Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 543 Invitation Letter

The guy who called was none other than the leader of the Illuminati and the special people, Charles.

After hearing the ringtone, Luo Bing, who had a slight sense of induction, immediately answered the call and immediately communicated with the other party.

The conversation between the two of them can be described as a long story, and the intention of the call is made clear in just a few sentences. There wasn't even time for Thor and Evelyn to react.

After the call was over, the curious two at the table immediately asked Luo Bing a question.

"Brother-in-law, that Charles took the initiative to contact you, what's the matter?" Thor looked serious, because in his mind, the other party is a player who can go to the Three Treasures Palace.

"Well, there are indeed some things, but it's not bad." Luo Bing said with a smile, he knew that Thor was prejudiced against that guy.

"What's the matter?" Thor asked immediately.

"Charles invited us to Jyn's birthday party, which should be a nod to us.

As soon as he said this, Thor's mouth rose immediately. He is a simple guy, and the direction of thinking is entirely dictated by his character.

"So it turns out, I thought it was some dirty work, it seems that Charles in this dimension is still very good at doing things.

Thor's face is full of joy, and he thinks of the wine that is about to go down his throat.

"Yes, but since people took the initiative to invite us over, as the invited party, we should also pay attention to leaving a good impression.

Luo Bing intentionally reminded Thor to restrain himself and not to ruin this hard-won opportunity. And after talking about the other party, he turned his attention to Evelyn who was beside him.

"Evelyn, I won't take you there this time, do you have any opinion?" Luo Bing asked with a serious expression.

"Well, it doesn't matter to me, and if there are too many people, I'm easily nervous." Evelyn replied obediently.

"Okay, let's hurry up and send Evelyn to school after eating."

Luo Bing arranged for everyone, and the interior of the manor dozens of kilometers away was also a busy scene.

Qin Gelei's birthday party is actually just a gimmick. As the upper-level staff of the special people, her birthday has always been given other tasks.

In order to better communicate with ordinary people, Charles specially took the opportunity of Qin Ge Lei's birthday to send invitations to celebrities from all walks of life in the society.

And all the people who are invited are either dignitaries or business tycoons, and even the worst offenders are some very respectable public figures.

Under Charles' operation, the birthday party has become an annual social event. Guys who can be invited will definitely get help at all levels.

It is also for this reason that any person with a head and face will do everything possible to see this grand ceremony, in order to increase his prestige, or in exchange for other needed resources.

in a corner of the manor.

As the protagonist, Qin Ge Lei is shaking the wine glass. At the moment, she is dressed in a gorgeous dress and has become the look that all women yearn for, but this does not include herself.

"Jin! I need to use your birthday to organize activities every year, I'm really sorry. 35 Professor X, who was at the side, said very self-reproach.

And Qin Ge Lei smiled after listening to the other party's words. She stroked the hair beside her ear with her slender fingers, and then replied softly: "Professor, I know that this is all for our Mutant's good.

"Thank you for your understanding. If possible, I don't want to sacrifice your time for you to act in such a farce." Charles still looked guilty.

".~ It's really no big deal, and I didn't make any sacrifices." Qin Ge Lei quickly comforted Professional X, and then she jokingly said: "If you really feel uncomfortable, then next time we change One's birthday is just fine."

"Oh? Do you have any suitable candidates?" After Professor X heard this, he immediately became serious.

"How about Logan? That guy never seems to care about these things." Qin Grey gave a wicked smile.

"Forget it, if it was him, he would definitely screw up the scene. Next year, I'll go out in person and let you and Scott have a good time together. 35

(Zhao Zhao) The atmosphere of silence has eased with the joint "effort" of the two. At this time, the staff responsible for on-site arrangements also ran to them.

According to his statement, the venue has basically been arranged properly, and the only remaining work is to confirm the number of guests so that the arrangement of items can be adjusted for the last time.

Professor X nodded after listening, and then left the corner with the staff member. They had to check the people on the roster one by one and strive to be perfect.

As for Qin Ge Lei, who was left on the ground, she tasted the fine wine indifferently, as if nothing had anything to do with her.

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