Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 468 Don't provoke the brokenhearted

"First of all, let me share with you idiots that I'm in a very bad mood right now!"

This guy, who could be considered a "big trouble", finally summoned up the courage to confess to Qin Ge Lei. But unfortunately, the other party is actually getting along with Cyclops and is already engaged.

The vehicle lost control, showing a state of swaying left and right. In order to avoid injury to innocent people, Logan simply inserted the steel claws into the ground diagonally, and used his body as a support to eject the car into the air.

Logan suddenly accelerated, and with a brisk stride he reached the front of the personnel. Under his stormy claws, the three horses were cut on the spot.

In less than 5 seconds, Logan approached the position of the stance room. He stabbed the steel claws into the car and pierced the driver's head directly.

"This guy is really getting stronger and stronger."

At 8 o'clock in the morning, a strange sight appeared in Queens, New York City. A luxury car worth 5 million US dollars flew inexplicably at a height of about 100 meters.

All the nearby residents took out their mobile phones to take pictures, for fear of missing the weird picture. And in this crowded team, there happened to be Luo Bing and his party at 980.

Following Luo Bing's instructions, Thor crashed out of the car. Under the blessing of the power of thunder, before the high-end car fell, Thor snatched it above his head.

Logan, who is already ashes as he is, is approaching the enemy in front of him like a stroll. He wants to convey his grief to the other party, so that they can also understand the pain of lovelorn.

Wolverine was originally the representative of mania. He is an anti-hero in the Marvel world and a character who absolutely believes in evil.

Bullets burst out like itching, and expressions of anger are meaningless.

Seeing Thor's move, Luo Bing nodded in relief. Just when he confirmed it, Sabretooth, who was beside him, told him even more unexpected news.

Defect's body is like a slaughtered animal, and the stench wafting off is even more disgusting. But unlike ordinary people, At the moment's Logan enjoys it very much, which is not only from the catharsis of anger, but also from his love for killing.

The man who showed his steel claws was Wolverine Logan, and the reason why he suddenly acted so violent was from two hours ago.

"Mr. Luo, I suddenly sensed Wolverine's position, just below that car."

"Hey, just think about it, we are members of the Wilson family 14, do you think it's appropriate to do this?"

Even after being controlled by Logan, the "boss" still looks like a tyrannical tyrant. And his performance also successfully broke Logan's last sanity.

Logan said with a look of disgust, and at the same moment threw the man into the air.

"The Wilson family... Kim Bing... Looks like I have something to do."

"Quick! Look at the situation. If Evelyn is in the trunk, it will be troublesome."

Logan followed the track of the car. In front of his powerful explosiveness and endurance, even a car with a speed of 3 seconds per 100 km/h could not get rid of him.

Logan stands alone in a pool of blood, and for him who has lost his love, killing is a good consolation. Killing the bad guys is a better option.

"Brother-in-law, do you look at that car, does it look like the one in the surveillance footage?" Thor patted Luo Bing and said.

"The Wilson family, right? I've wanted to get rid of you flies for a long time. If Professor X kept dissuading me, how could you have developed like this? 35

"Yes, it's 623." Thor replied excitedly, waiting for Luo Bing's instructions.

"Damn, I can't die here, I'll tell the patriarch what happened here.

With the fall of the man, his life ended like this. When the rest of the horses saw it, they immediately took out the pistols in their arms, trying to kill the threat in front of them.


"Want to run? Impossible!"

As the horses spoke, they pulled the trigger. However, how could their powerful attack method cause damage to Wolverine.

"Hmph, you still want to threaten me with this ability? It seems that the Wilson family is just exaggerating.

"Ah! Don't come here!" A lost horse shouted loudly, and even became incontinent.

"You idiot, you really dare to do it, your family will be tortured and killed by the Wilson gang, and all the clans will be treated like beasts!

"It's so far away I can't tell right now, but I remember the license plate number, 623.

Just as Logan was thinking about how to act, a vehicle not far away suddenly caught fire. There is also a driver who has not been dealt with, and he is the only hope for the entire team.

This almost frustrating answer made Logan's willpower down in an instant. Also, this explains why in the beginning, when Logan faced the provocation of those guys, why didn't he turn his face immediately.

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