As the Destroyer continued to absorb energy, his entire body began to become redder and the temperature around him began to rise. Even the land next to him turned into scorched earth at this moment.

Li Xin, who was standing by, was holding the Pojun in his hands tightly. As a surge of light blue chakra condensed on the blade, a cold and powerful aura began to emanate.

As the scarlet three-magatama Sharingan in Li Xin's eyes began to rotate, a light blue sharp blade light flashed out. Amidst the violent sound of breaking through the air, the blade flashed like a dazzling starlight!

This knife was too fast, and the Destroyer, who was accumulating energy, had no way to dodge it. At this time, its neck had been pierced by Li Xin's knife! The action of absorbing energy also came to an abrupt halt, and the surrounding high temperature and the light of the body also dissipated instantly at this moment.


There was a heavy fall to the ground. The Destroyer, which had already been extinguished, lost its luster again, and a Miao Dao was deeply inserted into its neck.

At this time, Li Xin stepped out with one foot and stepped on the head of the Destroyer. A pair of scarlet three-magatama Sharingan was looking at the Destroyer under his feet with disdain, and slowly said:

"It seems that you are not invulnerable. You were knocked down by a single move of"Wind Breaking Slash"?"

However, before Li Xin could finish his words with a sneer, the Destroyer underground began to wriggle like liquid again, and a red light condensed on its head again. It completely ignored the knife stuck in its neck and was about to fire a high-temperature laser cannon at Li Xin's face.


As Li Xin jumped away flexibly, a thick high-temperature ray instantly shot straight into the sky. Although Li Xin dodged it easily, his Broken Army was still stuck in the Destroyer's neck and could not be pulled out. At this time, in a ruined house outside the town, a group of agents who were watching the battle were making a sound of annoyance.

"Fuck! What the hell is this giant that fell to the ground? How can he survive like this?"

The black agent who originally didn't think highly of Li Xin was now showing an exaggerated expression and yelling, while

Sitwell, who was holding a high-definition camera, kicked the black agent in front of him and said;

"I said, can you please stop blocking me? Can't you see I'm recording?"

Sitwell was very excited at this moment, because the strength shown by Li Xin was obviously far beyond the plan called Winter Soldier in the organization. At that time, he only needed to win over Agent A Fei, and there was no need to worry about not being able to achieve the great plan of the world.


As the Destroyer stood up again, he easily broke the Broken Army that was stuck in its neck and threw it aside. Then, its chest and head once again flashed the simple high-temperature red light.

"I said, you only know this one move, right? Then, let's stop warming up here, Susanoo - Noh!"

As Li Xin opened his eyes again, the scarlet three-magatama Sharingan began to turn rapidly, with an evil look on his face, and a strong light blue chakra began to emanate from his body.

As the chakra continued to erupt and condense, in the blink of an eye, a row of light blue skull ribs and a skeleton arm appeared around Li Xin's body.

"second round..."

Li Xin easily dodged the high-temperature laser cannon shot by the Destroyer while running forward, and instantly appeared on the side of the Destroyer. The light blue skeleton arm also dragged a faint stream of light and smashed hard towards the Destroyer's head!......

As the battle between Li Xin and the Destroyer begins again, a drama of brothers turning against each other is also being played out on the Rainbow Bridge of Asgard, far away in the depths of the universe.

"You can't stop it. The Rainbow Bridge will remain open until Jotunheim is completely destroyed!"

At this time, Loki, with a gloomy face, had already used Odin's Eternal Spear to control the center of the Rainbow Bridge and said to Thor who was chasing him; at this time, at the center of the Rainbow Bridge, a huge and terrifying rainbow torrent was crossing the universe directly from the entrance of the Rainbow Bridge and descending on the icy and snowy Jotunheim.


As the violent rainbow torrent shot towards the earth, the entire Jotun Giant Country began to thunder, mountains collapsed and rivers dried up, and countless frost giants died in this apocalyptic scene of the sky collapsing and the earth cracking. On the Rainbow Bridge, Thor showed a look of complete disappointment to his brother in front of him, and without saying a word, he rushed up with Thor's hammer, determined to directly smash the entire center of the Rainbow Bridge.


A strong laser shot out from the Eternal Spear, sweeping Thor, who wanted to stop him, away and he fell to the ground.

"Why did you do this?"

Thor stood up and glared at Loki.

"Why? Because I want to prove to my father that I am his best son. When he wakes up, it is me who saved his life. I also killed the monster's clan. I am the worthy heir of Asgard!"

After Loki tricked his biological father Laufeyson into the royal court of Asgard and killed him, he began to be in an inexplicable state of excitement, and at this time he had already fallen into a state of madness.

"Loki, I can't let you wipe out the entire race!"

Seeing his brother's ugly face at this time, Thor pointed to the bottom of the universe and said angrily;

"Why? When did you start to like the Frost Giants? You used to want to kill them all, didn't you?"

Faced with Thor's attitude at this time, Loki laughed like crazy, then slowly walked towards Thor, suddenly shot Thor to the ground, and roared at him again;

"I never wanted the throne, I just wanted to be treated the same as you!"

"What made you such a coward? Huh? Don't tell me it was that woman on Earth!"

���Seeing that Thor had remained silent, Loki seemed to have guessed something, and said with a hint of madness;

"Oh, really, then when everything is over here, I will go see her in person!"

However, this sentence has obviously touched Thor's reverse scale, and the angry Thor can no longer tolerate Loki, who is almost crazy at this time, so he roared and rushed up again with Thor's hammer.


As Thor's hammer and the Spear of Eternity collided in the air, a violent energy exploded between the two men, but the two men, who were already furious at this time, quickly stood up and picked up their weapons again to kill each other.

Divine light flashed again and again, and weapons collided again and again. Violent sparks were already rubbed out on the battlefield. Loki and Thor's bodies were already flashing with divine light, and they were fighting fiercely.

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