Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 419 Leaving Contra Xia Star

The people Luo Bing spoke of were naturally the Guardians of Galaxy. Among them, Gamora once sacrificed Soul Gem on the planet Vormir. Although Thanos did it, Red Skull was also an accomplice.

But fortunately, Gamora came back in the end, but that doesn't mean that the beam between them has been untied.

If Quill knew that Red Skull was here, he would definitely be tempted to take revenge with his laser gun.

Red Skull chuckled: "The friends you mentioned are the Guardians of Galaxy, I know there is a grudge between me and them, Thanos' daughter Gamora·Zhen·Kubeli·Ben·Titan once indirectly died in in my hand.

Luo Bing twitched the corners of his mouth. If he hadn't heard Red Skull, the guy who accurately reported the person's name, say it, he wouldn't have believed that Gamora's full name was so long.

"Don't worry, after we leave, someone will naturally notify your team members."

Luo Bing thought for a while, and finally nodded slowly, "Okay, I can go with you, but I remind you in advance that if I don't get what I want in the end, I will definitely kill you at that time, even if Even the master behind you can't protect you, you should understand the truth of my words."5

Red Skull chuckled: "Definitely, in terms of combat effectiveness, considering the entire universe, how many people will be Mr. Luo's opponent.

"Brother-in-law, are we really going to go with this ugly bastard?" Thor held the giant axe, his hostility towards Red Skull did not weaken in the slightest, but instead increased.

Luo Bing asked back, "Why, don't you want to know who your old friend is?"

"I really think about it, well, I will listen to my brother-in-law.

After confirming that he and Red Skull left Contra Xia Xing, Luo Bing said with a smile: "Your homeless bar is ruined, don't you feel bad?

"Definitely don't feel bad, a small bar like this will not have any emotions if it destroys 10,000 owners. Speaking of which, I would like to thank both of you. You have to open Contra Summer Star every once in a while. Tired, now that the bar is ruined, the most relaxed is me.

Luo Bing shrugged and said, "Okay, rich and powerful, what else can I say."

"Come on, Mr. Luo, Thor, my master can't wait to see you two."

The Red Skull activated the concealment procedure, and the floor beneath their feet collapsed, revealing a brand-new spaceship as the dust settled.

"Two, please." Red Skull made a please gesture.

When the spaceship started, it did not take off directly from the sky, but shuttled underground, until finally, it rushed out from a mountain range.

Looking at the mountains outside becoming smaller and smaller under his feet, Luo Bing said suspiciously, "I'm very curious, will no one know your identity in Contraxia?"

"Only a handful of people know my identity, but definitely not the predators here."

"I'm curious why that girl is so afraid of you, and would rather die than face you."

"Hehe, because she knows that I will imprison her soul and make her suffer forever.

Red Skull laughed cruelly, really like a devil who came out of hell, Liao people are extremely.

He has guarded Soul Gem for so many years, and he has not achieved nothing, at least he has acquired a power that can imprison other people's souls.

With this ability, he also allowed him to docilely clean up the wanted criminals in the various star fields in the Vagrant Bar.

Thor sat on the ship's seat and glanced at Red Skull with unabashed disgust in his eyes.

He seemed to be talking to himself: ".~In us Asgard, the devils are all set to be burned by the Eternal Fire.

Red Skull chuckled: "I'm already a half-dead man, Your Royal Highness, you don't need to scare me."

"Scare you, do you think my stormbreaker can scare you?"

Thor stood up, and he had long since regained his original appearance.

"Mr. Luo, I don't think it would be any good for the two of you to kill me (Nuo Wang Zhao). Without me, you came to Contraxia Star this time, wouldn't it be in vain?"

Luo Bing gave Thor a look, motioned him to hold back the killing intent temporarily, looked out the window and said quietly, "You are very calm, which is good, I hope you can remain so calm when I find out that you lied to me.

"Don't worry, Mr. Luo, I will definitely do it."

Thor said in a displeased tone: "Hey red-faced monster, can you tell us who we are going to meet now?"

Red Skull said with a smile: "Haha, definitely, it seems that His Royal Highness can't wait to know the latest situation of one of his old friends.

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