"Hey! Stay away from me, scum, or I'll cut a hole in your head so you can breathe!"

However, when the man saw Li Xin's young, pale and weak face, he hesitated for a moment, then quickly approached with a knife and said viciously;

"Fuck you! Do you think I was scared? Little princess?"

Seeing that the villain in front of him didn't fall for it, Li Xin had to lower her center of gravity slightly and prepare to take the initiative!


Li Xin stepped forward quickly the moment the man stepped forward and punched the man in the eye socket, making a sound of a fist hitting the flesh.

However, Li Xin, who was in a weak state at the moment, although the punch hit the target perfectly, the man was not OK, but aroused his ferocity, and waved the butterfly knife at Li Xin with a ferocious face.

Although Li Xin was in a weak state now and his strength was less than one-tenth of his heyday, he still relied on his rich combat experience and perfect insight to avoid the two knives that attacked him, and quickly rolled away.

However, just as Li Xin lowered his center of gravity, focused on the man rushing towards him, and looked for opportunities to attack the opponent's weaknesses, a figure wearing a mask and a blue-red tights appeared in his field of vision.

The agile figure quickly crawled and jumped on the building next to him, and then shot two spider silks from his hands in an instant while doing handsome moves in the air.


Two spider silks came in an instant, and the man who was rushing towards Li Xin was instantly entangled by the spider silk and fell to the ground. Before he could react, he was already hung upside down in the air, hanging under a street lamp.

However, just as the man's head was buzzing and he was groaning in pain, the man in the blue and red tight suit jumped to the man's side aggressively, grabbed his collar and said;

"Hey, scumbag~ Is the convenience store closed today? Are you trying to steal their chocolate?"

Li Xinzai, who was standing by, was stunned for a moment when he saw the blue and red tights with spider patterns, and then he said subconsciously;


After Peter Parker looked at the blond man's left hand and found that he was not the person he was looking for, he was about to leave, but suddenly he heard someone behind him calling him Spider-Man, so he turned around and asked in doubt;

"What? Spider-Man?"

Li Xin was confused when he saw Spider-Man asking him back, so he pointed to the big spider pattern on the other's chest.

"Oh, yes, I like spiders, maybe everyone should like spiders, haha..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Peter Parker began to shoot spider silk at the roof. After a few coherent but somewhat stiff silk-swinging movements, the agile figure disappeared into the night of the street.

In order to figure out the situation, Li Xin hurriedly picked up his bag of supplies and quickly followed in the direction Spider-Man left.

Because according to his memories of his previous life, when he saw this large area of blue tights and the eyes made of sunglasses on the hood, he had roughly guessed which universe he was in.

It was just that the other party didn't even know what Spider-Man meant, which caught him off guard. However, looking at the current chaos in Queens, Li Xin estimated that Peter should have just debuted not long ago........

On a rooftop not far from 17th Street, Li Xin, who finally stopped, was eating chocolate while looking down.

Spider-Man had obviously found his new prey, another blond thief.

The man was using a high-tech lock pick to secretly unlock a car, and with an electronic sound, the car door was really opened.

However, when the man was excitedly sitting in the driver's seat, ready to search thoroughly, he completely ignored the figure in the back seat.

"Ahem~ You know, if you want to steal a car in the future, can you please not wear this outfit, because it really makes you look like a thief."

Spider-Man in the back seat looked at the car thief who was"rummaging" with a smile on his face, and he didn't notice him at all, so he quickly reminded him; and the sudden voice behind him naturally scared the car thief, and he immediately turned around and said nervously;

"you...Who are you, are you a policeman?"

"What the hell? You actually think I'm a policeman? Which policeman wears a red and blue tights?"

When the car thief saw that this weirdo was not a policeman, he immediately turned around and prepared to open the car door and leave.

But just as he was about to make a move, Spider-Man had already quickly shot out a spider silk and stuck the car door. After that, every time the car thief wanted to open the door and leave, Spider-Man would pull the spider silk to close the door.

Then, the chatterbox attribute was triggered, and Spider-Man was pulling the spider silk while talking in his mouth, imitating the man's voice just now in a hippie tone;

"you...you...Are you, brain?..."Have you ever been caught in a door, sir?"

As soon as the car thief opened the car door, Spider-Man behind him would pull the spider silk to help him close the door. The thief couldn't stand it anymore, so he quickly rolled down the window and climbed out.

Spider-Man behind him saw the other party's anxious look and happily instructed him how to climb the window.

""Yes, yes, yes, hurry up, hurry up, go through the window, look, great, you got out successfully."

After the car thief climbed out of the car with difficulty, he immediately stood up and looked inside the car, but at this time, there was no one in the back seat of the car.

However, just as the car thief was looking around and preparing to escape, Spider-Man suddenly appeared behind him, swung his spider silk and clamped the car thief's head with his legs, and threw it against the wall behind him.

"I’m gonna catch you~"

After knocking the man down, Spider-Man landed like a hero, but the man finally got impatient and quickly stood up and took out a small fruit knife from his pocket, threatening Spider-Man;

"This is a real knife, let me go, I don't want any trouble..."

However, when Spider-Man saw Xiaodao, he immediately acted in an exaggerated fright, covered his mouth with one hand in fear, and trembled as he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy;

"Wow wow wow ~ is that a knife?...Woohoo, what I fear the most is this kind of knife. I am not afraid of anything except knives....Woohoo....No way!"

Suddenly, Spider-Man stood up quickly and shot several spider silks at the man's knife-holding hand, sticking him to the wall.

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