However, as Nick Fury put away the phone in Agent Alfie's clothes, Li Xin was now doing high-altitude free fall in countless cosmic images, and the images seemed to be pressed at 2 times the speed, constantly shuttling between the universes.


Li Xin was like a ball being tossed around. He could no longer distinguish the sky from the ground during the rapid descent. He suddenly appeared in a world with a dark sky but tall buildings that were nearly a thousand meters high. Just when he was about to hit a flying car in the air, the scene changed instantly, and he came to a world full of trees and tall buildings covered with green plants.

After that, Li Xin shuttled madly through the skies of various universes, doing rapid free fall. Some worlds were full of war and yellow sand, some worlds were full of cyber sense, and various mechanical modification elements were everywhere; some worlds had an unprecedented sense of future technology, and a huge channel leading directly to the universe was built, while some worlds were a doomsday scene with no people, and space storms were blowing everywhere.

Even some worlds turned into colorful painted cartoons after Li Xin entered.

As he quickly passed through scenes after scenes, he finally stopped in the last strange but very familiar scene.


In an unknown universe, at night, in an alley in Queens, New York, a naked man with a white three-magatama mask on his head suddenly appeared from the air and fell on a trash can.


As the mask fell off, a young man with a green oriental face was revealed. As Li Xin fell from a trash can, some wild cats that were rummaging through the trash to eat fled away in a hurry after making frightened cries.

After a moment, Li Xin, who was dizzy and felt a little nauseous, slowly climbed up. However, when he felt a cool breeze blowing from his crotch, he realized that he was naked at this time!

"Damn! This dog system..."

Li Xin complained about the system in his mind while leaning against the wall next to him. However, after he felt the system check his body, he cursed the system again in his mind. At this moment, he felt extremely weak, as if he had a bad cold. He felt uncomfortable all over, and there was only a trace of weak chakra left in his body. What's more, except for the system mask, the fairy amulet and the mercury belt, he didn't even have any underwear!


A gust of cool wind blew by, and Li Xin couldn't help but sneeze. After cursing the dog system in his heart, he could only walk out of the alley and take one step at a time.

Ten minutes later, somewhere on 17th Street in Queens, Li Xin was hiding in an alley next to a store and shivering. The clothes and pants on his body were hung outside the window by others to dry.

At this moment, he was cold, hungry and weak. He could only squat in a place with light to see if there were any kind-hearted people passing by who could take him in.

At the same time, he was also observing this universe, and of course he was more complaining;"No one travels like this!"

The good news is that after a simple observation just now, this is Queens, New York, which is basically the same as his universe. The bad news is that he did not wait for someone who was willing to take him in tonight, but waited for several white men with unfriendly faces.

"Hey, buddy, do you need help? Brother Jie, I can take you home, hahahaha..."

A hooded white man was holding a bottle of wine and speaking to Li Xin in an obnoxious tone.

His words caused the other people to laugh, and his words were filled with other obscene words such as"My house is quite big, look at the big baby, let's have group sex together";

"Stop, that...Brother Jie? I don't think I need your help, thank you."

Seeing that the man with glasses in front of him had an increasingly strange look in his eyes, Li Xin quickly stood up and said to him. However, when he stood up and revealed a hint of his well-proportioned muscular figure under his coat, the man called Brother Jie couldn't help himself.

After seeing the 'spring light' scene, Brother Jie quickly took off his glasses, approached Li Xin with a lewd smile, and said loudly;

""What was that just now? Let me see!"

Seeing that things were not going well, Li Xin immediately retreated to the back, but behind him was a dark alley with no lights, which obviously made the strong men even more excited;

""Brother Jie, don't!"

Just as Brother Jie and a few strong men were excitedly chasing the handsome boy in front, Li Xin had already opened a pair of scarlet three-magatama Sharingan in the darkness.


After opening his eyes, Li Xin quickly turned around and looked at these sturdy men, and then quickly formed a"Zi" seal with his hands.

After seeing the pair of scarlet and cold eyes, Brother Jie and the others in the back began to stand there blankly, and then turned around and started to fight with each other with punches and kicks.

In the process of fighting, everyone was like facing the enemy who killed his father.

Every punch went to the vital points and every move was fatal.

It didn't take long for several sturdy men to scream in pain.

At this time, outside the alley, some passers-by could only sigh helplessly when they saw a handsome young man being chased into the alley by several sturdy men, and there were still such violent movements and screams.

There were also some kind-hearted people who chose to call the police after cursing"beast".

But not long after, the movement in the alley disappeared, but to everyone's surprise, it was the handsome young man with a relaxed face who came out.

"Ding Dong~"

In the supermarket nearby, Li Xin used the several hundred dollars she had looted from the others to buy a large bag of food and a lot of chocolate, and then walked out of the store leisurely while the fat clerk looked surprised.....

After that, Li Xin ate chocolate crazily while walking aimlessly on the street with a bag in his hand. However, the chaos in Queens in this universe was beyond his imagination.

Because Li Xin had just walked through a street, another thin white man with blond hair approached him and slowly took out a butterfly knife from his pocket.

Li Xin, who had already observed this scene, could only curse silently, then quickly turned around and looked at the man with a vigilant face, and put his hands behind his back, making a gesture as if he was ready to draw a gun.................

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