Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 531 The Logic of the Wicked

The harsh sound interfered with the eardrums of every on-site personnel. Under the influence of the high-frequency sound waves, they had to cover their ears to avoid being invaded by the sound.

Old Finks sat upright on the sofa, as serious as a stone statue. The man standing opposite him was pacing non-stop, and seemed to be full of curiosity about everything in front of him, which formed a sharp contrast with the old Finks.

"Hmph, since Mr. Tony has said so, what reason do I have to refuse? Just do as you say, I'm willing to make concessions." Old Finks said pretendingly, but deep in his heart The murderous intention has already been buried.

"Helmut, I don't need to care about these changes, there are more important things to deal with when you come here. Xi

But as the punished party, Old Finks didn't think so much in his heart. This extreme egoist compared this lawsuit to a kind of extortion. His opinion of Tony changed from good to bad, and he was even more intent on killing Luo Bing and the others.

On the other hand, due to the solid evidence held by the police, little Finks' criminal behavior can be considered to be completely confirmed. In the face of iron-clad facts, Old Finks had no way of making excuses.

"Helmut, please don't dangle all the time, my head is about to be dizzy by you." Old Finks said with a look of disgust.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's end the matter first."

The third day of the incident.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

Tony, who was suspended in mid-air, can be described as being petty with great reason. He exhausted his words and finally calmed those people down.

But it is worth noting that all peace is a temporary compromise. When Old Finks found out that his business partner did not intend to be on the same team as him, he chose to be patient.

"Okay, thank you for your understanding."

He stared at the other party viciously, and then cursed: "It's really in line with the proverb in the East, the wall falls and everyone pushes. Since you all want to kill me, don't blame me for being cruel."

As for Luo Bing and Thor, they still adhere to the idea of ​​cooperating with Tony. Although they were a little unhappy, they also chose to be patient for the sake of a more ambitious plan in the future.

"Definitely, as long as I can get fair treatment, I have no problem." Luo Bing responded immediately, but he still did not forget to emphasize the word "fair".

When the judge knocked down the gavel that symbolized justice, the Norland Industrial Group lost a total of 4 billion US dollars, and the personal property of the old Finks also shrunk by nearly half.

"Boss, the call from the board of directors, they asked you to give an explanation." The secretary's words made Finks, who was already devastated, disgusted.

Finks Mansion.

Tony really fulfilled his promise. This guy hired the most famous lawyers in the United States and tried his best to fight for the compensation for those girls.

It can be said that the handling of this matter is very appropriate. Although wealth cannot fill the hearts of those girls, it can at least bring them some comfort.

In order to stabilize the company's image, Old Finks compensated the girls in his own name. And also apologized to Evelyn in court and admitted her son's fault.

After seeing everyone make a unified action, Tony disarmed his sonic device, and communicated with them in an amplified manner.

In the end, the remaining police and their victims were relatively easy to deal with. Under the command of the detective, the police immediately restored the original order, and used relatively tough means to force the girls to quiet down.

At that moment, old Finks felt isolated and helpless, but that peculiar feeling only lasted for a few minutes, because he quickly contacted an old partner.

Old Finks' words made the secretary nervous, but while he was waiting for his explanation, the resentful guy had already turned away.


Tony apologized to the other party, and then he walked to Luo Bing's side again. As temporary allies, the dialogue between them is much more bland.

"Haha, after a few years of not seeing you, you have become more serious." Helmut said jokingly, obviously he didn't know what happened to the other party.

Tony sorted out the opinions of the two sides, and then conveyed them all to the inspector who led the team. After receiving the information, the other party made an immediate decision, asked the remaining police officers to accompany him, and returned to the headquarters with Tony and others to take notes.

"Luo Bing, I have already explained that they are willing to cooperate with the police's investigation. Is there any accident on your end?" Tony asked seriously.

"Mr. Finks, I don't think it's necessary to make things like this. Let the police handle everything, okay?" Tony acted as a lobbyist, and he had to control the situation at the scene.

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