Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 544 Just a Misunderstanding

When the stars dotted the whole night sky, the grand party on the "Golden Coast" was officially opened. All the famous people in New York City gathered in that villa manor.

But after a burst of hurried voices, the alley, which was full of people, suddenly became unusually quiet. All the guests who come and go have their eyes locked on Luo Bing's car.

"What's going on?" the girl asked with a frown.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Brother-in-law, are those guys looking at us?" Thor asked again.

"Oh? That idiot doesn't know that the whistle is not allowed here?" The girl showed a contemptuous gesture.

"I don't care about those things at all, you let him be quiet, when is this damn team supposed to line up.

"You think I am willing to line up, if it wasn't for the rules, I would have rushed over. 077" Luo Bing also responded impatiently, and pressed the horn in front of him.

As for Thor on the side, he doesn't care about these socially meaningful accessories at all, as long as he can drink good wine right away, even if he is riding a pedal.

Among the ranks of many luxury cars, an ordinary second-hand car is particularly eye-catching. It was the car that Luo Bing bought on his deathbed. Because of the limited funds, he didn't want to waste it unnecessarily.

"Miss, there is a guy who doesn't know if he is alive or dead, urging us with the car whistle. The bodyguard quickly replied.

The flickering taillights seemed to be an announcement, and the quiet surroundings added a touch of terror to the eerie atmosphere.

"Brother-in-law, the road ahead is so congested, why don't we go around?" Thor asked inexplicably, he didn't like the feeling of being caged.

"Thor, don't mess around, we're not here to make trouble. After Luo Bing persuaded the guy, he turned his hand and took out Professor X's invitation letter from his inner lining and handed it over to the bodyguard.

"This is our invitation letter, can this prove our qualifications?" Luo Bing said with a serious face, his subtext was to tell the other party that if they continue to create conflicts, then the embarrassment must be the other party.

The development of the incident was indeed in line with the conjectures of passers-by (befb). The wealthy motorcade located in front of Luo Bing suddenly turned off.

"What's the matter?" Luo Bing asked very politely, although he had already seen the other party's intention.

"Two, I'm really sorry, this is a misunderstanding." The bodyguard put away the previous madness and behaved like a begging pug.

It turned out that the team in front of Luo Bing and the others was a wealthy family, and passers-by all knew their illustrious status and understood the temperament of those guys.

The bodyguard banged on Luo Bing's car window recklessly, looking like he was going to eat people.

However, before the bodyguard could answer, Thor, who was in the co-pilot position, lost his patience. He directly stretched his stout arm out of the car and grabbed the other person's collar.

The girl sat back in the car again, and after receiving the order, the bodyguard quickly walked to Luo Bing and the others.

Therefore, when Luo Bing urged the other party by honking the whistle, the passersby showed such fearful eyes.

The screen turns.

"It's an eye-opening thing, if you want to provoke us, then you really found the wrong person."

"Well, it seems so, but what do we have to see?" Luo Bing also expressed his doubts, and in the next second, the mystery was revealed.

"Well, since it's a misunderstanding, let's break it up, but I need to clarify one thing. We don't want to make trouble, but we're not afraid of trouble."

Luo Bing conveyed his thoughts word by word, and the bodyguard nodded immediately after hearing it, and smiled to show his understanding, and then returned to his master with an apologetic face.

Its scale and extravagance are so extravagant that even the most prosperous music festivals cannot compete with it, which shows how profound its influence is.

"Oh? How do you see that we are not suitable for this kind of occasion?" Luo Bing suddenly smiled, he had not encountered such despised behavior for a long time.

Finally, the team's doors opened. A group of strong men in black suits walked off, and the guy at the head was a girl, but more precisely, a young woman who looked like a high school student.

"Country bumpkin, I advise you to leave here quickly, this is not the place you should go." The bodyguard said rudely, even with a strong insult.

The bodyguard quickly took the invitation, and after confirming the contents, he returned it obediently and apologized.

Thor looked like Rage, and immediately intimidated the other party. But at this critical moment, Luo Bing stood up to help the other party.

"I think he doesn't know, from the value of the car, it should be a paparazzi from a news magazine, or a commoner who likes to join in the fun.

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