Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 545 The hint before the collapse

"What's going on behind the scenes?"

The girl in the car asked about the bodyguard, and the other party lied that Luo Bing knew the rules and apologized to them.

"Hmph, poor commoners should be treated like this, they don't deserve to be in this kind of situation." The girl waved her hand as she spoke, indicating that the bodyguard could leave.

Time flickered and another half an hour passed, and all the guests who were waiting in line finally proceeded to the luxurious villa manor.

When Luo Bing and Thor got out of the car, they felt the rotten taste of capital.

"Brother-in-law, this guy is really capable of pretending, and he actually wears a mask." Thor said with a smile, he couldn't stand his style.

"Hmph, it's really funny. But the so-called follow the custom, let's not tangle too much."

After Luo Bing responded to the other party, he quickly walked to the mask receiving area. But it is ironic enough that the style of the mask is actually marked with the price, which is completely a label to show identity.

"Does this mask cost money?" Luo Bing asked in confusion, and Thor was even more confused.

"No, no, it's just a form. You wear whatever kind of mask you have." The staff replied enthusiastically.

"Oh? How to verify the identity?"- Luo Bing continued to ask.

"There is no need to verify, everything depends on self-consciousness. Besides, there are only a few rich circles in New York City, whoever cheats will definitely be discovered.

After the staff explained patiently, Luo Bing chose two masks representing top status. And the reason why he would do this is to be able to get in touch with the characters at the top.

"Sir, are you sure it's appropriate to do this?" the staff asked innocently, he hoped to see Luo Bing's embarrassment after the embarrassment.

"Don't worry, if I didn't match my identities, I wouldn't do such a shameless thing."

After saying that, Luo Bing handed one of the masks to Thor, and urged the other party to put them on quickly before entering the venue.

After a bit of displacement, Luo Bing and the others also came to the center of the home court.

At the moment, the vocals began to boil, and the air was filled with a charming fragrance. All the guests who gathered there appeared graceful and luxurious, and even the most low-key guy could hardly conceal his aura.

"Two people, what kind of work do you do?"

Just as Luo Bing and the duo were circling the net, a man in a red dress asked them a question.

"Huh? Does this have anything to do with you?" Luo Bing responded defiantly, so as to avoid continuing boring questions.

However, what Luo Bing did not expect was that instead of flinching, the other party acted like nothing else and continued to chat.

"Please don't get me wrong, I run a headhunting company, and I want to get acquainted with you because I see the two of you have an unusual temperament."

That guy's words immediately caught Luo Bing's attention. He hurriedly took a look at Thor's and his own outfits, only to realize that the two of them were dressed too casually.

Imagine two men in grey tracksuits hanging out with wine glasses at a party full of billionaires.

Presumably even the guy who has seen the big scene, will involuntarily take a second look, not to mention that the other party is also the chairman of a headhunting company.

.....for flowers .....

After finding that his dress was indeed a bit inappropriate, Luo Bing simply launched his own emergency plan. He directly opened the blood wheel eye, controlled the guy in front of him, and asked him to leave his side immediately.

After "driving" the guy away, Luo Bing manipulated the two security guards again, and then let Thor follow his pace and go to change clothes together.

"Brother-in-law, is it necessary to be so troublesome?" Thor looked helpless, he really didn't want to take off a man's clothes.


"Okay, don't talk nonsense, when you change your clothes, we will be convenient.

Luo Bing regrets his negligence. Although it is not a serious mistake, for Luo Bing, it is still worth reflecting on.

After all, the current situation is like walking on thin ice for the two of them. If you can't be careful all the time, you're bound to make bigger mistakes in the future.

Luo Bing, who has always been cautious, accelerated his speed of dressing up. On the side Thor, seeing that Luo Bing was really unhappy, closed his mouth obediently and followed suit.

"Does the clothes fit?" Luo Bing asked Thor.

"Well, it's not bad, just fat and thin." Thor answered quickly.

"Okay, let's go out. Remember not to talk nonsense, you can just drink."9

"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who talks too much."

The two walked out of the bathroom, and at this moment, they finally harmoniously entered the surrounding environment. That is, at the same moment, a dazzling light suddenly flashed in the center of the venue.

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