Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 421 Is He Crazy Or A Fool

Unexpectedly, Red Skull became the servant of the grandmaster Gao Tianzun, and invited himself and Thor to participate in the championship battle, which was something Luo Bing did not expect.

Thor said angrily: "Red-faced monster, I won't go to any championship battles again. I don't want to feel the feeling of being thrown into the Colosseum anymore."

Red Skull smiled, ignoring Thor, instead looking at Luo Bing, waiting for him to speak.

Because he knew that among the two people, Luo Bing was the one with the decision-making power.

Luo Bing smiled contemptuously and said, "I think Gao Tianzun may have misunderstood. I don't want to participate in any championship battle. Is it any good for me?"

Red Skull said slowly: "The good thing is that you know what you want to know and you get what you want-get."35

"Brother-in-law, you must think carefully, I have seen that grandmaster, that guy is a complete lunatic, don't believe his words easily.

Thor is a little anxious, it can be seen that he has already disliked the three words Sakaar, Grandmaster Gao Tianzun, and Battle of Champions.

Luo Bing waved his hand, stopped Thor's words, and continued: "Why should I believe what you said, Grandmaster Gao Tianzun insists on letting me participate in the championship battle, I don't understand, is it any good for him? "

"My master is familiar with thousands of games and competitions in the entire universe. He has a profound knowledge and game theory far beyond the understanding of today's human beings. For him, a warrior like you participating in the championship battle can bring him Happy, that's the benefit he wants."

Luo Bing frowned and asked, "Just like that, he is willing to reveal the secret of the Heart of the Universe to me? Is he a lunatic or a fool?"

In his opinion, Gao Tianzun was only interested in all kinds of gambling and games just because he had lived too long and was bored.

"The master is supreme, and his thoughts are something that people like you and I can speculate at will, he is neither a lunatic nor a fool, he is an existence beyond God!

When saying these words, Red Skull's expression is almost crazy, it is a yearning for power.

Luo Bing curled his lips and said, "I see that you have been completely brainwashed. I can't believe that a conspirator who once promoted World War II would worship others so zealously."

Red Skull said lightly: "I don't need to bother Mr. Luo, you just need to do a little research. Do you want to go to Sakaar with me to see the master, participate in the championship battle, and get what you want."

Luo Bing smiled and said, "Go, why don't you go, I searched for the heart of the universe, and now there is a ready opportunity in front of me, why not cherish it."

"I knew that Mr. Luo would definitely know the current affairs person as Junjie, and the grand master also guessed the same." Red Skull smiled, as if he was not surprised by Luo Bing's decision at all.

Because he is very clear who Luo Bing wants to use to get the heart of the universe, in his opinion, this so-called decent person usually pays everything for his so-called sanctimonious appearance.

Although in his opinion this is extremely stupid.

Thor whispered: "Brother-in-law, are we really going to see the master in Sakaar, when I rebelled in Sakaar and ran out, and took away his beloved Hulk, this guy will definitely take my revenge."

.....for flowers...0

Luo Bing reassured: "Don't worry, with me, he won't do anything to you."

Although the Grandmaster is powerful and a member of the Cosmos Elders Association, he is not a vegetarian.

Moreover, he also wanted to see the championship battle. Since the master nominated Dao to participate in the championship battle, he wouldn't find a group of crooked melons and crack dates to fight with him.

He really wanted to see what kind of opponent the Grandmaster could find in this universe that was evenly matched to him.

"Well, if it wasn't for the grandmaster using neurotoxins to plot against me, I would have defeated Hulk and became the champion at that time. This time I revisit the old place, I must find my way back.

Thor is Asgard's god of war after all, and his blood is full of unyielding fighting spirit. It didn't take long for him to figure this out, but he was rather eager to try it.

In response, Luo Bing smiled lightly and said nothing, but looked out the window, staring at a space jumping point not far away, with an inexplicable expression.

If his perception is good, somewhere, there seems to be a team that will appear soon.

And this team gave him the feeling that they were enemies and not friends.

Luo Bing said, "Thor, look somewhere, there seems to be a guest coming.

"Guests? What kind of guests are there in this place where birds don't shit?"

Thor and Red Skull both cast their gazes, and in the deepest part of the three's pupils, a large group of reflections of spaceships appeared.

At first glance, it turned out to be a full twenty spaceships. The appearance is somewhat similar to that of the Guardians of Galaxy's Benatar, all of which belong to the agile type.

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