Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 547 Chaos scene

The man who spoke was a burly black man, and the guy who knew him recognized his identity at a glance. King T'Challa of Wakanda, also known as Black Panther.

"Mr. King, what did you mean just now?"

It was a group of security personnel who came to talk to them. Although they ignored the Polaris incident, they couldn't ignore Black Panther's remarks.

"When I went to the bathroom just now, I accidentally found that two staff members were attacked and their clothes were also taken away.

Black Panther responded calmly, but this made everyone onlookers nervous, especially Luo Bing, who was standing in the center.

"Damn it, no, I actually forgot about this."

Luo Bing muttered in his heart, but he did not dare to stand up and explain the truth. And even if he did, members of the Illuminati must have negative thoughts about him.

Luo Bing would not choose this kind of behavior that outweighs the gain, so a fluke mentality was derived.

"There are so many guys in black suits here, it shouldn't be a problem..."

Luo Bing gave up his plan to communicate with Charles and was ready to go back to Thor. He wants to urge the other party to evacuate from this place as soon as possible, so as not to let them reveal their secrets.

But before he could move half a step, Charles and his party came around. After all, it was Black Panther's personal warning, so it was only natural to attract the attention of the upper echelons.

"T'Challa, has something happened?" Charles asked solemnly, and he sensed a faint ominous omen.

"Well, the security personnel here were attacked, I think the thief should be hiding in the scene." Black Panther repeated the situation again, and added an additional reminder: "There are many distinguished guests here, it is best to eliminate them immediately."

As soon as he said this, Charles didn't dare to take it lightly. He asked Storm to immediately seal the scene to prevent criminals from absconding.

After receiving the order, Storm floated directly above. Her eyes began to gradually turn white, and the surrounding clouds also began to surge.

In a short while, Storm released the power of lightning, and within a radius of 400 meters, creatures could not escape at all.

That is to say, if you want to lift this restriction, you must find the "terrorist", otherwise Charles will not let the people leave.

As an insider, Luo Bing knew how the other party would deal with the crisis. In order to avoid revealing his identity, Luo Bing quickly walked up to Charles.

"Professor, what's the situation now?" Luo Bing suddenly asked the other party a question, and Charles patiently answered after seeing that it was Luo Bing.

But he didn't know that Luo Bing's strategy was behind all these exchanges. The moment the two met their eyes, Luo Bing suddenly opened his Samsara eyes.

In order to confirm that Mutant can intervene at the level of Professor X, Luo Bing is also well prepared.

Since the effect of the eye of reincarnation is not mind manipulation, Charles did not feel any abnormality. He was immersed in Luo Bing's script world and performed perfectly.

The picture goes to Charles.

He unfolded his Mind Control Ability and checked all the people present one by one. But it is worth noting that he mistakenly thought that he had also screened Luo Bing, so the result must be wrong.

"Storm! Remove the ability, there are no infiltrators here, they may have escaped.""

Charles spoke in a commanding tone, and Storm complied immediately.

Several thunderbolts disappeared out of thin air, and the rolling clouds gradually dissipated. When everything was back to the way it was before, Charles explained it to everyone.

"Everyone, the danger has been eliminated. I apologize for what I did just now. If anyone wants to leave, they can leave now." Charles said sincerely, while the guests in the venue were silent.

They're both watching each other's performances and don't want to be the first guy to be "remembered".

"Hmph, it's just a few thieves... Mr. Charles077, you really have some similarities with that guy.

The speaker was Polaris, and the "he" in her mouth was, of course, Magneto. When she expressed her opinion, Charles, who has always had a high emotional intelligence, also laughed out loud.

"As expected of Miss Lorna, this little scene can't shake your composure at all. If you can, please give me a face and forgive that idiot."

The attention of the scene was diverted by the duo, who subtly dealt with a public relations crisis. This is a high-level operation skill, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can understand.

As for the discoverer of the whole incident, Black Panther is in a very embarrassing situation at the moment. He is now like a child who loves to lie, and is looked at with questioning eyes by everyone.

"Hey, don't you think you're funny? 35

The guy who took issue with Black Panther was Namor, and his personality was one of the most difficult and unpopular in the Illuminati.

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