Seeing the look Hulk was giving them, Li Xin, Tony and the others were stunned for a few seconds, not knowing whether to praise him or not.

Although he was having fun, those who were knocked down by him were miserable. The other well-trained agents were fine, and it didn't seem like a big deal.

But Pierce, who was over 60 years old, was not doing well at this time. Even if he took good care of himself, his age was there. Others would have been fine if they stood up and patted their butts, but he was lying on the ground and fainted.

"Secretary General? Mr. Secretary General?"

Tony was the first to react. When he saw Pierce fall to the ground, he quickly stepped forward to check on him and asked with concern;

"Hurry up, arrange an ambulance immediately, there is an old man injured!"

Just as everyone was busy carrying Pierce to the side, Hulk was scratching the back of his head with a simple face, like a child who had done something wrong.

"Hulk, you are in trouble. That old man is a big shot. Seeing Hulk's silly look, Li Xin punched his sturdy arm and joked to him.

"No, Hulk didn't mean it. Hulk doesn't want to get into trouble...."

After punching a hole in the front desk of Stark Group, Hulk said with a distressed look; but soon, the smart Hulk thought of a good idea. After a wicked smile appeared on his face, his body began to shrink rapidly, and in the blink of an eye he turned into Bruce Banner.

"Oh my god, I'm finally back. This time it's been so long...."

At this time, the shirtless Banner stretched his waist and looked around with an innocent face; but he soon found that everyone in the hall was looking at him with strange eyes, some were curious, some were watching the show with a smile, and some wanted to eat him.

"Why are they all looking at me like that? Oh my god, it must be Hulk getting in trouble again..."

"You're wrong Dr. Banner, I bet the Hulk did a good thing, but you have nice pants...."

Li Xin was surprised to see that the black stretch pants could shrink with him.

After a flurry of rescue efforts, Pierce finally regained consciousness. Although he survived, it would depend on his luck how he would recover.

Secretary General Pierce was sent to the hospital in a car, and the ugly farce was over. During this period, some people wanted to take Banner away and lock him up, but Banner had something to say.

"It was Hulk who knocked down your secretary general. What does it have to do with me, Bruce Banner? If you want to arrest someone, arrest Hulk. I am just a scientist doing research."

"Stop pulling me. If you do, I'll get angry. When that big guy comes out, he won't be so easy to deal with...."

Finally, after seeing Banner pretending to be angry, Pierce's men began to retreat in a hurry with gloomy faces. After all, it's just such a small salary per month, what's the point of risking your life?.........

The next day, on a sunny morning, the members of the Avengers and the criminal Loki all appeared in New York's Central Park in plain clothes.

After a simple handover and conversation with Nick Fury at SHIELD yesterday, they were ready to hand over the Cosmic Cube and Loki to Thor today and take them back to Asgard for Odin's trial.

After experiencing a great war together, the first generation of the Avengers began to get to know each other, and during this period of time, everyone has developed a strong relationship. Today, everyone came to see Thor off.

"Goodbye everyone, goodbye Philip, I look forward to seeing you in Asgard..."

After saying goodbye to everyone, Thor started to turn the special device that contained the Cosmic Cube. Then the two of them slowly disappeared in a burst of blue light and rushed rapidly into the sky....

As the light disappeared in the sky, everyone picked up their luggage and returned to their own lives. Li Xin and Banner got into Tony's sports car, while Rogers rode a retro motorcycle to Brooklyn.

Natasha and Barton also drove away. Although the Chitauri invasion was over, the bond between everyone had just begun..........

At the cliff mansion in Malibu, Li Xin and Banner moved into Tony's villa together, and according to Tony's intention, his Stark Building will be renamed the Avengers Building after renovation.

In the future, all Avengers members can live in that building, which has complete facilities and is very convenient for training and research. The one who was most moved by this proposal was naturally Dr. Banner, because it also meant that he didn't have to live a life of hiding outside.

Not only was he a top student like Tony, they had many common topics, but more importantly, he could calm down and do research well.

When he thought about being able to stay in the laboratory for ten days and a half months without worrying about the budget, Banner's mouth corners immediately began to rise wildly.

However, during the reconstruction of the Avengers Building, Tony wanted to arrange for Banner to travel abroad for a period of time. After all, after knowing the nature of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avengers reached a preliminary consensus. The

Avengers are not a sword in anyone's hand, and will not participate in any form of political struggle. The Avengers will only assemble when the world is in crisis.......

With the end of this incident, the Avengers and SHIELD began to appear in the public's field of vision. They were no longer a secret organization, and when you turned on the TV, it was full of reports related to them.

"Although the city was devastated, the feat of the Avengers brought great relief to the people, and many citizens were very excited because there was such a team of heroes guarding them...."

After a day of fermentation, the topic of the Avengers has begun to become a hot search in major media. Not only TV news reports, but countless citizens have also begun to praise the existence of heroes on the streets.

Some people will graffiti the mighty images of heroes on the walls, while others will wear costumes with many heroic elements to show their support. People will not only buy the peripherals of the heroes, but also imitate the dress of many heroes.

Even the Hulk, who likes to destroy everywhere and has always been unpopular, has gained many fans overnight.

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