Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 196 The person named Zhang San can die now

"Blocked! We blocked!"

After 3 minutes of intensive salvo, the dark quadrant's forward speed finally slowed down, Lao Dai clenched his fist, secretly encouraged himself, and glanced at the secret room where the 'Nova Supreme' was.

No matter what, he wants to buy more time for Xandar Star.

"Something's wrong..." Fitz frowned.

"That's right, the overall energy barrier data value of the dark quadrant has dropped by 32 percent, which is very abnormal. There are two explanations," Zhenma said immediately.

"One is that the quantum cannon just now hit a key point, causing the opponent's energy to pour out"

"The second is to reduce the energy supply and use it for other purposes," Fitz explained after taking Gemma's words.

"I think the second possibility is more likely"

After Lao Dai heard this, he frowned, feeling that what the two of them said made sense.

At this time, the Thanos warship on the holographic projection once again had an abnormality, and their entire army was radiating light!

"Oops! That's an energy transfer performance!

"They're ready to fire!"

"Attention all! They're ready to fire!"

"Intercept! Intercept!"


Before Lao Dai finished speaking, a beam of destructive light instantly shot out from the head of the triangular fleet.

Along the way, he crushed the galaxy and fell directly towards the defensive circle on the surface of Xandar.

"Alert Alert!

"Laser Defense Barrier Broken"

"The energy remaining in the plasma isolation system is 30%...20%..."


'The thermal protection barrier has failed...'

"The doombringer has been breached..."

"The Empire's ultimate defense barrier has 1% remaining firmness..

"Energy overloaded...Energy overloaded...99


In just an instant, the dozens of defensive apertures shrouded in the head were instantly shattered, and the hurricane Roar roared across the city.

This is the first attack of the dark quadrant.

And this first attack...

It will directly invalidate all the defensive power of Xandar Star.

The current Xandar Star is already a lamb to be slaughtered on the chopping board.

"Be careful, don't blow up the planet, the power gem is still on it" Thanos sat high on the throne, frowning.

"Don't worry, Father God, I have calculated the strength they can withstand, and deliberately weakened the attack power," Ebony Maw said respectfully.

"What a beautiful planet, I have the guts to spoil it"

"But...for the sake of the entire universe, this little pain is nothing."

Thanos stood up from the throne, Proxima Midnight next to him handed over his golden helmet, he gently took it, buckled it on his head, and held the double-edged sword beside him in his right hand, his eyes no longer There is no mercy.

Like his weapon, all his actions are a double-edged sword to the universe.

Only by destroying half of it can it be preserved for a long time.

No one dared to do so.

At least Thanos, he dared to pay for his actions.

Inside Xandar.

Looking at the final imperial defense cover covered with spider webs, Lao Dai's hands trembled slightly for a while.

That is despair.

too strong...

The power of the dark quadrant...

It is too strong.

Just an attack.

All defenses became so ridiculous and weak at this time.

Old Demingming has seriously considered the power of the dark quadrant, but...

His estimates are still far from reality.

Not to mention ten days and a half months, with the current trend, Xandar Star can't last ten minutes at all!!!

Moreover, this is not the strongest force of Thanos Legion!

What makes him scary is his seemingly endless madness of soldiers.

When the warships in the dark quadrant land on the Xandar star, the dense disgusting bugs will slaughter everything!

"It turns out that this is the dark quadrant, and this is the Thanos Legion." Lao Dai looked up at the sky, and a dark cloud gradually floated over from far to near.

That's not a dark cloud.

It is the body of the dark quadrant!

Those more than 100 space battleships!

As the hatches were opened, the nightmare finally came true. Countless soldiers fell from the sky. Some of them rode the flight device, and some fell directly to the ground, smashing a piece of dust.

The main cabin door opened, and Thanos and Hei Yaosi came out.

Looking at everything in front of him, there was no expression in his eyes.

"Crack!" With Thanos' double-edged sword swung, the empire's defense completely collapsed, and there was nothing to be bothered about anymore.

".~Come with me" Lao Dai closed his mask and rushed out immediately.

After Nova's transformation, except for the lowest-level medics, all Nova Warriors have the Flight Ability, and as the level gets higher and higher, their Combat Ability becomes more and more unexpected.

This is called.

"The Five Thousand Heroes!"

Lao Dai rushed towards the Thanos Legion desperately. Behind him, there were densely packed Nova Warriors!

On the other side, there are also dense insect monsters, as well as Thanos and his four black generals.

But at the moment when the two sides were about to fight fiercely, the situation changed again.

A lonely figure suddenly appeared in front of the two armies.

It was a handsome and bewitching man.

He was wearing a black windbreaker, the breeze was blowing the hem of his windbreaker, the clothes were fluttering, fluttering like a fairy, a handsome face that ignored gender, a straight nose, tight lips, no flaws on the face, skin. If the fat is straight,

Those pair of (money's) soul-struck eyes are bottomless, like illusory deep black pupils shining with compelling light, looking down at all living beings, without any impurities, clear but bottomless. The complexion is crystal clear like jade, the deep black elegant broken hair, glowing with faint light. He is tall and handsome, standing there, indescribably elegant, like a god

His complexion is fair, with a touch of handsomeness in his delicate features, and a touch of gentleness in his handsomeness! The temperament exuding from him is so complicated, like a mixture of various temperaments, but in those gentleness and handsomeness, he has his own uniqueness The ethereal and handsome!

The man stretched out in front of the two armies.

Although he looked into the distance.

That was the direction of Thanos' army.

"OK, I'll announce now that all of you are named Zhang San"


"Then start the roll call now"

"The person named Zhang San can die..."

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