As the shock wave ended and the smoke from the explosion began to dissipate, Li Xincai quickly jumped down, helped Nick Fury up, and carefully observed the situation at the scene.

"Enemy invasion! Everyone, it's time to change into costumes."

Touching his scratched forehead and looking at Nick Fury, who had a trace of blood on his hand, he immediately said loudly to everyone after he stood up;

Rogers, who was lying on the ground, also stood up immediately and pulled up Tony next to him. After observing and finding that there were no wounds, he said seriously;

"Put on your armor!"

"Phew~ I listen to you..."

Tony, who was still a little confused, replied and quickly ran towards the military area; at this time, Thor was angry and picked up his hammer, and walked towards the prison where Loki was imprisoned.

But as he walked, he soon found that he had been walking for a long time, and under the influence of those hurried and panicked staff, he didn't know where he was."I seem to be lost?"

"Hill, report the situation!"

At this time, the alarm bells of the entire aircraft carrier sounded, and the combatants began to take out their weapons in the armed area. Nick Fury, who was walking towards the headquarters, also began to ask into the headset

"There was an explosion outside the aircraft carrier, and the No. 3 engine stopped working. We are under attack!"

At this time, at the bridge command center, Hill calmly reported the current situation to Nick Fury and quickly asked the relevant technicians for a solution.

"Engine 3 is on fire, but the engine is still intact. If we can't repair the engine in time, we will crash downwards...."

"Sir, we have to send someone out to repair the engine!"

After understanding all the current situations of the aircraft carrier, Hill calmly reported each one into the headset and gave a solution.

Nick Fury nodded after hearing this, and said into the headset;

"Stark? Did you hear that?"

"Leave it to me."

Tony Stark came to the warehouse where he stored Mark 6 and took over the task without hesitation, while Nick Fury once again gave instructions into the headset;

"Coulson, you immediately activate the blockade defense of the detention area"

"Agent A Fei, you are responsible for clearing out the intruders."

"Romanov, what is Dr. Banner's current condition?"

At this time, in a narrow electromechanical pipeline, Black Widow's leg was accidentally crushed by a fallen pipeline. After struggling for a while, she looked at Dr. Banner who fell to the side and seemed to have fainted, and replied into the headset;

"Yes, Banner is fine....Right?"

At the same time, on the other side of the aircraft carrier, Hawkeye Patton had already led a team of fully armed elite fighters into the interior of the aircraft carrier through a pipe on the deck.

"You guys, don't let them fix the engine"

"You guys go to the detention center and wait for the cameras to be turned off."

"You guys follow me...."

Hawkeye, who had no expression on his face, assigned tasks to his subordinates, then flicked the technological bow in his hand, and then walked towards the complex maintenance passage with a few subordinates as if they were familiar with the route....

In the laboratory, Li Xin quickly formed seals of Wei, Hai, Chou, and Xu with both hands, bang~bang~

""Go and kill all the intruders, and go and help the captain."

After Li Xin finished speaking to the two clones wearing white masks, he slowly walked towards the broken window and looked into the electromechanical pipeline below.

At this time, in the electromechanical room below, Banner, who was lying on the ground, was showing a very painful expression, and his body began to roll over and over.

When Natasha saw that Dr. Banner was about to lose control, her face suddenly showed a panic and fear, and she said to Banner with some trembling;

"Dr. Bruce...You have to hold on...Don't let Loki do what he wants. Listen to me, you will be fine. I swear on my life that I will bring you back...."

However, some green veins had already appeared on Banner's face. Even though Banner kept slapping his face and trying desperately to suppress Hulk, the crazy and violent emotions kept hitting him.

Seeing that Banner's body had begun to swell and even the old shirt had been torn, Li Xin jumped into the electromechanical pipeline, helped Natasha move the pipeline, and drove away the two repairmen who were ready to help.

Seeing that Banner's face was already hideous and his expression was very painful, and he was still trying desperately to suppress Hulk, Li Xin sighed and said;

"Doctor, let him out. You don't have to suppress him anymore."

As Li Xin finished speaking with an indifferent expression, Natasha, whose forehead was sweating uncontrollably and whose face had lost its former confidence, immediately stood up and punched Li Xin's shoulder with a soft fist, and asked in surprise;

"Are you crazy? If you let that monster out...."

However, before Natasha could finish her words, Li Xin, with her arms crossed, turned around and said to her coldly;

"Haha, don't worry, these mere grains of sand are not as good as me...."

Seeing Li Xin's confident and domineering look, Natasha stood there in shock with her mouth wide open. However, when she saw the evil scarlet three-magatama Sharingan, she shuddered and quickly turned around and left the electromechanical pipeline.

"Humph, I hope that when I see you again, your body is still intact...."

As Natasha left, Dr. Banner's body began to expand rapidly. His entire body, filled with violent power, instantly turned green, and the calmness and wisdom in his eyes turned into extreme madness and cruelty!

""Roar! Hulk!"

As his clothes and shoes were torn, the Hulk, who had transformed into the Hulk, suddenly let out a fierce and violent roar.

After coming out, the Hulk smashed the gas tank pipe next to him. His face, with bulging veins and full of endless madness, immediately looked at Li Xin who was crossing his arms not far away.

And as the Hulk's brutal roar full of beastly breath sounded, Loki, who was originally sitting leisurely on a chair in a huge"iron can" in the closed area, suddenly showed a cunning smile.

""Sir, we have to evacuate all personnel in the B-zone engine room. The sleeping beast has awakened. We need to get Thor here quickly!"

Natasha, who had already run out of the electromechanical pipeline, was evacuating the nearby personnel while anxiously speaking into her headset.

After all, the pressure of Hulk's crazy destruction was too strong. She was not sure whether Agent Alfie could really handle it. In addition, the engine room near the electromechanical pipeline was open and very suitable for use as a battlefield.......

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