"Doctor, I want to confirm again, do you feel that there is something wrong with you? I have no ill intentions, and everyone needs your rationality at this time...."

After calming down, Captain America Rogers asked Banner in the corner softly; and after Banner hesitated for a while, he finally nodded a little frustrated, and then said jokingly helplessly;

"Well, maybe I should go to my 'room' for a while, and then I'll have to trouble the director to find a new cell for Loki...."

"Maybe you can just live in the same room with Loki. Isn't he trying to irritate you? Then you can ask him if he dares to provoke you again."

"Ha ha..."

After Nick Fury finished speaking, Banner smiled softly. Although he knew that Nick Fury was just trying to make him feel funny and relaxed, and that he had no ill intentions, his eyes still showed a deep sense of helplessness.

Bruce Banner was originally a scientist with outstanding contributions, but at this moment, the most eye-catching thing about him was not the knowledge gained from decades of hard work and countless days and nights, nor was it his genius mind since childhood, nor was it his previous dazzling scientific research achievements....

But just because of the madness brought by an accident in an experiment, his life has changed drastically, and his fate is destined to go through ups and downs.

If it weren't for that accident, he could have stood on the podium of Ivy League, taught many students who love science, and realized his pursuit of truth with like-minded scientists in the most advanced laboratory. He could even stand in the supreme hall and enjoy endless glory and cheers....

But after that, everything changed. He had no choice but to hide, desperately staying away from people, enduring the world's eyes that looked at him like a monster. All his relatives and friends also began to stay away from him, for fear of having anything to do with him.

And he could only suppress his emotions all the time, not daring to be angry or vent, even if he felt wronged, he could only suppress himself, because he was afraid that he would accidentally lose control of himself and turn into a monster....

He was afraid that if he was not careful, many families would be broken up and many people who tried to stop him would die tragically in his hands. So over the years, he could only find ways to control his emotions.

But in today's situation, it is impossible to say that Banner has no complaints in his heart....

But the accident had taken away his entire life. No one knew how many nights he had cried, complained, and even tried to commit suicide. Now he could only get used to it and accept his fate.

Just as Banner smiled helplessly and shook his head, a strong hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Thank you for your contribution, Dr. Banner. I will need your help to study this"pink eye disease" in the future...."

After feeling Li Xin's warm care, Banner looked at the pair of red eyes outside the mask. For some reason, Banner felt like crying.

"Yes, I have been wanting to invite you to come to Stark Company for a long time. I think no one would be unwilling to be friends with Bruce Banner, who has 7 doctoral degrees.

At this time, Tony also stepped forward and patted Banner's shoulder with a smile. In fact, Tony has always been very good at chatting with Banner, although he looks unsound and will use an electric pen to attack him.

But they are both academic masters, and this feeling of being treated equally makes Banner feel very relaxed during the time he spends with Tony.


Hearing what the two said, Banner smiled sincerely, and then said from the bottom of his heart;


As soon as the words fell, a burst of rapid sounds came from the computer beside him. It turned out that the weak gamma rays emitted by the Mind Scepter before, which were used to find the detection formula of the Cosmic Cube, had sent back the results.

"Looks like I found it..."

When Tony saw the alarm go off, he immediately signaled to Banner, who put his glasses back on and turned to the computer;

"Sorry guys, you probably won't have a chance to see me show off my special skills...."

However, when Dr. Banner saw the location of the gamma rays on the computer, he immediately looked at Tony in surprise and said;


At the same time, a Quinjet had just passed the inspection of the aircraft carrier's main station. However, this Quinjet did not enter the docking bay directly, but slowly circled the side of the aircraft carrier, as if looking for a position.


As the rear door of the Quinjet opened, standing inside was Hawkeye Clint Barton with blue eyes!


Hawkeye drew his bow steadily and shot an arrow at the air outside the aircraft carrier!

However, the arrow was not blown away by the strong wind at an altitude of ten thousand meters. Instead, it moved with the strong wind, turned a nearly ninety-degree bend in the air, and then accurately shot at an engine of the aircraft carrier!

After seeing that his arrow successfully hit the target, Hawkeye pressed a button on the longbow, and the arrow that was inserted into the aircraft carrier instantly began to flash a rapid red light!

"Boom-Boom! Boom!"

As the arrow emitted a violent explosion of fire, it instantly caused a chain explosion in the entire No. 3 engine, as if it was calculated by Hawkeye.

The chain explosion instantly swept the entire propeller, not only did the entire engine part begin to lose its function, but even the nearby laboratory was affected!

At this time in the laboratory, as Dr. Banner's exclamation fell, Tony in the crowd was about to open his mouth to say something, when suddenly there was a violent explosion around the laboratory....


Caught off guard, the glass of the window shattered instantly, and an explosive energy immediately impacted everyone in the laboratory, and a hole was blown out of the floor of the laboratory. The flames caused by the explosion instantly ignited the entire laboratory.

Although the situation happened very suddenly, everyone present quickly took emergency avoidance actions at the first time. Those who could react quickly lay down and protected their vital parts.

Those who could not react in time could only be affected by the shock wave of the explosion and fell to the ground. However, Banner and Natasha, who were closest to the source of the explosion, were directly blown out of the window by the shock wave and fell into the electromechanical pipeline area downstairs.

Only Li Xin, at the moment of the explosion, dodged directly to a ceiling in the corner and stuck firmly in a safe position........

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