Bald Agent Sitwell was typing away at the keyboard of a computer at a control console, totally ignoring his shirt that was soaked with cold sweat.

If the virus was not removed or the system was not restarted soon, the entire aircraft carrier would lose balance and fall from the sky. If that happened, countless people would die in the disaster....

""Beep, beep, beep!"

The rapid alarm sounded throughout the aircraft carrier again, and Nick Fury, who was on the command platform, could only sigh as he watched the altitude on the display screen continue to drop....

After all, no one knows the complexity of the entire system better than him. Even in normal times, let alone cleaning the virus, it would take at least several hours to restart the entire system....

But looking at those people who were still working hard to fix the problem, Nick Fury knew that all this was probably in vain. The only hope now was that Tony could repair Engine 3 immediately.���Carrier balance back on track......

At this moment, inside the No. 3 engine, Tony was trying his best to push the wheel in front of him. As he turned the armor's power propulsion system to the maximum, the rotation speed of the entire turbine began to become faster and faster!

"Haha - come on!"

As Tony turned the speed to the maximum and turned into a beam of light spinning madly in the wheel, the power system of the No. 3 engine finally began to recover, and the aircraft carrier that was gradually losing its balance was back on track again!

"Captain, you can pull the lever now...."

Seeing that the power was finally restored, Tony also showed a hearty smile, but when he saw the speed of the wheel getting faster and faster, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.


At the control panel, the captain quickly pulled down the control lever after receiving Tony's message, but when Tony came out of the wheel, he was still brought back by the wheel from behind.


As Tony's thrusters were hit, the entire armor lost balance and began to roll in the wheel. When he flew out of the turbine, thick smoke was already coming out of the recommendation system behind his shoulders.

"Phew~ It seems that this is not a very difficult problem to solve."

Tony, who had spent some effort to float himself in the air, was looking at the scene in front of him with a smile on his face. Although there were some minor accidents, the huge engine finally recovered its power!

However, before he could observe the whole picture of the engine, a huge iron can fell from his side at a very fast speed, and it almost hit him.

""Wow! Is this how all the garbage in SHIELD is thrown away? This is too uncivilized."

But just as Tony finished complaining, Jarvis displayed the picture he had just captured on his panel, and the frame that was intercepted in the picture was Thor's embarrassed look after being knocked around in the tin can.

"What the hell? Jarvis, are you sure you're not showing me some funny meme?"......

At this time, in the cabin, after a space distortion, Li Xin slowly walked out, but as soon as he appeared, he quickly leaned against the wall to catch his breath.

Because after he sucked Hulk into the Shenwei space, Li Xin couldn't help itching to fight him for several rounds.

But Hulk was like an automatic recovery plug-in. No matter how Li Xin caught his attack and beat him up, Hulk always looked fine in the end.

And as he became more and more angry, his crazy recklessness became stronger and stronger. No matter whether Li Xin used fire escape or thunder method, it was like tickling him.

Of course, Li Xin also tried to use the illusion of the Sharingan during this period, but it still had no effect on him. If the illusion is likened to a red pigment, hypnosis is to pour the red pigment into the water filled in the cup.

Some humans have complicated thoughts, so their water cups are full of impurities, but as long as the red pigment is poured into them, the water in the cup will always turn red in the end.

As for some animals or powerful creatures with certain thoughts, because of their simple minds, the water in their cups is cleaner and clearer, and such cups are naturally easier to be dyed red by him.

But those cups that cannot be dyed red by him are either because the top of the cup is sealed, or the contents of the cups have all become other very turbid liquids.

No matter what red or yellow pigments you put in, they will all be mixed up and absorbed by him in the end, such as Deadpool and the Hulk in front of him.

In the end, Li Xin, who really had no way to deal with Hulk, had to lock him up in the"small black room" and ran out by himself. When Hulk had no one to"play" with him, he would naturally calm down.

Just when Li Xin was still curious, when someone drove the Quinjet away at this time, he suddenly stopped where he was, as if he remembered something important;

"Oh no, Coulson!"

After cursing inwardly, Li Xin quickly ran towards the detention area. As Li Xin passed through various areas and came to the opened cell, he saw Coulson leaning against the wall with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, dying, next to several corpses on the ground.

"hooligan.....The Plague God...."

"Don't talk yet, stay awake."

Li Xin threw the weapon in Coulson's hand aside, and quickly used chakra energy to block the wound on his chest to stop the bleeding, then held his chin with one hand and poured a bottle of life potion into him.

"No...Need not...It's a waste of effort. I'm afraid I have to leave my job...."

Coulson was naturally very aware of his injuries, but he had already felt death. After drinking the potion, he felt a warm current begin to fill his body, like a ray of light piercing through the darkness. Suddenly, Coulson seemed to feel the glimmer of life in his life....

"Don't give up, Coulson, the medical team will be here soon, SHIELD can't survive without you..."

Although Li Xin helped Coulson in front of the door of the goddess of death, his internal organs had been punctured, and whether he could survive the operation table was probably up to God.

A moment later, Nick Fury, who received the news, rushed over with a group of medical staff.

Seeing the seriously injured and unconscious Coulson being carried away on a stretcher, the iron-blooded Nick Fury couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and touched his shiny boiled egg head with a solemn face.

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