"I'm sorry, but I won't do it. Everyone will die, even Norman Osborn."

The moment Nels heard this, he sighed regretfully, then he picked up all the serums on the table and said coldly to Dr. Connors;

"OK, then you are fired, and as a rule, the equation is company property, and you have until noon tomorrow to clear this office."

"Oh, by the way, remember to take these cute little pets of yours with you."

After saying that, Nels took the serum and left the office, and Dr. Connors on the side could only look at the departing figure with a gloomy face.

He now understood that the other party didn't seem to care whether the serum worked or not, because it was not made by him anyway.

But now that things have come to this, what else can he do? After looking around the office where he had worked for many years, Connors resolutely packed up his things.

At this time, in the locker area of Midtown High School, Peter had just put his things away when a beautiful woman with long golden hair walked over the crowd and greeted Peter with a smile;

"Peter, what happened to your face?"

Gwen, who was holding a book in front of her chest, said with concern after greeting Peter;

"Oh, maybe it's a rash or something, it's nothing."

Peter naturally didn't want to make the girl he liked worry about him, so he looked away while speaking;

"Your condition looks serious. Have you been to the school doctor for a checkup?"

In fact, Gwen Stacy, who also has a very high IQ, had already determined that it was definitely not a rash when she saw the bruises on Peter's face. However, seeing that Peter didn't want to talk about it, she quickly changed the subject and said;

"By the way, do you like lemon perch? It is a kind of fish, a Chinese dish."

"What? Oh, I know, yes, I like it."

Peter saw that Gwen looked like she wanted to have a date with him, so he nodded happily. After all, the goddess wanted to have a date with him, even if the name sounded weird, he would not refuse!

When Gwen saw Peter nod in agreement, she smiled and tore off a piece of paper from the book, and said as she wrote.

"If you like, you can come to this address at 8 o'clock tonight. My mother will cook lemon sea bass tonight."

Peter saw that this happiness came so suddenly, and he could only take the note with a blank face. Just when Peter didn't know what to say, the bell for class rang.

"Oh yes, it is 2016, I forgot to write the room number..."

"I remember it!"

As Gwen left, Peter shouted to her happily, then turned around and clenched his fists tightly, happily cheering himself up.

At this time, in downtown Manhattan, Li Xin was on the top floor of a high-rise building, quietly looking at the Osborne Building in front of him, which was taller than this.

After a day of rest and using the"Mercury Sash" once, the weakness from the time travel was gone, but his chakra had only recovered about half, and this was under the premise of wearing the"Fairy Amulet" and eating chocolate non-stop. This was also the purpose of Li Xin's coming here today.

""Perhaps this building that specializes in biotechnology has what I want."

After saying this, Li Xin jumped high. When the breeze blew again, there was no one on the roof of the office building.

Somewhere in the Osborne Building, Li Xin was swaggering around in a white coat. The Osborne Group is indeed a large company. There are crisscrossing areas and a constant flow of people. There are not only areas for office and research, but also special floors for other places to eat, drink and have fun.

However, the higher you go, the greater the authority you need. Just as Li Xin was thinking about how to go up, he happened to hear some conversations coming from the restaurant downstairs.

"Mr. McCann, Mr. Osborne will summon you and several other directors to his manor for a meeting at 6pm this afternoon."

At this time, a beautiful woman dressed as a secretary, holding a pile of documents, said softly behind a bald man in a suit; and the bald man frowned after hearing the secretary's words, and then continued to enjoy the steak while saying impatiently;

"I see. Let's put off other things for the afternoon. This old man is probably going to die soon."

Just as McCann was about to continue enjoying his steak, Li Xin, dressed as a waiter, came up with a cup of coffee and slowly placed it on the table.

"Wait, young man, are you mistaken?"

Seeing Li Xin was about to leave, McCann looked at the coffee in front of him and asked curiously, because there was already a cup of coffee on his table.

""Oh, Mr. McCann, this cup of coffee is specially prepared for you by our barista, and he also guarantees that this cup of coffee is definitely the best coffee you have ever tasted."

After saying that, Li Xin slowly retreated. However, when Li Xin walked to the corner of the restaurant, suddenly a burst of white smoke dissipated, the waiter's clothes disappeared, and there was an ID card in his hand.

"Hehe, enjoy my special coffee."

As Li Xin left and walked towards the elevator, Director McCann in the restaurant also picked up the cup of coffee and looked at it. However, when he took a sip, his eyes widened instantly.

"Wow, this coffee..."

Director McCann stood up from his seat excitedly, and his sudden movement immediately startled the bodyguards and secretary beside him. Just when a bodyguard was wondering if the cup of coffee was poisoned,

Director McCann actually ripped open his shirt, and said with stars in his eyes and a look of enjoyment;

"This cup of coffee is so delicious! This mellow taste, this rich aroma, this is not just a taste enjoyment, this is a baptism of body and mind!"

Speaking of this, the originally serious and cold director McCann actually picked up the cup of coffee and drank it all in one gulp. In the blink of an eye, tears of excitement flowed from his eyes, because for some reason, McCann tasted the feelings of a wanderer who had left his hometown in this cup of coffee.

"Please help me find out which artist made this cup of coffee. Maybe he and I have a lot in common...."

""Okay, sir?"

The secretary beside him found it hard to accept the boss' sudden change, but nodded.

However, before the secretary led the barista over, McCann suddenly felt his stomach churning, and he felt like he couldn't hold it anymore.

"Oh, damn, toilet! Where is the toilet?"

Instantly, McCann covered his stomach and buttocks and ran to the bathroom in a strange posture. However, when he just closed the door and had not yet taken off his pants, a powerful"energy" had already sprayed out....

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