At this time, on the top floor of the Osborne Building, as the elevator door opened, a bald man in a suit walked out, and then walked towards the office in the distance with a smile on his face.

"Mr. McCann..."

When Li Xin walked into the office, some security personnel and civilian staff on the road stood up and bowed to greet him, but Li Xin knew that the real McCann was doing something big.’...

"Item Card - Splatoon Powder (A hero can resist one illness, but a brave man can't resist three diarrhoea - Alchemist Xing Jifei)"

Yes, it was Splatoon powder. Li Xin added Splatoon powder to that cup of coffee, because any food or drink added with Splatoon powder will become unusually delicious, but the price is.......

As Li Xin sat down in a luxurious office, at this time, in a laboratory of the Oss Group, Dr. Connors stood beside a glass door, stretched out his left hand, and looked in a trance.

Because under the reflection of the glass door, he seemed to have two hands at this time, but soon Dr. Connors seemed to have made some kind of decision, and his eyes were full of determination.

At this time, he was the only one left in his laboratory. The others had already been given a holiday by him. After that, Dr. Connors slowly walked through various equipment until he came to the machine for making serum. He began to quickly tap the keyboard with his left hand, and soon a dose of green serum was made.


As the green serum was injected into his broken arm, Dr. Connors made a sound of pain. Just as he was about to turn on the recording device to record the experiment, he felt dizzy and fell on the table.

When he woke up, it was around 8 o'clock in the evening, but Connors felt a strange feeling in his right hand. When he looked at his right hand, he saw that the broken arm had grown something new! At this time, Connors' right hand had a layer of something like a cocoon. When Connors tore the cocoon with trepidation, a baby-like arm was revealed inside!

"Ha ha..."

The arm looked a little strange, but when he touched the hot light bulb with his new right hand, he could clearly feel the stinging pain in his right hand.

Although it seemed that the arm still had some defects, Dr. Connors was undoubtedly excited because it meant that this path was feasible. But soon he seemed to have thought of something and he quickly called his secretary;

"Hey Emma, where is Dr. Nels Radha now?..."Hoo-hoo!"

At this moment, Connors was anxiously making a phone call while feeling his body getting a little hot.

"30 minutes ago, the driver took him to a veterans hospital in Brooklyn," the female secretary on the other end of the phone explained while looking at the schedules of the doctors in the company;

"What? No, he can't go, Emma, help me stop him!"

"Yes, sir, but I often can't contact him when he goes to the bridge. If I contact Dr. Rada, I will ask him to reply to you as soon as possible."

However, at this time, Connors only felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter, and his head was beginning to hurt. He dropped the phone and hurried towards the elevator.......

In a high-end apartment in Manhattan, Peter was sitting at a family dinner with a panicked look on his face. What made him even more stressed was that next to him was Gwen's father, George Stacy, the New York Police Commissioner.

Seeing the awkward situation at the table, Mrs. Stacy, the hostess, quickly changed the topic to her husband;

"George, tell us how your day went."

"Yes, Dad, did you catch the Spider-Man?"

As Mrs. Stacy was talking, her little son beside her also looked at his father with an innocent face and asked;

"Ahem, although we haven't caught him yet, we're almost there. He's clumsy and left a lot of clues, likes to attack civilians, and is a dangerous person...."

However, as soon as Chief George finished speaking, Peter, who was eating fish, said with a confused look on his face;

"he...Does he attack civilians? I mean, I saw the video of him and the car thieves, and most people think he's doing good things...."

Hearing Peter's remarks, George instantly became a little unhappy, and when he saw everyone at the table suddenly lowering their heads to eat, he said seriously;

"Then most people are wrong, because as long as I want, the car thief will not appear on that street..."

"Then why is he still here?"

Hearing Peter's abrupt words, George looked at his daughter beside him, and Gwen saw her father's slightly dark face, so she could only smile and say;

"Yes, father, I want to know too."

Hearing that his daughter was actually speaking for this boy, George once again said to Peter in a serious tone;

"Okay, let me explain it clearly. We followed the car thief for half a year just for the group behind him. This is strategy. Did you learn it in school? So, which side are you on?"

Peter was also a little confused after hearing George's explanation, because this was something he had never considered before;

"I'm not on either side, but he obviously doesn't know your plan."

"Why are you so concerned about this, or do you know something? But young man, what I want to say is that just because you saw a video on the Internet, it doesn't mean that we can close the case, do you understand?"

Seeing that his daughter's boyfriend had been targeting him, George suddenly got angry and said to Peter while controlling his anger; but Peter just wanted to clear up the misunderstanding between him and the police.���Except, he hurriedly explained to Director George;

"No, I mean, if you want to see the video too, I can send you the link, because he seems to just want to help more people"

But after hearing what Peter said, George laughed and then said to Peter coldly;

"I know a lot of people on the internet think of him as a hero, but is he really one? He wears a mask like a desperado"

"No, no, no, I didn't say he was a hero, I just thought he was in the same position as the police, protecting innocent people from bad guys and trying to do things that the police couldn't do."

As Peter finished speaking, George's face darkened instantly, and he turned around and said to Peter sternly;

"What the police can't do? What do you think we do? Sitting in a row eating donuts and touching our butts?"................

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