"Forehead...I'm heading to the cabin....But I heard a sound here, so I came..."

Sol rubbed the back of his head and explained to Li Xin in a simple and honest manner;

"I said, are you lost? The engine room is on the lower floor, this is the maintenance area..."

However, before the two of them could get into a heated chat, the deafening roar of a beast was heard again from below, and a huge green figure instantly rushed towards Li Xin again!

""Be careful!"

Just as Hulk rushed to the second floor and punched Li Xin, Thor next to him instantly raised Thor's hammer and rushed towards Hulk.

Suddenly, the two muscular men had a passionate collision in mid-air, but Thor was unintentional. After knocking Hulk away, he instantly hit him with another hammer.


As Hulk was knocked to the ground by a powerful force, the two fought from the maintenance area to the cabin area below, but Hulk seemed to have unlimited energy. After being hit by Thor, he was still like nothing happened. After getting up, he rushed towards Thor madly.

Thor, who began to take it seriously, quickly got ready. After that, the two fought each other in the cabin below.

But Thor had very rich combat experience after all. Hulk's unsystematic fighting style that relied only on brute force and body was quickly resolved by Thor. After that, he used his flexible body movements to teach him a lesson one punch after another. After a few rounds, he beat Hulk back step by step.

As Hulk became more and more angry, his movements began to become more and more crazy. When his fist was blocked again, Thor, who used the same trick again, dodged sideways again, and then punched Hulk in the face again, but this time Hulk actually directly hit Thor's fist and punched hard!


After Hulk's punch, Thor was like being hit by a train. He instantly fell to the shelf at the back and went straight through the wall.

After being knocked down this time, Thor's fighting spirit instantly rose. After getting up, he quickly rushed towards Hulk. Then the two muscular men collided with each other madly again, and then it was a plain and unpretentious fist-to-flesh fight.

Fortunately, the cabin crew had been evacuated at this time, otherwise the aftermath of the crazy fight between the two would sooner or later dismantle the aircraft carrier.

But looking at the two people fighting passionately below, Li Xin didn't know where to start for a while, because Thor at this time was no longer like at the beginning, playing with Hulk's body movements and skills. It was all a reckless fight to exchange injuries for injuries. It was a real 1v1 man battle!

But seeing that the two people were getting crazier and crazier, and the surrounding facilities were being damaged more and more, Li Xin decided to stop this meaningless battle.


When Thor was hit in the abdomen and flew backwards, he quickly threw the hammer of Thor at Hulk. As the two of them were separated, Li Xin appeared in the middle of the messy cabin in a flash.

"Thor, stop, if you keep fighting, this place will be torn apart by you!"

"Huh~ The real battle has just begun, get out of the way, let me fight this big monster for another 300 rounds!"

Looking at Li Xin who appeared in the midfield, Thor, who was in the heat of battle, quickly stood up and said loudly.

As if responding to Thor, the Hulk near the periphery was also beating his chest frantically, roaring excitedly.

"You should go to the closed area to see your"good brother". Leave this big guy to me. I will put him into the Shenwei space in a while and let him fight with himself."

"What, what kind of power is this?"

Although Thor didn't quite understand what Li Xin said, he calmed down a little and took back his Thor's hammer. After all, the destruction around him was a bit exaggerated, and he was not sure he could subdue the Hulk.

""Go to the left passage and follow the yellow cordon. Also, be careful not to be fooled by Loki."

Seeing Thor quickly turn around and leave, Li Xin couldn't help but remind Thor from behind.

After Thor left, the Hulk, who had lost his toy, instantly turned his fierce eyes to Li Xin, and then roared, and rushed towards Li Xin again.


But before he could get close to Li Xin, a light blue skeleton arm instantly punched him into the ceiling, and Hulk's head was stuck on it.......

At the same time, Captain Rogers had also arrived at Engine No. 3. After helping to carry the wounded out, he shouted to the red armor flying in the air outside;

"Stark! I'm here!"

"Good, I see you....Let's see what's going on first."

After observing the entire engine's appearance, Tony flew to one of the damaged parts, and then his armor began to scan the damaged engine part;

"The superconducting cooling system must be repaired before the wheel can be entered to clean up the wreckage...."

After Iron Man straightened the iron plate in front of him, he said to Rogers who was not far away;

"I'm going to restart this superconducting refrigeration system. Take a look at the engine control panel and tell me which relays are overloaded...."

Rogers nodded after hearing this, and immediately jumped over the blown-up passage and came to the engine control panel. However, when he pulled out the control panel, he was dumbfounded.

"What's the situation?"

Tony, who had already entered the engine, said to the channel;

"Um, it looks like a bunch of circuit boards...."

"Well, you are right."

Tony complained helplessly, and then he and Rogers could only compare the colors of the indicator lights and do maintenance and cleaning work.

A few minutes later, as the relay switched back to normal, Tony looked at the huge wheel in front of him and fell into thought.

"What should I do next?"

As Rogers closed the damn controller panel, he asked Tony who was flying in the air;

"Even if I cleared the wreckage, the wheels wouldn't restart without power, so I'd have to get in and push it."

"When the speed increases, you will be chopped into pieces."

After hearing this, Rogers looked at Iron Man outside with a worried look, but Tony continued to speak calmly;

"The stator controller can flip the magnetic poles until the magnetic suspension is released, at which time..."

"speak English..."

Hearing all the new words Tony said, Captain Rogers, who was already having a headache, interrupted loudly;...........

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