Hearing Thor telling the story of the Nine Realms, Li Xin immediately became interested and pulled his shoulder and asked;

"Thor, didn't you say that dragons exist in the Nine Realms? Can you tell me where they live?"

"Yes, I have dealt with many dragons. Most of them are not easy to get along with and are very irritable, but some ancient dragons are very wise and willing to listen to your stories...."

Seeing Li Xin's yearning look, Thor talked to the dragons in the elevator, and Li Xin also learned from him that there was a vast world outside the earth.

"Although I would love to take you around my hometown, it will take some time to repair the Rainbow Bridge...."

But as Thor finished speaking, Loki's voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears;

"In fact, you don't have to cross the Rainbow Bridge to get to Asgard, and you will definitely appear in Asgard later, I can guarantee it...."

"What's going on? Isn't Loki's mouth sealed tightly?"

After hearing this abrupt voice, Tony suddenly looked at Loki behind him, but at this time, Loki remained the same, with his mouth sealed tightly.

"Can't you speak without a mouth?"

Seeing everyone's shocked look, Loki shrugged and rolled his eyes mockingly.

"It's probably some kind of teleportation...."

Li Xin also heard Loki's voice. As a wizard, these were just a trick for him. Moreover, Li Xin suspected that the special handcuffs had no effect on him at all.

At least after being handcuffed, Loki could easily use magic to transform himself into Rogers....

"Shut up, brother, don't you think you haven't caused enough trouble?"

Faced with Thor's low scolding, Loki raised his hands in surrender and continued to look at Thor like a fool.

"Brother, can't you be a little more serious and get to know your teammate? Don't you feel the breath of Odin on him?"

After hearing Loki's words, Thor looked at Li Xin with a suspicious look on his face. After closing his eyes and feeling for a moment, he really felt a special breath on Li Xin.

"Roar, Loki! He is actually a trial warrior. My father is finally going to open the trial ground again. Hahahaha.

Thor seemed to have confirmed something and started laughing in the elevator. However, that sudden and honest laughter made everyone in the elevator feel very embarrassed....

Especially Loki, who buried his head in the deepest place at this time, fearing that everyone would know that he and Thor knew each other....

"Trial Warrior? What is that?"

"The Trial Warriors, as the name suggests, means that the Father God Odin will select some outstanding warriors from the Nine Realms and then conduct a trial. When the warriors pass the trial, they will receive the blessing of the gods and become the noble Trial Warriors of Asgard!"

"Ah Fei, with your ability, you will definitely pass the test. I look forward to meeting you in Asgard...."

Seeing Thor's bright and honest smile, Li Xin suddenly understood that the thing Odin left in his heart was to test him to be a brave man....

Passing the trial will allow one to become a member of Asgard. It seems that Odin is not without any preparation for Ragnarok.

However, for Li Xin, as long as he can have the opportunity to devour the dragon heart, then this trial is not something that he cannot go through....


The long elevator finally arrived at the station. When everyone arrived at the lobby, there were already many staff members of the Stark Group doing the tidying up work. At this time, people were seen taking pictures of the battlefield on the street one after another.

Just as everyone was about to leave, a group of people in suits and leather shoes at the gate began to walk towards Li Xin and the others in a hurry. The leader was the Secretary General of the National Security Council, Alexander Pierce.

"Mr. Stark, I am Alexander Pierce, the Secretary General of the National Security Council. According to the regulations, I am afraid we have to take the Cosmic Cube away."

Looking at the robber-like appearance of the crowd, before Tony could speak, Thor stood in front of Pierce, flexed his muscles and said loudly;

"The Cosmic Cube belongs to Asgard, and I will take Loki back to Odin for judgment!"

""Sorry, please give me the box. This thing has belonged to S.H.I.E.L.D. for nearly 70 years, and Loki can only hand it over to Odin after we have reviewed it."

After Pierce finished speaking, he was about to grab Tony's box, but before he touched the box, a hand had already grabbed his wrist firmly.

"Sorry, Mr. Secretary General, the Avengers' Code of Conduct does not include the rule you mentioned."

Looking at the white old man in his sixties, in Li Xin's impression, he seemed to be a Hydra, so he said coldly;

"Humph, when I get back, I'll have Nick Fury add it. Now all you have to do is obey me!"

Then everyone started arguing about the ownership of the Cosmic Cube. Although Tony knew that the other party was Nick Fury's boss, he still reasoned with him on the issue of jurisdiction.

Thor was even more direct. He threw Thor's hammer on the ground and made a hole, then said loudly;

"I don't have a Rubik's Cube, but I have a hammer! Do you want one?"

Just as Pierce was about to order his men to take action, there was a sudden sound of a heavy object rolling down the stairs.


As the door of the staircase was smashed open, a green ball of flesh instantly rolled out from inside, and after bouncing on the ground at an extremely fast speed, it continued to roll towards the crowd!

""Fuck, get out of here!"

Someone in the crowd shouted after seeing Hulk, and as soon as Li Xin saw Hulk, he pulled Tony to the back.


Instantly, Hulk's huge body was like a bowling ball. Whether it was intentional or accidental, he finally aimed at the crowd and knocked Pierce and his group of agents to the ground. He stopped excitedly until his head hit the wall and made a hole.

It must be said that Hulk is really smart. After finding that the stairs of more than 80 floors were dizzy, he rolled himself into a ball in a rage, and then rolled down quickly from the upper floors like a slide.

"Roar! Hulk likes to walk up the stairs! Roar—Hulk!"

Hulk, who originally hated walking up the stairs, excitedly yelled at Tony and the others after he stood up;

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