"Listen, I wear a badge and I protect law and order, but the criminals that the guy in the mask caught look just like the same people. Do you think he is protecting innocent people? Or is he seeking revenge, Mr. Parker?"

Peter was no longer able to refute George, but thought about what his uncle Ben said to him at the end. Was he really carrying out that will during this time?...

"I'll go out for a walk, Peter...."

Gwen couldn't stand it anymore, so she looked at her father apologetically and immediately pulled Peter out.

Seeing that the atmosphere was so tense, Peter stood up and apologized to George.

"Thank you for your invitation. If the language is offensive, please forgive me. This is not my intention....Mrs. Stacey, your lemon sea bass is delicious, thank you"

"It's okay."

George also controlled his temper at this time, and said with a sigh while drinking lemonade, while Mrs. Stacy on the side also cast a comforting look at Peter.

Even the sons on the side secretly gave Peter a thumbs up behind his back. After all, this was the first person who dared to disobey their father at home.

When Peter appeared on the rooftop, Gwen, who had already had feelings for Peter, quickly hugged him, and Peter was naturally very happy in his heart when facing his beloved goddess who was so proactive.

But just when Peter was ready to accept all this, a voice in his mind stopped him and told him that being with Gwen would only bring danger to her.

Gwen on the side saw that Peter suddenly looked like he was struggling, so she blushed and said with a little anger;

"Peter, do you want to say something to me?"

Gwen said quietly while looking into Peter's eyes, but Peter, who had a low EQ, didn't seem to understand what Gwen meant. He remained silent and didn't know what to say.

"Okay, let's not talk about it...."

Gwen saw that Peter was still silent even though she had given him such an obvious hint, so she turned around and was about to leave. However, just as she took two steps, a spider silk shot out and pulled her back, and then Peter hugged her.

"Oh you...You are Spider-Man!"

As Gwen finished speaking with a look of shock, Peter decisively kissed her on the lips, and then the two began to kiss passionately.......

At this time, the Williamsburg Bridge was once again blocked due to the evening rush hour, and the endless traffic could only stop and wait patiently.

In a taxi under the Williamsburg Bridge, Dr. Connors finally couldn't suppress the crazy feeling at this time. As a violent emotion swept through his body, he knew that the beast sleeping in his body was about to awaken....


In the back seat of the taxi, Connors let out a roar that was not like that of a human. The violent and crazy emotions instantly occupied his mind.

His body began to change rapidly. His human skin had turned into a scaly green color. His eyes were red and his teeth were sharp. Claws quickly grew on his limbs, and a huge tail even grew on his tail.

At this time, Connors' appearance had become that of a giant lizard man. With a few anxious roars, the lizard man used his sharp claws to tear open the iron sheet of the taxi, and then quickly crawled towards the Williamsburg Bridge above.

The black driver, who saw this situation for the first time, finally stretched out his shaking hands after wetting his crotch, and tremblingly called the police.......

On a street in Brooklyn, Li Xingang and Aunt Mei were going home after shopping in the supermarket. However, when they got in the car and were about to start, an urgent news came over the car's radio;

"Good evening, fellow New Yorkers. Now we have an urgent news report for you. According to reports from the public, an unknown dangerous creature has appeared on the Williamsburg Bridge. It looks like a dinosaur and is extremely ferocious. Many people have been injured......."

When Li Xin heard the news, he was slightly stunned, and then patted his head;

"How could I forget him?..."

"Did you forget something, Philip?"

Seeing that Li Xin was reluctant to start the car, Aunt Mei asked curiously;

"Nothing, I forgot something, please wait a moment."

After saying that, Li Xin opened the car door and got out. When Aunt Mei looked at Li Xin again, she suddenly felt that Li Xin was like a different person.

At this time, at the Williamsburg Bridge, a lizard man more than two meters tall was crawling on the roofs of various cars with his teeth bared, as if looking for something, but his claws would always swing at those noisy people, and when he encountered a car blocking the road, he would directly overturn it.

People who encountered this kind of monster for the first time in reality began to get out of the car and flee into the distance. Crying, shouting, fear and panic instantly swept the Williamsburg Bridge at this time.

At the front end of the Williamsburg Bridge, just before reaching Brooklyn, in a luxury business car, Indian Dr. Nels Radha was reading a book leisurely in the back seat. After all, the bridge had been blocked for nearly two hours, and there was no point in being anxious.

But what surprised him was that there seemed to be a disaster in the back, and everyone was scrambling to run to the front.

"Alfred, go down and see what's going on...."

Seeing these people rushing around like they were fleeing, Nels in the back seat put down his book and said something to the driver.

However, when the driver just got out of the car, Nels felt a push from behind. Apparently, the car behind him had rear-ended him.

Just as Nels was about to roll down the window and look back, a huge lizard man jumped onto the roof of his car as excited as if he had seen prey.

"Gift crab! What the hell is this?"

Nels quickly closed the window and hid in the car amidst a burst of horrified curses. However, the Lizard Man's target was him, so how could he let his prey escape so easily?


The lizard man excitedly jumped onto the roof of the commercial vehicle, smashed the glass with one punch, and then quickly reached in to grab it. However, just as the lizard man's claws were about to tear the commercial vehicle into pieces, a nimble figure landed on the bridge in the distance.....................

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