Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 534: A Visit From Too Much

At the top of the Stirk Industrial Building, Tony met with Luo Bing. Since the last Finks incident, this was the first time they had a single conversation, and it could be said that it had some kind of intimacy.

"Forget it, I owe her a favor.

".~ Hey, if you want to make trouble, you'd better go elsewhere." Thor warned the man, but because his behavior was a little too casual, the other party didn't take it seriously at all.

And just when the two were enjoying themselves, there was a sudden knock on the door that had just been sealed.

After knowing that there was no problem with Evelyn's admission, Luo Bing immediately changed the subject and began to prepare for his own affairs.

"Are you sure you want to look like this?" Thor's expression became serious, while Evelyn behind him showed panic.

"You can say what you want, but I need to stress that this matter is not just about me". Luo Bing's expression began to become solemn, and as his momentum changed, Tony, who was giggling, became more serious.

"Really? But the location in the remarks is here, please take a look.

Tony's exhilaration exceeded Luo Bing's expectations, he never thought that the other party would be so straightforward. But since the matter has been promised by the other party, it must be implemented sooner or later.

"It's not too complicated. I hope you can help Evelyn find a school for her to receive education." Luo Bing also responded with a smile.

"You didn't send it outside, did you?" Thor looked alert, and asked Evelyn beside him to stand a little further inside.

Due to the opponent's insistence, Thor opened the palm-colored door. But when he noticed the man in front of him, Thor's expression changed again.

"Yes, but I can tell you very clearly, I will not let you die in pain (the king's) happily. 99

After the words were closed, the man who came to "find the fault" was shot 10 meters away, and the equipment he was carrying was also scattered on the ground.

"Okay, since you asked me to do something, I have no reason to refuse. After all, you have given me face."

"Oh? That girl seems very important to you.

It was after seeing the man's stunned expression that Thor said: "If your means are only these, I think you should be out of luck.

Thor strode to the door, then asked in a low voice, "Who is it?"

"Oh? So you know these things too, I thought you didn't." The man said without panic, and his tone was even full of sarcasm.

Thor At the moment was wearing thunder, and the steel balls that were ejected were directly melted.

While talking, the man pulled out the rifle in his back. Judging by the caliber, its power is enough to kill an adult rhino.

"Isn't this guy trying to make a fuss?" Thor hesitated in his heart, his core goal now is to keep Evelyn safe.

Following the movement of the screen, you can clearly see the man at the door. At the moment, he is carrying a complete set of individual combat equipment. Just the guns and ammunition that are put on are enough to kill an entire office building.

But just when the guy thought he had subdued Thor, the state of the other party really made the confident guy stunned.

After speaking, the man pulled the trigger in his hand. With a loud sound, an incalculable steel ball was sprayed out.

"Oh? Mr. Lowe is really not a taboo." Tony joked, but he never meant to belittle the other party.

on the other hand.

"Mr. Luo Bing, what are you doing here to find me this time?" Tony said with a smile, obviously he had put down the resistance in his heart.

"Big man, I think you must have misunderstood. Since I can come to the door, naturally I have no plan to go back empty-handed."

"You're mistaken, I didn't call anything," Thor said quickly.

"Sir, I deliver takeout." The guy outside the door responded.

Thor and Evelyn, who stayed at home, were too bored, so they simply played the virtual classroom game. In order to avoid forgetting what she has learned, Evelyn plays the role of a teacher and begins to teach the confused Thor.

"Tony, first of all I would like to thank you for your help to Evelyn. Second, I have some personal questions that I need to trouble you with again."

However, this time, Thor, who has grown a lot, did not attack on impulse. Instead, consider the possible situations before taking action.

After hearing this, the man smiled, then fiddled with his hat and said, "How did you see it?" When Thor heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Do you think I'm an idiot? How can anyone who delivers food bring These things come out? 35

"You stay here and don't move, I'll go see what's going on." Thor's attitude was immediately alert, and he didn't want to repeat the mistakes of the last time.

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