guy sitting in the corner of the seat said in a deep voice;

"Haha, do you think that's why the police issued a wanted order for White Mask so quickly? And revenge? How else do you want to take revenge?"

Alex sneered at this time; seeing the atmosphere getting cold, an old white man hurriedly came out to smooth things over.

"Ahem, your Blood Gang is now only one in ten left, let's put revenge aside for now. I think the more important issue today is the future market share distribution in Queens."

"What instructions did Mr. Bennett have for calling everyone here today?"

At this time, Bennett, who was drinking silently, raised his head, adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses and looked around the people present. Some of these people were responsible for transportation, some were"dealers" here, and some were gangster bosses who had been rooted underground for many years.

"Now that you have eaten and drunk to your heart's content, I think it's time for you to get going...."

At this time, everyone present was a little stunned. They didn't know what Bennett meant, or they couldn't believe that he would say such"confused words".

Only the leader of the Dali Gang happily raised his glass to toast Bennett, saying:"We naturally support Mr. Bennett's arrangement unconditionally. After drinking this glass, we will leave. Come on, I'll drink first!"

Immediately, everyone at the scene began to smile and raise their glasses.

But Alex squinted and stared at Bennett, because it was too strange to hear such inexplicable words coming out of his mouth.

"By the way, brother, why haven't you seen Jeff for so long? What mission did he go on?"

Alex asked casually while drinking.

But Bennett lowered his head and said nothing. A cold and unfamiliar voice came from the ceiling.

""Jeff has already arrived at the heaven station. If you miss him so much, I will send you off tonight."

Everyone who heard the voice immediately looked towards the ceiling, and it was Li Xin who was standing upside down on it!

A sense of oppression emanated from the room, and an emotion called fear was inexplicably transmitted in everyone's heart. The scene was suddenly noisy. Some people were about to touch their guns, but they found that they had been searched before entering the room.

At this time, Alex stared at Bennett and said,"It turned out to be you, but why? Why did you betray the Guzman family? Betray Lord Bazel?"

Alex asked loudly with an unbelievable look on his face. He never expected that the traitor was him. Even if the traitor was me, Alex, it shouldn't be you!........

The beautiful reporter Kay, who just got off work today, suddenly received a secret letter; the letter said that White Mask would appear on Fourth Avenue in Queens tonight and would be interviewed. At this time on Fourth Avenue, there were already several large boxes piled up in the square, and a person was standing on the boxes.

These boxes were filled with drugs collected by Bennett, plus those transferred from Mexico before, the total amount was no less than several million kilograms.

Two clones of Li Xin were unloading boxes of goods from a large truck, and the contents of the boxes were exactly the drugs currently circulating in the hands of underground gangs.

At this time, some passers-by on the street were also attracted by the situation here. Kay and her colleagues also hurried over with cameras.

After Li Xin moved the drugs in two or three moves, he jumped directly in front of the crowd;

"Hello Mr. Mysterious Man, I am Kay, a reporter from the New York Daily News.���Why did you eliminate the Rat Gang and the Blood Gang? And your cruel methods really show your contempt for life? And do you think the media's evaluation of you is correct?"

When Kai saw Li Xin, he immediately came up with the microphone and asked hurriedly;

"In the box at the back are all the drugs from the underground gangs in Queens. Half of the credit for the chaos in New York lies with these things."

Li Xin didn't waste any words. He quickly formed seals with both hands and used the"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique".

A fireball sprayed towards the box."Boom~" There was an explosion, and flames shot up into the sky on the Fourth Avenue Plaza.....

"As for the government's arrest warrant for me, that's their business. What I want to say is that when people fall into darkness, they need someone who can fight against the darkness to save them. I can, so I will go."

"If the criminals still try to stir up the darkness and challenge me, then I will let them know what it means to smash the darkness with thunder!"

After saying this, Li Xin stretched out his hand and made a gesture. Suddenly, a jumping arc of electricity flashed in his hand, and then the arc slammed into the ground. There was a burst of lightning at the scene......

The scene of lightning and fire tonight has been deeply engraved in the eyes of these people.

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