"See that red lever? It can slow down the turbines and give me time to fly out. Just stay there and wait for my order."

Tony shook his head slightly in the Iron Man Armor and said to Rogers. But what he didn't tell Rogers was that even if the turbine speed was reduced, he still had a high risk of escaping from it.

"Da da da——!"

However, as Tony entered the wheel and began to help, a team of fully armed soldiers suddenly appeared from the passage not far away and began to fire wildly at Captain Rogers, intending to stop the repair of the engine.

Rogers could only hide behind the obstacle on the side, but just as one of the soldiers pulled the grenade ring and threw it towards the captain's hiding place, a man in a robe and a white mask suddenly appeared!


Li Xin's clone suddenly appeared, slapped the grenade under the gap of the aircraft carrier, and quickly dodged above the soldiers.

The moment the grenade exploded below, Li Xin's clone had already rushed into the passage. When the soldiers just saw the blurry figure clearly, a hand knife had already pierced the heart of one of the soldiers.

When the other was about to pull the trigger to start shooting, his perspective suddenly fell to the sky 10,000 meters below. When he opened his eyes again, he could see the appearance of the aircraft carrier below, but the strong wind at 10,000 meters above the sky was blowing on his face, which was a bit painful....

Just as Li Xin's clone finished dealing with the soldiers in this passage, Captain America seized the opportunity to attack the invading soldiers in another passage.

Rogers quickly grabbed the rifle of one of the soldiers, kicked the other tattooed soldier to the ground, and then killed the soldier with a knee.

But the soldier chosen by Patton was certainly not just any random person. Seeing that Captain America was close to him, the tattooed soldier quickly gave up his rifle and got ready to fight.


After hitting Rogers with a swinging punch, the tattooed soldier quickly followed up with a kick, but Rogers was a super soldier after all. After easily defending for a few rounds, he seized another flaw and knocked the tattooed soldier to the ground with an uppercut.

But before he could relax for a moment, the soldier stood up stubbornly and quickly pounced on his legs, and then the two wrestled on the ground again.

Just as Captain Rogers gained the advantage on the ground and was about to use a lock to end the fight, two more soldiers appeared at the corner of the passage!

"Da da da..."

Rogers, who had rich combat experience, quickly rolled to the bunker beside him the moment he heard the gunshot. However, the enemy was too far away, and Rogers, who came without a shield, had no good countermeasures for a while.

Just as he blocked the tattooed soldier who continued to attack him, a quick figure picked up the dagger on the ground and rushed towards the two people holding guns in the passage.

"Da da da!"

The two soldiers pulled the trigger as soon as they saw the figure, but the figure was so fast that all their bullets were dodged!


As a tactical dagger cut through the air, it instantly pierced through the neck of a soldier. While the other soldier was still surprised, the blurry figure had already appeared in front of him.

When a hand knife directly pierced through his chest, the soldier with wide eyes slowly fell down, and soon the whole passage was covered with blood.

On the other side, as Captain Rogers put his arm around the soldier's neck, forming a guillotine, the soldier finally went into shock and fell to the ground unconscious.


When Captain America Rogers finally defeated this difficult enemy while panting with his hands on his waist, he silently looked at the White Mask in the passage who had already defeated all the enemies....

"Huhu, you are quite skilled, in fact...Phew, I can spend the whole day with him....".......

"Evacuate all personnel from the lower hangar deck...."

At this time, in the headquarters, Nick Fury was watching the overall situation and giving corresponding instructions, while all the technicians were doing their respective duties and mobilizing them. When the beautiful agent Hill found that the emergency situation had passed and was about to go out to support the battle, a grenade with a ring pulled was thrown in....

"Watch out for grenades!"


As the grenade exploded, Hill rolled to the side, but the impact of the explosion still shook her badly. Before the smoke from the explosion had even dissipated, a team of fully armed soldiers had already rushed to the headquarters.

"Da da da!!!"

After successfully entering the headquarters, the invading tactical team members raised their guns and fired!

Just as the technicians below were lying down one after another, Nick Fury, who had already raised his pistol and was hiding in the corner, was waiting for an opportunity to move!

He quickly pressed down the barrel of one of the soldiers, and then quickly fired several shots at the other.

But just as Nick Fury finished dealing with the two soldiers in front of him, a soldier outside the door had already pointed his gun at him!


With a crisp gunshot, the soldier fell to the ground. The gun was fired by the beautiful agent, Hill, who had just stood up.

Just as Nick Fury cast a thankful look at Hill not far away, a man with a short haircut and a bow and arrow appeared outside the window above.


Hawkeye shot several arrows quickly around the hall, and the entire bridge exploded again. Seeing

Barton appear, Nick Fury and Hill began to dodge the aftermath of the explosion while looking for cover to fight back.

But Hawkeye did not target Nick Fury and others. He just quickly shot a special arrow and accurately shot it at the USB port of a control console computer.

Hawkeye, who had completed the task, did not want to fight anymore. After taking back the bow, he turned around and ran without hesitation without even looking at everyone. After

Nick Fury fired a few shots at the window with his eyes wide open, all the computers in the control console actually had a black screen and garbled characters, and the computer in the main control console even detected a report that the No. 1 engine had stopped running due to a malfunction!

At this point, because of the loss of power from the two engines, the entire aircraft carrier suddenly began to tilt slowly and slowly fell downwards!

"We're out of control, we're falling! Sir! Engine 1 has stopped...."

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