Intense fights are bound to be accompanied by huge amounts of noise. Even though Thor wanted to control it, the two Logan, who had already killed the red-eyed, ignored their surroundings.

"Scott, promise me not to be impulsive. If there is anything wrong, you must contact me. Qin Grey said worriedly, she loved each other so much.

In fact, in the early days, he was dissatisfied with Logan's character, especially when he learned that the other party also liked Qin Grey, he felt even more disgust.

Coincidentally, Luo Bing saw his departure. Although it was just a simple back figure, Luo Bing was still able to confirm his identity.

Cyclops put the identities of Luo Bing aside and turned to Wolverine's criticism.

Cyclops said indifferently, but his true thoughts were that he wished that Logan would be torn to shreds.

Cyclops arrived at the scene of the accident. The inborn mutation prevented him from taking off his special glasses, but it also gave him extraordinary vision.

As for Wolverine and Sabretooth, these two guys who had already entered the state of self-absorption, did not notice the decrease in the number of people around them, and were still focused on killing each other.

Cyclops saw Logan at a distance of about 200 meters from the scene. And as he was constantly concentrating, eventually the cause of the incident was also determined.

"This bastard, even knowing that I'm already together with Qin, actually went over to confess to her, it's really disgusting." Cyclops said contemptuously, and then left the scene under the influence of personal grievances.

The Scott in Qin Ge Lei's mouth is her boyfriend Cyclops, At the moment is their honeymoon period, the two who should be carrying out the "Happiness Plan" have been completely disturbed by the violent noise outside the window.

Luo Bing felt hope when he thought about Cyclops and Qin Ge Lei. He immediately called Thor to him and made arrangements with him.

As the sound continued to spread, the residents around the incident site also stuck out their heads, wanting to see what happened.

"Scott, I sensed a powerful energy that was all around us.

After all, Luo Bing followed the direction Cyclops left, and in order to cooperate with his action, Thor also directly hugged Evelyn in his arms and left the area with thunder.

(befa) "Well, it's just my guess. Now you settle Evelyn first, and I'll find out by myself."

"Qin, you stay here, I'll see what's going on. If something goes wrong, I'll contact the professor."

After several turnarounds, Cyclops returned to Jyn's residence. He quickly opened the door and said to the woman he loved: "Jin, I'm back. It's that guy Logan who is fighting people. It's no big deal."5

"What? As expected of my brother-in-law, he has made progress so quickly.

But one thing that made him suspicious was that he was at a loss for the existence of Thor and Luo Bing. After all, in this cosmic dimension, the X-Men have yet to meet the Avengers.

The screen turns.

"Okay, there's no time to say more, you can take Evelyn away quickly and wait for me."

"Don't worry, I'll never leave you alone."

"There's no problem, but you're going alone, I'm a little worried, after all..."

Thor's concern is correct, but Luo Bing still declined his kindness. Because in Luo Bing's view, Thor's At the moment is too conspicuous and not suitable for work such as investigation.

Out of this understanding of identity, Luo Bing finally insisted on the plan to carry out the activities alone. Because of his respect for Luo Bing, Thor could only agree to his request.

Cyclops smiled at Qin Grey, then hugged her gently in his arms. After some intense kisses, this guy with a happy face left his happy shack.

"Thor, just let those two guys fight, I've got a clue to the Phoenix force. 35

"Well, since you insist on doing this, then I'll just listen to you, but how do we get in touch?" Thor asked with a little worry.

Cyclops put on his clothes, and when his broad arms were reflected in Qin 997 Gray's eyes, the other party suddenly felt a happy love.

Luo Bing, who has the Fist Zong ability, is extremely reluctant to keep up with Cyclops. In order not to let the other party find out, he always kept a distance of about 100 meters.

At this moment, Cyclops, who was eager to go back and relive his old dreams, also did not notice Luo Bing's existence. This unfavorable thing often occurs when a man begins to think with his lower body.

And among the residents nearby, there also happens to be Phoenix Force's host Qin Ge Lei.

Run all the way.

"It's simple, you just need to wait for me in the room last night. After I come back, we will consider the issue of communication." Luo Bing patted Thor on the shoulder, his eyes full of trust in him.

"This guy Logan is still unreliable after all."

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