Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 546 Polaris

Dozens of lights gathered in one place, and Professor X, the leader of the organizer, appeared in front of everyone.

He picked up the microphone and made a generous speech to all the guests in front of him. Although the content is not new, as a necessary opening activity, he still wants to continue.

After some high-level talk, the lights began to soften, and soothing music followed. The fragrant scent is refreshing, and the lazy atmosphere affects everyone present.

This very capital-flavored scene made Thor a little addicted. Originally, he hated that kind of behavior, but when he himself was in the scene, he actually began to appreciate that kind of culture from "077".

"Hey! Don't get carried away.

When Luo Bing saw that Thor was a little graceful, he immediately corrected it. The other party was also reminded, and restored the original demeanor.

"Ah, I forgot about Ben for a while, I'm so sorry..." Thor said with a laugh, rubbing the back of his head with his hands, obviously embarrassing.

"Forget it, there's a dining table in front of you, so you should go to the bar. I'm going to get in touch with Charles now. If I need anything, I'll come back to you." Luo Bing said flatly.

"Okay, okay, brother-in-law, then I'll go first."

Seeing that the other party had no intention of blaming him, Thor hurried to the table. Regardless of how the crowd around him looked at him, he went up to eat and drink nonsense, completely ignoring those guys.

As for Luo Bing himself, after arranging Thor, he also began to move in the direction of Charles. But unfortunately, the appearance of a woman stopped him.

Right in front of Luo Bing, a woman was yelling at a man. The filth of its content can be marked with 18 banned labels.

It is for this reason that the guys hanging out around gathered to see what happened. And Luo Bing, who never liked to join in the fun, was forcibly brought to the scene of the incident under the crowded crowd.

"You're a dead man, and you don't even look at your own virtue, yet you say I'm taking advantage of you?" The man in the white dress began to fight back at the woman in front of him.

And the woman did not show weakness after hearing such remarks, and directly countered: "Trash, just with your worth, standing in front of me is a kind of luck.

As soon as this statement came out, the onlookers next to him booed. Although they are all famous nobles, they are basically not much different from ordinary people.

The atmosphere was heightened, and the man was naturally extremely unhappy. He knew that he couldn't scold the other party, so he planned to find another way to humiliate him in another way.

The so-called humiliation is nothing more than an attack on the person to the personality. He first said that the other party's clothes were revealing, and then he said that the other party sold his body in exchange for today's wealth.

In short, in that guy's mouth, there is no difference between the woman on the opposite side and the prostitute in the tavern. If you insist on distinguishing, it is a high-level prostitute.

After this series of words was issued, the women wearing cat-eye masks simply stopped talking. She took off her mask directly, revealing her face.

All of a sudden, the onlookers were all dumbfounded. They tightly shut their mouths and dared not let anyone make a sound, for fear that they would become the target of attack.

Lorna Dane, nicknamed Polaris.....

The chairman of the Dane Group, the upstart of the rich, a member of the Mensa Club...

She has an inestimable honor and an unattainable wealth. But compared with these, the identity background that she can never give up is the key that really discourages people.

Her father is Magneto, one of the world's greatest villains, who had just recently escaped from Singed prison.

When everyone saw Polaris, they realized the crisis. They slowly stepped back in the direction behind them, for fear that they would be involved in disaster.

"Maggot, your foul language makes me very uncomfortable, so you should know your consequences, right?"

Polaris's body began to lean forward, her fair skin and Roar's body, At the moment has become a deadly weapon, no one will care about her beauty, because they know more about this woman's ability to destroy .

"Miss Lorna, please do your best, if I knew from the beginning that it was you, even if I lent me 100,000 5.1 courage, I would not dare to argue with you.

The man fell to his knees instantly and kept begging. He knew what kind of role the other party was, so he didn't dare to take any chances.

However, no matter how he apologized, the enraged Polaris had no plans to give up. Her hair color began to glow green, which was a sign that she was about to use her powers.

"Hey! There are terrorists in the scene, everyone be careful!

Just at the crunch time, a man's voice broke the atmosphere. All eyes follow the direction of the sound source, including Polaris.

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