Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 420 Participate in the Battle of Champions?

Red Skull smiled gloomily, "Thor, do you remember your experience in Sakaar?"

"Sakaar? What are you trying to say? 33 Thor frowned, looking bad, already guessing what Red Skull wanted to say.

That experience can be said to be the most humiliating experience, that is, where, for the first time in his life, he was treated as a Beast and placed in the Colosseum to fight with others.

And the target of the fight was the Hulk who dominated the flesh at the beginning!

And Luo Bing also put his arms around his chest, watching the conversation between the two people in a leisurely manner.

About Thor's experience, he has heard more or less, the dignified Prince Asgard was exiled to Sakaar, fell into the hands of the grandmaster Gao Tianzun, and was forced to fight with Banner.

The fight between these two heavy nuclear bomb-level guys must have been a very shocking scene, but unfortunately he didn't watch it.

But then he wanted to know who won the battle and asked Banner, Banner said he won, and Thor, Thor said he won.

In short, the two express their opinions, and Luo Bing can't guess the true ending.

That's when Odin passed away, Hela was released from hell, and valkyrie returned to Asgard...

Luo Bing wanted to know what Red Skull wanted to do when he suddenly mentioned this matter, but he knew that Thor had always been grumpy about that matter, and that Red Skull was not afraid of getting beaten up by touching him so badly.

Red Skull continued: "Don't pretend, Thor Odinson, you're not really a liar, yes, I just wanted to tell you about the Championship.

With a hum, Stormbreaker flew into Thor's hand, and was pushed against Red Skull's neck, "Red Skull, do you really think I won't dare to tear you apart with an axe?

Red Skull looked at Luo Bing and said, "Mr. Luo, I want to tell you about my master, but His Royal Highness doesn't seem to be happy."

Luo Bing sneered: "You don't need to provoke me here, you are yin and yang, let alone Thor, even I want to kill you."

After that, he glanced at Thor and said, "Put the axe on his neck and let him say, if he can't say why, just tear him with an axe."

"Okay brother-in-law!

Thor smiled, looking at Red Skull with a playful look, "How about a red-faced monster, can you tell the truth now?"35

"You... the two of you." Red Skull gritted his teeth, but felt the sharp edge on his neck, and still shrank his neck.

He had heard of this axe for a long time, and its origin and record were even more impressive. It was forged by the dwarf family, the top blacksmiths in the universe, and the material was the famous Ulu metal.

Even more terrifying is that this axe once defended the all-jeweled Thanos (befa) on Earth Wakanda, and nearly killed him, and later, it did cut off his head on the planet where Thanos was old.

Under the pressure of the storm destroyer, Red Skull dared not do it again, his expression was uncertain, and he spoke slowly.

His first sentence shocked Luo Bing and Thor.

"My master is the Grandmaster Gao Tianzun. 35

"What?! 99

After hearing this sentence, Luo Bing immediately changed shape, came to Red Skull, pinched his neck, and said word by word: "You, say it again?

"Waldfark!" Thor was also furious, staring at Red Skull.

Red Skull grinned: "Mr. Luo, Thor, why are you two so excited, are you afraid of my master?"

"Joke, I admit that Gao Tianzun has some strength, but I have no grievances with him, why should I be afraid of him. 35

Luo Bing slowly released the hand on Red Skull's neck, patted it lightly and said, "So, Shigao Tianzun asked you to come to the two of us, continue to talk about what he wants to do.

In fact, he should have thought of this a long time ago. When it comes to the universe, an ambitious person like Red Skull can be willing to be called the master, and he also claims to know the whereabouts of the heart of the universe, not to mention the June 16 master universe. There are only a handful of those on the multi-universe.

And the grandmaster Gao Tianzun, who has lived for hundreds of millions of years, is in the ranks of the few.

He didn't want to take the initiative to provoke this living fossil, but now that people have come to him, he can only wait and see what happens.

In the words of Asgard passed down from generation to generation: A wise monarch never initiates a war, but he must always be ready for it.

Thor Roar sucked a little quickly, and he still had some shadows about the three words Gao Tianzun.

"Let me tell you two honestly, the reason why my master invited you over is because he wants you to participate in the championship battle, and what the championship battle is, I believe that His Royal Highness the prince knows better than me."

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