After all, the New York War was such a big deal that the government had no point in hiding it, so after screening a few media outlets, they gave them the green light to enter the battlefield and report first-hand news.

In addition to preparing the public mentally, the main purpose was to publicize the war record, tell everyone how powerful the military was, and let everyone not be afraid, etc....

Of course, not all media will report according to the government's wishes....

"This is the Daily Bugle. I'm Jonathan. Yes, I'm above Stark Tower right now. Today, maybe we can give a little compliment to that 'coward'. Yes, the 'White Mask' who didn't show up that year.’..."

At this time, a bearded man named Jonathan was reporting on the incident with a microphone on a helicopter, but the photographer only focused his camera on the"White Mask" among the heroes, ignoring the others around him.

"As I said before, even though he won the battle, the White Mask, who should have enjoyed the joy of being a hero, still did not reveal his true face."

"What I want to say is that whether the"White Mask" is a hero is still a controversial issue. At least as a hero he should not be a coward. He should go out into the sunlight."

"As for his topic, please pay attention to the traditional program at 2:30 am:"White Masks and Cowards》..."

As Jonathan finished his broadcast, while winding up the microphone with a wire, the cameraman finally couldn't help but ask his mean boss;

"boss...Do you really think he's a coward, but he just defeated the invading aliens and he looks injured?..."

"What? Are you dissatisfied with your job now? Who are you on? Do I need to remind you who pays you? Huh? Don't you know that the crime rate in New York increased last year, all because of that damn"White Mask"?"

The poor photographer saw his boss suddenly got so angry that he had to beg for mercy. After all, every New Yorker knew that Jonathan was the number one anti-fan of"White Mask"..........

As the agents entered Stark Tower, the surrounding helicopters were ordered to disperse. Captain Rogers also received a request from the command center. The country hoped that he could come forward to guide the rescue work and convey hope to the masses....

"Okay, I will be in charge of the search and rescue work!"

After receiving the request, Rogers said to the headset with a serious expression; after Rogers walked towards the elevator with his head held high, Loki, who was standing in the middle, suddenly flashed green light and turned into Captain America, then imitated Rogers with an exaggerated expression and said seriously:

"OK! I will be in charge of the search and rescue work! ~ Please, can you bear it when he talks like this? Will he really not vomit?"

"Just shut up...."

As he said that, Thor put a muzzle on Loki. Just as Thor was taking Loki to the other side, a team of serious-looking agents came up from the elevator. The leader was the bald agent Sitwell wearing glasses, and behind him were the famous SHIELD commandos. Their mission was to do the handover work and recover the important assets of SHIELD.

"Please give that to us...."

After seeing the Mind Scepter, Sitwell said to Natasha;

"Here you go, but please be careful..."

When Natasha handed the scepter to Sitwell, Li Xin was watching everything silently at the bar.

According to the plot, these people are actually Hydra, and the psychic scepter was also taken by them for research and human body modification.

"Yes, unless you want to have your mind wiped out and turn into a monkey,"

Patton at the bar said with a smile after handing Natasha a glass of whiskey.

While Crossbones Rumlow was talking to Patton, Li Xin also walked towards one of the commandos with an Asian face with a glass of wine.

""Brother, you've worked hard on the mission, come and have a drink."

Seeing the 'White Mask' handing him a glass of wine, Chen Jierui was also a little surprised, but when he was about to refuse, the scarlet three-magatama Sharingan began to infinitely magnify....

"Sorry, I have a mission to complete. Let’s drink next time."

After a pause, Jerry Chen said to the ‘White Mask’;

"That's a pity."

As Li Xin turned back to the bar, the commandos put the scepter into the password box and left from the elevator. A moment later, Tony packed up the Cosmic Cube.

At Tony's suggestion, everyone went to eat Turkish kebab, but Li Xin lowered his head and thought.

According to the plot of Avengers 4, there should be several people from the future at this time, and one of them should be behind the wine rack. However, when Li Xin looked back, he saw nothing.......

After coming up with nothing, Li Xin stopped thinking about these questions. After all, in other universes, Thanos was killed by the Illuminati, and with him in this universe, maybe Thanos couldn't do that snap at all? When Li Xin thought of this, he relaxed a lot, just like he didn't have the pressure of the college entrance examination, and his mind began to relax a lot....


As the elevator arrived, everyone walked in, but when the Hulk outside wanted to come in, Tony quickly stretched out his hand to stop him;

"Hey, what do you think? This has reached the upper limit...."

"Yes, take the stairs."

Seeing Hulk's anxious look, Thor also persuaded him;

"Hulk, how about I take you in here?"

Looking at Hulk's panting appearance, Li Xin pointed at his eyes and said;

"No! Black house, Hulk hates black house..."

"There's nothing we can do about it. The stairs are on your left. See you later."

Seeing Hulk's frustrated look, Li Xin said with a smile. When everyone saw Hulk's sulking look, they also laughed. But the laughter soon died down...


Just as the elevator door closed, Hulk punched the titanium alloy door, leaving a fist mark as big as a casserole. This sudden movement naturally scared the people in the elevator.

"Oh my god, what the hell has happened to this building?..."

When Tony saw the fist mark, he covered his forehead and sighed;

"Haha, seeing Hulk reminds me of Nidweald's black-eyed apes, they are also always angry and like to destroy things...."......

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