Hawkeye, who was on the rooftop in the distance, immediately stood up and drew his bow after hearing Li Xin's voice. In an instant, a fully loaded explosive arrow shot accurately towards the Destroyer's head that was flashing red light.


Suddenly, the Destroyer's head was shot by a steel arrow. As the head exploded, the Destroyer paused for almost a second before firing a fierce high-temperature ray at the Quinjet.


With a loud bang, the exploding Quinjet set off a blazing heat wave. Along with the violent explosion, the surrounding houses were also affected and began to collapse. Parts and fragments of the fighter were flying everywhere in the flames of the explosion.


Hawkeye, who had already hidden himself again, screamed with red eyes and heartache when he looked at the fighter plane that had become a sea of fire, and one hand tightly grasped his technological longbow.

Coulson, who had already been evacuated to a safe place by his men, couldn't help but sigh when he saw the fighter plane in the distance being shot down and exploded;

"Rest in peace, may God bless you..."

The huge mechanical wreckage was burning in flames, and in the billowing smoke, a huge metal figure walked out swaggeringly.

After the Destroyer inspected the area, high-temperature red light flashed on his head and chest again. With strong high-temperature rays, the surrounding houses and buildings had collapsed. After completing the mission, the Destroyer walked step by step towards the Rainbow Bridge in the distance. At this time, the town of Blooms behind the Destroyer had no intact buildings, and almost all of them were reduced to ruins.

At this time, in a corner of an alley behind the Destroyer, in a vortex-like space distortion, Li Xin, wearing a mask, slowly appeared, and on his shoulders was a tall and blond beauty with proud curves and wearing a special combat uniform. It was Maria Hill, the senior agent who was almost killed in the bombing of the Quinjet.

""Retreat, sir. That guy is too tough. It's hard for ordinary weapons to break his defense."

After putting Agent Hill down, Li Xin said to her calmly.

In fact, Li Xin really admired her. She knew that missiles could not kill the Destroyer, but she still drove a fighter plane to fight it.

And looking at the burly back of the Destroyer in the distance, it was bombarded for so long, but there was not even a scratch? Thinking that Uru metal was such a good material, Li Xin couldn't help but get excited.

"Let me meet you."

After saying this, Li Xin's eyes began to become sharp, and a cold and dangerous aura began to emanate from his body. Then he walked step by step towards the direction of the Destroyer.

Hill, who was a little dizzy at the side, also recovered at this time. Although he didn't know how he was rescued, he still reminded;

"Agent A Fei, this thing in front of us is not something we can defeat. We can't win at all...."

After hearing Hill's words, Li Xin slowly turned around and looked at Hill, who was leaning against the wall and covering his arm, and said with a firm look in his eyes;

"Can't win at all?..."I don't understand."

Li Xin finished speaking, and then he ran at full speed, quickly took out the Broken Army Knife and rushed towards the Destroyer in the distance.

While running, the mechanical box in his hand began to change. After a mechanical flip, it turned into a red and black Miao Knife.

Hill, who survived the disaster in the back, could only quietly watch the back of the fast-running figure in the distance, silently cheering for him in his heart. The other agents who were originally preparing to retreat were even more stunned when they saw Li Xin running towards the Destroyer on the street.

After all, all the weapons had been used, and even the skin of the metal giant had not been scratched off. Now the metal giant was leaving, and there were actually people rushing to send him off?

"What? Is he crazy? How can he rush forward with a knife?"

A black agent was staring with eyes wide open, with an expression of disbelief on his face; while Hawkeye beside him said lightly;

"Agent A Fei is not the kind of person who acts on impulse, and he also possesses extraordinary power. If he is not sure, he will not do such a stupid thing."

"Come on, come on, relying on that broken knife, you are not even qualified to scrape the metal giant."

Seeing the black agent on the side was not optimistic, Hawkeye stopped talking, but silently crossed his arms and watched the development of things.

At this time, outside the town, the Destroyer obviously also felt the energy fluctuations behind him, so he quickly stopped, turned around and punched behind him.


But a blurry figure passed by quickly, and a sharp blade light dodged the Destroyer's fist and slashed at its neck!

As the Destroyer reached forward with his other hand, the figure quickly dodged like a ghost, circled around the Destroyer's side again, and slashed quickly again.

"Ding ding ding ding...!"

At this time, a layer of light blue chakra had already been absorbed on the Broken Army Sword. Not only was the blade sharp, but the sword's power was as fierce and powerful as the wind.

In the blink of an eye, sparks appeared on the Destroyer's body, and the huge Destroyer could only wave his fists left and right, unable to stop the ghostly Li Xin.

As Li Xin activated the Wuji Sword, coupled with his own passive ruthless combo, a series of light blue blade lights slashed at the Destroyer's body as fast as a gust of wind, blooming star-like fireworks.

In the next five minutes, Li Xin kept changing his position, waving the Broken Army Sword and constantly attacking the Destroyer's vital points. Facing Li Xin's fast body movements, the Destroyer could only keep getting beaten on the spot, and was dodged by Li Xin again with a punch.���The Destroyer finally couldn't stand it anymore, and his head began to flash red.

This time, the Destroyer seemed to have accumulated power for a longer time. Not only was his entire body flashing, but he also exuded a devastating pressure.

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