In fact, Hawkeye, who had been carrying out dangerous missions for many years, also felt something was wrong at this time, but he still said to Li Xin with a little disbelief; but Li Xin did not respond to him, and when he looked at the Destroyer in the pit, his pair of scarlet three-magatama Sharingan had already been opened by him

"Beep beep..."

At this time, a researcher in a white coat was holding a mine-sweeping machine and concentrating on scanning the metal giant in front of him, while the bald agent Sitwell, who was wearing a suit and glasses, was looking at the scene and the metal giant in front of him with a slightly excited expression.

Because he had reported the situation here to the organization, this place would soon be taken over by their own people, and the powerful technological weapon in front of them was already in their pocket.

Just as he was looking forward to the arrival of the crane, the researcher in a white coat next to him suddenly looked strange, because the detector showed that the energy in the current area seemed to become unstable, and the detector in his hand made a very rapid sound.

"Beep beep beep....."

As the sound became strange, Sitwell looked at the researcher in the white coat with curiosity. As the researcher was frowning and preparing to explain, the Destroyer lying on the ground suddenly changed.


The Destroyer's body began to wriggle like liquid. After a burst of mechanical and metal collision sounds, the head that had been hammered to pieces had unexpectedly become intact!

"Walk..."Go! Go! Retreat!"

Sitwell had seen the power of the metal giant before. Seeing that something was wrong, he immediately started running and yelling to the people around him.

The agents on the scene were well-trained. After a brief panic, they quickly picked up their weapons and entered combat mode. The natives of the town were stunned in despair when they saw this.


As the body was repaired, the Destroyer stood up again. At this time, he stood majestically on the street with a height of nearly 5 meters covered in black metal, emitting a devastating pressure to the surroundings.

As everyone quickly fled, the researcher in a white coat holding a scanning detector stood there blankly, looking up at the tall Destroyer armor in front of him.

But after the Destroyer stood up, it seemed that he could not see the"ant" in front of him at all. After kicking the wreckage of the car next to him, he stepped forward, not caring about the person standing in front of him.

At this time, the Destroyer, who had just restarted, had only one command in his mind, which was"destroy everything."

And the researcher was not sure whether he was stunned or scared at this time. Even though he was about to be stepped on to death, he still stood there motionless.


Just as the Destroyer was about to step on the little bug in front of him, a strong sound of breaking wind passed by quickly, and a masked man took the white coat staff away at an extremely fast speed.


Just as Li Xin put down the frightened researcher, there was a burst of violent gunfire behind him. It was obviously the sound of a Barrett sniper rifle, but even a large-caliber sniper rifle equipped with armor-piercing bullets, Barrett, could only leave a trace of sparks when it shot the Destroyer's head.

The Destroyer seemed to be enraged, and flames began to flash on his chest and head. And with the sound of the Barrett's gun, it meant that the war had begun....

At this time, the agents who were originally doing security work had already raised their weapons and fired at the Destroyer in front of them, all kinds of rifles, sniper rifles, grenades, and artillery. They shouted at the Destroyer in the center of the street as if it was free.

As the war spread, the whole street suddenly became chaotic, and flames flew everywhere. Seeing the war started, some non-combat agents and the public also bent their bodies and hid in a safe place.

After a hail of bullets and artillery fire, the place where the Destroyer stood had been bombarded into ruins, and a thick smoke rose in the burning sea of fire.

As the smoke billowed inside and the situation could not be seen clearly, everyone began to stop firing and observe carefully.

However, when the smoke was about to dissipate, there was still a hazy and huge figure standing there. As the head of the figure flashed red, a fierce beam of light shot towards the direction of the combatants.


In a violent explosion, several unlucky fighters were directly reduced to ruins along with the nearby buildings. At this time, some agents saw that there was no way out and could only hastily fire a few shots at the Destroyer and try to escape to the side.

At this time, Hill in the Quinjet also decisively issued a retreat order, and then immediately raised the fighter to fire at the Destroyer in the air to cover the agents' retreat.


In front of the wings of the Quinjet, two thick gun barrels spit out flames crazily and fired at the Destroyer. Hill, who was in the driver's seat, immediately fired two missiles at the target.


The missile successfully hit the target, and the place where the Destroyer stood exploded into a sea of fire again. However, in the thick smoke and fire, the metal giant did not fall down, but stood firmly in the same place.


At this time, the Destroyer's head flashed red, and instantly a fierce high-temperature light cannon shot towards the Quinjet in mid-air!

But Hill was worthy of being an old agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and before the beam shot towards the fighter, Hill made a sideways evasive action at the critical moment, and avoided the attack cleanly.

But the Destroyer's energy is inexhaustible, and in the blink of an eye, its second high-temperature light cannon shot at the fighter in mid-air again.


This time, Hill didn't have the luck she had last time. Although she made a perfect dodge at the critical moment, some parts of the fuselage were still hit by the fierce high-temperature ray.

As the fuselage began to catch fire and emit black smoke, the fighter began to lose balance, and the wing even hit a nearby electric pole, causing some sparks to explode.

The cockpit was already ringing with urgent alarms, and the abnormal red lights on various operating equipment were constantly flashing.


Hill no longer had the calmness he had before, and his cold and beautiful face was already a little panicked.

But the ruthless Destroyer didn't care about that at all. He adjusted himself and walked a few steps forward. Then, the metal head flashed a deadly high-temperature red light again.

"Cover, Clinton!"

At the moment when the fighter plane was about to land, Li Xin flashed outside the cockpit glass. When he saw Hill's pale and panicked face in the driver's seat, his eyes had already turned into a pair of scarlet Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Divine power!".............

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