Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 532 Madman Zemo

Helmut Zemo, nicknamed Baron Zemo. The assassination team affiliated with HYDRA is a gangster who has been doing evil all his life. And the reason why he appeared in the old Finks' home is because the other party has been sending arms to their organization.

"Oh? What does this have to do with me?"

"Definitely, I don't care about those bastards. As long as they can die, that's my greatest relief." Old Finks replied immediately, obviously his main target was Tony.

"Don't worry, if I talk about business, I won't talk to this guy. I asked you to come here because I want to borrow your expertise." Old Finks said with a gloomy face, he was already used to it. The opponent's rudeness.

He knew that Iron Man was by no means an ordinary little guy, and he understood the difficulty here. Therefore, in order to fulfill the wishes of the other party, Helmut must be prepared. But before that, he couldn't help but ask other questions.

It is worth mentioning that compared to the assassination of Iron Man, Helmut seems to be more concerned about the situation of Luo Bing and others. After expressing his sympathy to old Finks, he immediately began to question...

"I need you to shoot the target at close range because I want to see his face as he dies."

"Mr. Finks, can the three guys you mentioned just now be at my disposal?" Helmut looked strange at the moment.

"Oh? I always thought that businessmen like you would disdain to use our methods." Helmut said as before.

"Iron Man? Isn't that your partner? If you kill him, whose future technology will be stolen?"

"Tony Stark, that bastard dared to betray me with outsiders!

"It's really bad fun, so who is the target?"

While Helmut was speaking, his face began to twist. Although this guy is serving in the assassination team, his biggest hobby is to kill the target. But all the tasks he participated in, without exception, would take a long time.

Old Finks said as he stood up from the sofa. He took out a pistol from his desk, a tool he had specially prepared for Helmut.

"Finks, although I don't like gossip very much, if you can tell me the details, I will definitely make things more beautiful.

Old Finks had a rash smile, and he couldn't help but feel happy when he thought he could see Tony's face when he died.

Old Finks exposed his malice, in front of Helmut, this guy did not hide the slightest. But unlike him, Helmut showed unusual calmness at the moment.

"Okay, since it's like this, then please allow me to change the assassination order.

If Old Finks hadn't named this guy to come over, the top of the HYDRA organization would have sent other more stable guys.

Helmut asked with a smile, and Old Finks had nothing to worry about. He informed the other party about his son, and incidentally shared the news of Luo Bing and others.

"Extraordinary times require extraordinary methods, and if it weren't for my current situation, I really don't want to use your methods.

"Mr. Finn "060" Kess, if it's about business, I'm not interested in knowing it, after all, that's not my business scope." Helmut replied to the previous conversation. His character is somewhat frivolous, which is very different from Helmut in the 616 main universe.

"The material of this gun is specially treated so that it will not leave any fingerprints."

"You don't need to worry about this, I will guarantee the upgrade of the weapon, provided that you have to help me kill that bastard and a few other guys."

"Yes, the assassination of Iron Man requires a little more seriousness, and that doesn't fit my assassination logic. So I need to have some fun before going on a mission.

Therefore, HYDRA and Noland are in need of each other, so Helmut was dispatched to the scene only when Old Finks informed them.

"Oh? You want to cut those guys first?"

"Oh my god, you are so unlucky, no wonder you will find us to help." Helmut showed a little concern, but the feeling was only fleeting.

"No problem, as long as you can help me fulfill my wish, even if you kill the entire population of New York City, I will not have any complaints."

This guy with bad intentions all over his body, the greatest joy is to see the pain of others. Although 5.1 has considerable strength, due to this troublesome perverted hobby, the HYDRA organization also reduces the arrangement of his tasks as much as possible.

On the surface, Norland Industries and Stark Industries are partners, but in fact, they have been stealing their core technology behind the scenes and selling the weapons they have produced to various terrorist organizations.

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