After Nick Fury responded, he ordered all personnel in the B-zone cabin to evacuate immediately, and then asked again into the headset;

"Thor, where are you now?"

At this time, Thor, who was walking in an evacuation passage with a group of staff, heard the call in the headset and immediately said awkwardly into the headset;

"I was just about to go see if Rocky had run away.....OK, I'll head to the cabin right away...."

After Thor finished speaking into the headset, he turned around and walked back again. However, when he looked at the unfamiliar surroundings, his face suddenly became confused.

"B Zone Cabin...Zone B...who I am?...Where am I?"

At this time, in the electromechanical pipeline, the ferocious-looking Hulk was charging towards Li Xin quickly. Facing this Hulk with the momentum of a wild beast, Li Xin turned around without hesitation and ran behind him.

Seeing his prey start to flee, the Hulk immediately chased behind even faster, and when his huge body charged again, it smashed all the pipeline equipment along the way.

But in the face of pressure from behind, Li Xin still ran forward without changing his expression, and even when crossing some stairs and iron pipe obstacles, he would do some handsome parkour tumbling movements to stretch his body more handsomely.


As the Hulk slapped forward, a hole was instantly created in the steel floor, but Li Xin dodged it easily and continued to run forward after accelerating, as if he was deliberately taking the Hulk to a place when walking a dog.

On the bridge, Nick Fury, who was working non-stop, finally opened the door of the command center and immediately gave a loud command to all the technicians below;

"Turn the aircraft carrier around, turn 180 degrees, head south, and drive the aircraft carrier to the sea!"

However, just as Nick Fury finished speaking, a white staff member on the main operating console turned around and said to him;

"Sir, we are flying blindly now. The navigation system has just been damaged and is still being recalibrated."

Nick Fury stared at him and asked;

"Is the sun still in the sky now?"

"Yes, sir..."

"Then look at the sun for the right direction! Then take us to the surface of the sea. If another turbine fails, we will crash!"

After Nick Fury finished arranging the work, Hill also began to help carefully arrange some staff to do stop loss and auxiliary work.

Suddenly, the people in the command room and the mothership seemed to have found the direction and began to do their own work.

Outside the warehouse on the 4th floor, a clone of Li Xin also began to follow Captain America and meet with Tony who was wearing the iron armor, and then walked towards the gap outside the aircraft carrier together to help them repair the turbine....

At this time, outside the cabin of Area B, Li Xin was running forward quickly. When he reached an iron wall in front of him, he seemed to have nowhere to go and stopped.

This scene was naturally seen by Hulk who was desperately chasing behind. He immediately showed an evil smile on his face, and then he started to rush towards Li Xin even faster.


As a hole was knocked out of the iron fence of the hangar, a huge green figure rolled out instantly, and behind him, from the hole with sparks and dust, a masked figure suddenly rushed out quickly.


As a blurry figure rushed through the air, Hulk, who had not yet reacted, was kicked in the head and fell towards an F-12 behind him.

With the pressure from the Hulk, the fighter jet costing millions of dollars was instantly crushed into scrap metal.


However, just as the Hulk fell backwards, Li Xin jumped back into the air and instantly activated the [Dragon Feast Mark].

A giant dragon's head instantly appeared above his head, and after a piercing and angry roar, he spewed a fierce icy breath in the direction of the Hulk.


In mid-air, Li Xin adjusted the direction of the dragon's head, and kept using"Dragon Ice" on the Hulk who fell to the ground below. As the icy breath continued to wash, Hulk and the F-12 who raised their hands to block it suddenly became an ice sculpture.

However, when the dragon's breath ended, Li Xin frowned, because for him, this level of breath was really not satisfactory.

Sure enough, before Li Xin could stand still for a moment, the Hulk rushed out of the ice with a beast-like roar, and quickly punched Li Xin!


A powerful collision sounded instantly, and a faint shock wave dissipated, instantly knocking down some items on the shelves. Even under Hulk's mighty punch, the surrounding floor and iron fence had been seriously damaged.

But under that green fist as big as a casserole, Li Xin had already activated the initial form of Susanoo. Rows of light blue skeletons had condensed around him, blocking Hulk's fist outside.

And under the surging chakra energy, Li Xin's scarlet three-magatama Sharingan was staring coldly at the Hulk in front of him.

"This power is just so-so! What, didn’t you eat?"

At this time, Li Xin, who was in the light blue skeleton, crossed his arms and saw that his Susanoo could easily block Hulk's punch, so he sneered at the tall Hulk; if he couldn't even break the defense of the skeleton, then Li Xin could only give the Hulk an exceptional level evaluation, but what he didn't know was that the Hulk's power would increase according to the degree of his own anger, and the angrier he was, the stronger he would become.

Hulk, who was a little stunned when he saw the sudden appearance of the light blue skeleton, roared even more crazily after hearing Li Xin's indifferent words.


As Hulk finished his angry roar, he punched Li Xin again.

This uppercut actually broke the skeleton and knocked Li Xin to the ceiling with one punch, then pierced through and flew to the ceiling of another floor! Although the skeleton helped him resist a large part of the attack, he still felt a surge of emotion. In the moment just now, Li Xin seemed to remember the scene when he was hit by a bull when he was 7 years old....

"cough cough...Why are you here?"

Li Xin, who was pulling herself out of the ceiling on the second floor, couldn't help but ask a soul-searching question when he saw Thor, who looked confused, below.

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