Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 471 Confidence Crisis

Cyclops' vague remarks did not make Qin Grey feel at ease. Although she doesn't have any feelings between men and women about Logan, she is still a little uneasy because of the care that is unique to women.

"Scott, since you know Logan is fighting, why don't you stop it?" asked Jean Grey.

"Why should I wipe that guy's ass? Besides, his personal feud with Sabretooth can't be resolved unless one of them is killed.

Cyclops said with extreme dissatisfaction, and the feeling of wanting to be intimate also dissipated along with it.

"But this is not a good method after all. As the captain of Mutant, you should not let Logan fool around. 35 Qin Grey continued to refute-.

"No no no, don't misunderstand. I just think that it is the best way to let him settle his personal affairs, which is conducive to the cooperation of the team. 35

Cyclops said quibly, he couldn't admit his true thoughts.

And at the critical moment when Qin Ge Lei intended to expose it, the host of the phoenix suddenly perceived a mysterious force.

"Scott, you are being followed." Qin Ge Lei said with a serious face, and made a warning gesture.

"What? How is this possible?" Cyclops was very surprised, but he was well aware of Qin Ge Lei's ability, and finally chose to believe the latter.

"That person is very close to us, it should be in the east direction, you have a look.

Qin said in a low voice, at the same time, Cyclops also used his Ability to look at the place pointed by the other party with an exaggerated degree of penetration.

"Jin, I found that guy, there's only one person."

Cyclops speaks earnestly, and intends to take action.

"Well, I also perceive his existence. But from the nature of energy, that guy is not hostile.

"I understand what you mean, but this can't be used as a reason to relax, we'd better be more cautious."

Cyclops' rigorous character is what he has since he was a child, and it is precisely because of this reason that he is qualified for the post of Mutant captain.

In terms of command, Qin Ge Lei was also willing to trust his boyfriend, so he obeyed the other party's arrangement and continued to maintain a state of vigilance.

"Qin, I'm going to find out what that guy is saying, you are here to support me." Cyclops walked out of the house and started to move towards Luo Bing's position.

"Hey, friend, stalking is not something to advocate, if you don't give me a reasonable reason, I'm afraid I'll send you to the police station.

Cyclops has a dialogue with Luo Bing, although the latter is still in hiding at the moment. But when Luo Bing listened to the other party's words, he stopped hiding.

Luo Bing came out of the corner and indicated his intention to the other party. "Scott, I don't mean anything else, I just want to meet Phoenix.

"He's looking for Qin again? She's really popular today. 35

Scott said with jealousy, and had absolutely no intention of accepting Luo Bing's request.

"Hey, don't get me wrong, I really have something to say. Although it's a bit abrupt, it's about the safety of each of us."

Luo Bing's tone is dignified, in sharp contrast to his previous arrogance. But for Cyclops, it's not the key that he cares about at all.

"Sorry, I won't trust a trailing guy. If you really have something important, please express it through proper channels.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・

"Oh my God, why are you Mutants so difficult to communicate. Then tell me, what exactly is the proper way?

"Go to Professor X, if he agrees to your request, then I have nothing to say.

After Cyclops replied to Luo Bing coldly and arrogantly, he turned and left there. There was no ill will between the two of them, but it did not help the progress of the matter at all.

But just when Luo Bing tried to stop the other party, the sound of the system came from his mind.


"Reminder, according to your current event progress, a new main quest has been triggered. If you complete it, you will get rich rewards."

"Ha? Don't fool me anymore. You told me it was rich last time, but didn't you just send me away?"

"Mr. Luo Bing, the reward is based on the difficulty of the task, this time the task is difficult, if you complete it, you will not regret it.

Under the fascination of the system, Luo Bing's mind began to become active. He made a brief analysis of the current situation, and finally decided to put the Phoenix matter on hold.

Before you are fully prepared, rashly contacting Phoenix will only make you fall into a passive situation. Given the current situation, Luo Bing can no longer make wrong judgments.

"Okay, I know what to do, so what's the mission?"

Luo Bing sent a question to the system, but the other party's answer was very ambiguous. "You have triggered the Sentry event, and I will convey the specific information to you in the form of a file, please pay attention to check it." Xi

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