Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 533 A new day, a new beginning

Before the morning sun appeared, Luo Bing, who was sleeping, was woken up by an annoying sound. He opened his eyes cursingly and faced the visitor with an extremely tired gesture.

"Sister, can't you just choose a reasonable time to show up?"

Luo Bing's eldest sister is actually that mysterious system. When the other party heard his ranting, he was still as calm as water and started talking about himself.

"Dear host Luo Bing, now you have triggered a new side quest. When you complete it, we will reward you with new abilities.

"Ha? You know that I should be respected! By the way, what is the mission this time?" Luo Bing looked sad.

"You have triggered the mission to see HYDRA for the first time. As long as you wipe out the crime dens in New York City, you will get our reward." After the system said this information, it disappeared for another 14 degrees, and there was no sign during that time.

After all this tossing, Luo Bing lost sleepiness. He got up and put on his clothes, and began to recall the previous announcement from the system.

"HYDRA... What kind of tricks is this poor organization going to do, I hope it won't affect my plans." Luo Bing muttered to himself, and just as he was about to make calculations, the inexplicable system actually reappeared.

"Respected host Luo Bing, I forgot to tell you something. Due to your excellent performance, we have deliberately removed the effect of Miss Fortune, and hope you can work harder in your future tasks."

After all, the system disappeared again. And Luo Bing heard some clues in the conversation just now.

"Shit! It turns out that Evelyn is so unlucky because of you bastards!" Luo Bing said angrily, At the moment he finally understood the meaning of "Miss Fortune".

However, no matter how angry he was, it would only be useless. Since the mysterious system could give him Ability, he could naturally manipulate other things.

Too much entanglement on the meaning of its existence is obviously a waste of time. The most important thing Luo Bing needs to do now is to find a way to gain the trust of the heroes in this dimension, so as to help him return to the original universe.

"bell bell"

The alarm clock next door rang suddenly, which was the default time on Evelyn's phone. When the disturbing bell rang, Luo Bing felt pity in his heart.

"This guy has obviously worked hard..."

Luo Bing said to himself, he was very sympathetic to Evelyn's misfortune, and with what he had just learned, his self-blame to himself was inexhaustible.

In order to fill these gaps, Luo Bing thought of Tony again. He was sure that with the influence of the other party, he would be able to arrange a good learning environment for Evelyn.

Under the guidance of such a thought, Luo Bing jumped up. He wakes Evelyn and Thor directly to share his thoughts with them both.

After three minutes.

Thor and Evelyn, who were exhausted, sat on the sofa in the living room, and both of them forced their eyes to open so as not to miss Luo Bing's speech.

"Brother-in-law, it's just before 5 o'clock, what are you calling us for?" Thor asked while stretching.

"I have a very important decision, but I must get Evelyn's approval." Luo Bing said expectantly, and looked at the other party with hot eyes.

"Ah?" Evelyn was dazed at this, not knowing how to respond.

"Evelyn, do you still want to go to school? I mean, go to a place where you can really study and where you won't be disturbed anymore." Luo Bing asked sincerely.

"I want to go to school, but I'm afraid to meet again...." Evelyn didn't finish her words, but Luo Bing caught her subconsciously holding her arms.

Luo Bing understood Evelyn's performance. It was for this reason that the indescribable sense of self-blame took over him all at once.

"You can rest assured 060, I can assure you with my dignity that you will never encounter that kind of thing again." Luo Bing vowed, and Thor on the side suddenly became energetic.

"Brother-in-law, if you have a good place to go, just say it directly, so that Evelyn and I will not have to guess.

"Well, okay, that's true. I'm going to ask Tony Stark for help to arrange a school for Evelyn. With this guy's influence in New York, it's pretty easy to arrange Evelyn.

As soon as Luo Bing said this, Thor immediately agreed. Although he didn't like Tony's character very much, he still recognized that guy's social influence.

As the core of the problem, Evelyn herself is actually a bit of hesitation. But after all, it was Luo Bing's arrangement, and she would more or less choose to follow blindly.

After seeing the attitude of the two in front of him, Luo Bing felt much more relaxed. That heavy sense of self-blame is no longer his bondage, and a sense of relief also arises spontaneously.

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