After the two smiled at each other, they quickly became familiar with each other, and Li Xin also saw the live version of the battle between Thor and Destroyer on Clinton's tactical board.

"So I guess that the weakness of this metal giant is the position of his head when he fires the beam.

Hawkeye is indeed a veteran agent who has experienced many battles. After reviewing the previous battle with Li Xin, he quickly obtained a lot of key information.

At this time, outside the town of Blooms, Thor was still shouting Heimdall, but his voice was almost hoarse and he couldn't see the shadow of the Rainbow Bridge, so he said to the three warriors beside him;

"What happened up there, why didn't he respond?..."

"I don't know. They were fine when they came here. Are we going to be trapped here?"

Volstagg was also confused at this time. After all, Heimdall was fine when they came down, and as the guardian of Asgard, if Heimdall had an accident, it would mean that Asgard was in a major crisis or even fell.

At this time, on the Rainbow Bridge of Asgard deep in the universe, Heimdall, who was frozen all over, naturally heard Thor's call, but at this time he could not respond to Thor who was far away in Midgard. Under the frost, he could only operate his divine power weakly.

And since he was frozen, he could only watch Loki open the Rainbow Bridge in front of him, and then summoned the King of the Frost Giants in the Jotun Giant Town——Laufyson

""Welcome to Asgard~"

Loki said with a smile as he looked at the group of gray-white frost giants in front of him; then he led Laufeyson and a group of frost giants towards the direction of the Asgard royal court, leaving only two frost giants to guard the exit. At this time, Heimdall's eyes were only burning with anger, and he could only helplessly watch the traitor Loki walk away.

But his body power had been completely frozen, and just when his consciousness was about to dissipate under the extreme cold, a power deep in his body that he swore not to use began to be stimulated.

"Heimdall! Can you hear me? We need you now!"

The frozen Heimdall heard Thor's call again, and it seemed that he had made some kind of decision. Heimdall completely activated the dark power.


As the black magic hit, cracks began to appear on the ice on Heimdall's body. Finally, when a certain force reached its limit, the ice on his body exploded completely.

""Hah! Ah!"

With an angry roar, Heimdall, who had broken through the ice, swung his golden sword and slashed at the two frost giants beside him.


Two golden lights flashed across, and in an instant, one frost giant's head was chopped off, and the other was pierced through the chest! After knocking down the two frost giants, Heimdall also half-knelt on the ground exhausted.


Heimdall, holding the greatsword, was breathing hard, but his eyes were fixed on the Rainbow Bridge Center not far away. The invasion of Asgard this time was his serious dereliction of duty!

At this time, the only one who could save Asgard was Thor, the god of thunder, who was far away in Midgard. Thinking of this, Heimdall dragged his heavy body and began to slowly walk towards the center.

Finally, when his body was about to reach its limit, he successfully inserted the golden sword into the center. Then, under the flash of lightning energy, Heimdall finally couldn't hold on and fell down.

At this time on the earth, when Thor shouted Heimdall loudly to the sky again, a strange dark cloud finally appeared in the sky and quickly gathered into a huge inverted tornado.

Seeing this, Thor smiled and looked behind him, and the three warriors and Sif also ran quickly to the landing point of the Rainbow Bridge.

Jane Fortes saw this and gently walked to Thor, and then looked at Thor affectionately.

"I have to go back to Asgard, but I promise, I will come back to find you."

Thor hugged Jane Fortes, then looked at the woman in front of him affectionately and said slowly; when the atmosphere on the scene seemed to have reached a certain extreme, Thor seized the opportunity and kissed the beautiful woman's red lips deeply.

""Oh~ Wow!"

Assistant Daisy made an envious noise while watching the two people kissing passionately. Sif, who was at the landing point of the Rainbow Bridge, clenched her fists behind her back inexplicably when she saw this heartbreaking scene.

After a fierce kiss, Jane Fortes reluctantly pulled Thor's arm and said;

"We've made a promise. I'll always be waiting for you."

At the landing point of the Rainbow Bridge, Thor took a last affectionate look at Jane Fortess, and then a rainbow-like beam of light instantly descended from the sky, covering Thor and the three warriors at the landing point.


As the light of the rainbow bridge faded, only Jane Fortes, Shavig, Daisy and others were left at the scene.

After exclaiming at the magical rainbow bridge, Dr. Shavig came over with a look of regret and patted Jane Fortes on the shoulder to comfort her;

"Jane, since they have such amazing high technology, as long as this so-called bridge is still there, you will always be able to meet each other.

Although Shavig lamented that there really are gods in this world, as a person who has experienced it, he actually doesn't think much of this relationship.

At this time, on a rooftop in the town, Li Xin and Clinton naturally saw the magical rainbow beam of light. As the light disappeared, Clinton said with a wry smile;

"Is there really a God in this world?"

Li Xin stretched out his body, looked at the refined young man in front of him, and said calmly;

"Who knows, maybe there are, but maybe they are just stronger aliens."

When he finished speaking, Li Xin's attention had already shifted to the street below. As the Destroyer was surrounded by circles of cordons, some researchers had begun scanning and collecting data with some strange equipment.

At this time, Coulson was also discussing something with the indigenous people of the town, and after Hill arranged the security work on the scene, he got on the Quinjet, and it seemed that everything was entering the smooth cleaning of the battlefield.

But for some reason, Li Xin began to squat slightly and carefully observe the Destroyer below, because the Destroyer was created by Odin after all. Since he was capable of being the security captain of the Asgard Treasury, it didn't make sense for him to be KOed by Thor's hammer, right?

"What? Are you worried that the giant will wake up? But its head was smashed by Thor."..................

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