"Wow, look who's here? Our street hero,"White Mask"! Agent A Fei, you never told me that you could summon a giant and cut a 'canyon' on the ground with one knife." As soon as the automatic door opened, Li Xin saw Nick Fury talking to him with a smirk on his face; and when Nick Fury saw Li Xin's shy expression, he came over with a friendly look, put his arm around Li Xin's shoulders and continued to talk with concern;

"How are you doing recently? Are you used to the old house? I can apply for a luxury apartment for you."

Seeing Nick Fury's sudden change, Li Xin quickly took away his hand on her shoulder, and said speechlessly;

"I live well, sir. You don't need to worry about the rest. Let's talk about the mission quickly."...

"Ahem, let me introduce you. This is Dr. Shavig and that is Agent Hawkeye...."

After that, Nick Fury, who had returned to his normal state, immediately changed his expression and led Li Xin to the center of the institute as if nothing had happened just now. He introduced him to the other people here and the future direction of energy weapon research.

Hawkeye Clint, who had met him before, and Dr. Shavig, who had only met him once, also began to greet Li Xin enthusiastically, but at this time, Li Xin suddenly froze in place after greeting everyone.

Because in the center of the institute, among a pile of high-tech equipment, he saw a mysterious cube emitting strange crystal light, and this cube was the legendary Cosmic Cube, which was also the Space Stone in the Infinity Stones of the Universe!

And what surprised Li Xin was not only seeing the Cosmic Cube, but also the message that the system in his mind sent at this time;

"Ding, it is detected that there is a spatial force near the host that can be used for dimensional travel. The host's character tag [Traveler (You are more sensitive to time and space)] has been triggered. Do you want to travel through time and space here?"

"What? Another time travel? Can you explain it in detail?"

Seeing this bird system finally pop up, Li Xin was shocked and began to ask in his mind

"Ding, the host can travel through time and space for 99 days in a place with strong spatial power, and randomly travel to other universes. When the host returns from the trip, he can open a luck card pool, and the luck card pool is at least purple quality."

As the system's voice disappeared, Li Xin immediately shed tears of excitement, because if he wanted to draw those red and gold quality god-level cards by relying on his hard work to complete the task, it is estimated that Thanos's ring finger has been used up!

Just like in his previous life as a worker, when he can save money to buy a house and give a gift to marry his goddess, her second child has already gone to kindergarten. Okay!

Okay, okay, this is how to play it, right? After thinking about it, Li Xin immediately responded to the system;

"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up!"

As soon as Li Xin finished speaking, a strange energy emanated from Li Xin's body. When Li Xin came to his senses, he found that he had turned into a wisp of blue light, and the cosmic cube in the center of the institute also began to emit a violent blue torrent.


With the sound of objects falling, Li Xin, who was standing in front of the Cosmic Cube, disappeared, and on the ground where he had just stood, there was only a set of clothes and a pair of shoes left.

""Be alert!"

Instantly, Nick Fury, who was beside Li Xin, pulled out his large-caliber pistol, pointed it at the Cosmic Magic Department, and said to Dr. Shavig with an unbelievable look on his face;

"Doctor? What did you just do?"

Shavig, who was sitting next to a computer, quickly raised his hands and said innocently;

"Oh my God, I swear to God, I had no idea what just happened!"

"Could it be that this damn Cosmic Cube ate Agent Afei by itself?"

After Nick Fury finished cursing, his face became extremely ugly, and he quickly walked to the computer to check the real-time data of the Cosmic Cube and what happened just now.

"Just now, the cosmic magic seemed to release a burst of energy, but it was only for a short moment, which means that Agent Afei was probably teleported to another corner of the universe."

After viewing the data on the computer, Dr. Shavig analyzed it and then gave his conclusion; but Nick Fury picked up the clothes on the ground with an ugly face, and after checking it again, he said to everyone in the institute with a serious expression;

"This matter must not be known to others..."

As Nick Fury carefully packed up the remaining clothes of Li Xin, Clint, who was high up, slid down from the rope beside him, and said with a puzzled expression;

"I just saw Agent Afei crying. I mean, tears suddenly flowed from his eyes, and he seemed very excited."

After hearing Hawkeye's words, Nick Fury paused, because he also noticed that Afei suddenly burst into tears after seeing the Cosmic Cube, and then seemed to become very excited.

"well...I know, I noticed it, but from now on, security here needs to be tightened"........

As Li Xin suddenly disappeared, Jenny was sitting on a chair in Central Park, holding the arm of a handsome guy who always had a smile on his face. Just as Jenny blushed and mustered up the courage to kiss him,


The handsome guy just now turned into a puff of white smoke, and then disappeared so suddenly, and the ice cream in his hand fell to the ground at this moment.

Jenny, who witnessed all this, had a rosy face that turned pale in an instant. She was at a loss and started to call Li Xin in a panic, but no one answered the phone.

In the end, she had no choice but to call her classmate Cooper Alexander.

After she described her experience with a tearful and trembling voice, Cooper on the other end of the phone began to comfort her calmly;

"Don't be nervous, Jenny. I think this should be the art of cloning. I think you have never seen classmate Philip who can keep smiling all the time, right?"

"And as far as I know, White Mask has appeared in multiple streets at the same time to fight criminals more than once, so I have long suspected that he can use the ninja's clone technique,"

"Then everything makes sense, Jenny, don't tell anyone about this, go home first."

As the call ended, Jenny didn't feel the excitement she had expected after guessing Li Xin's identity, but was instead worried about Philip.....

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