"Are you sure?"

Luo Bing looked at Sabretooth in surprise. The development of the current situation was beyond his expectations.

"Yeah, I'm 100% sure. That guy's smell is so bad, I just need to smell it one time and it's enough to throw up for two days. 35

Sabretooth's response caused Luo Bing to fall into contemplation. All these developments were too coincidental, as if they were performed according to the script.

Anxiety shrouded Luo Bing's heart, while Sabretooth on the side was already showing his fangs.

"Mr. Luo Bing, if you don't want to provoke that guy, then I'll go by myself." As Wolverine's mortal enemy, Sabretooth would never let go of every opportunity to kill him.

"Okay, I'll go with you, but I hope there's no conflict because I have something to ask the guy. 99

"Yes, but it's better to be quick, I'm afraid I can't help but shoot.

After all, Sabretooth turned the head of the car and rushed directly to the area where Wolverine was located.

On the other hand, when Thor slowly fell to the ground, Wolverine, who was directly in front of him, showed hostility. He kept scanning Thor, trying to find some identifying information on him.

"Hey, Logan, I'm not your enemy, don't be wary of me. 35

Thor said with a smile, although he knew that the Logan in front of him was not the same dimension as himself. But judging from the existing experience, the identity of the other party should also be similar to Logan in the 616 main universe.

"You know me"`?" Logan said still warily, he wouldn't trust a stranger easily.

"Forget it, you may not quite believe it. I'm from another cosmic dimension, and we know each other in that world." Thor shrugged and said.

"Oh? It's a really interesting story, and if you go tell it to Professor X, maybe he'll agree, but I don't."

Logan's hostility did not decline in the slightest, but instead showed a deeper level of vigilance. And Thor also showed a helpless look after listening to the other party's answer.

Thor said bluntly: "Your character is the same everywhere, no wonder Jean Grey doesn't like you. 99

"What did you say?

Logan was completely annoyed. Thor's precise step on the thunder made this guy who was already injured instantly enter a manic state.

"How dare you laugh at my efforts, I want your stinky mouth to never be able to speak." Logan launched an attack on Thor, he was so unreasonable, just so selfish.

"Hey, this is just a joke, do you know what humor is?"

Thor explained hastily, dodging Logan's attack. But for Logan, who has lost his mind, this is simply a great insult.

Between lightning and flint, Logan has destroyed most of the surrounding environment. He attacked without any hesitation, only to be able to defeat Thor.

Just as the situation became more serious, Luo Bing and his party finally arrived at the scene. And for the sudden appearance of these guys, Logan, who was alone, also opened up the absolute realm.

"Who are you arriving at?" Logan said fiercely, smelling Sabretooth at the same moment. "Victor, are you hiding in the car? Get out of here!

"Humph! Logan, today is your day to die!

After listening to Wolverine's provocation, Sabretooth no longer hesitated to make an agreement with Luo Bing. He jumped out of the car directly and came to the other side.

When the two looked at each other, the battle broke out.

The fully open Wolverine has the extraordinary catalysis ability, he can make muscles grow rapidly, and can also increase the body temperature to add thermal energy to his steel claws.

1~ Victor, even if you bring helpers, you can't beat me.

Wolverine said resentfully, and the situation at the moment was exactly what he said. Under the influence of grief, Wolverine became more and more brave, but Sabretooth was always at the disadvantage.

Seeing that the ally was about to lose, Thor asked Luo Bing: "Brother-in-law, should we help that guy? If Logan really kills him, we will have no allies.

To Thor's question, Luo Bing replied: "You are right, it seems that Logan in this dimension is stronger than Victor, you go help him and try to fight as quickly as possible. Quick to faint.

"Okay!" Thor answered, and immediately joined the fray.

Shortly after he flew out, Luo Bing quickly walked to the front of the car, smashed the trunk with a punch, and rescued Evelyn who was trapped inside.

"Girl! Are you alright?" Luo Bing asked worriedly, he didn't want to see any more accidents from the other side.

"Cough, I'm okay, but a little dizzy..."

"That's good, that's good. I'll talk to you about the specific situation afterwards. Now hide behind me to avoid being affected."

Luo Bing took Evelyn to the corner and watched the fight with her.

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