Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 197 Thanos, he ran away

"Who is this guy, and what nonsense is he talking about?"

"Zhang San, do you know him?

"I know, Zhang San, he is the Luo Bing of Earth, and Black Dwarf died there! Wait! Why do you call me Zhang San? Wait! Why do I call you Zhang San???

"Zhang San, Zhang San, what's wrong with you?

Hei Yaosi looked at each other in astonishment.

Except for the leader of Thanos, their names in each other's minds have become "Zhang San"!

What the hell is going on here!

Is this magic?

At the moment, a law that came to this distant starry sky spreads down.

Thanos frowned deeper, he seemed to have foreseen something.

"This is..."

"The Will of the Universe???"

Before Thanos could come back to his senses, he was stunned to find that the four Hei Yao generals around him, as well as a large number of soldiers, all lost their vital signs and fell limply to the ground.


A crazy thought appeared in Thanos' mind, the young man in front of him must have the right to decide the universe!

A large number of soldiers, like cut down wheat, all fell to the ground softly, and even the four generals of Hei Yao did not avoid it. 840,

That is the will from the universe.

It is undefeated! Supreme law!

All Zhang San! All have to die!

Lao Dai watched all this, and his brain was in a panic.

Even Luo Bing was taken aback, because at the moment, not only those Zhang Sans that he made fell to the ground, but even one percent of the Xandar Star Legion behind him were all dead. fell to the ground.

And At the moment, what Luo Bing didn't expect was.

In the vast universe, all the creatures named Zhang San suddenly lost their life characteristics.

Zhang San who drives the plane, Zhang San who drives the tank, Zhang San the biologist, Zhang San the astronaut, Zhang San the adventurer, Zhang San the king, Zhang San the warrior, there are too many...

Anyone whose name or pronunciation had the word Zhang San, all died immediately.

As if the power switch had been pressed, all Zhang San quietly closed his eyes, his expressions remained at the last moment before death.

The entire universe suddenly became a mess.

Compared with the universe, the most troublesome thing is the earth, where the Zhang San ratio is too large, various traffic accidents and work accidents occur frequently, and the entire planet is almost paralyzed for a time.

"Uh..." Luo Bing looked at the soldier who fell behind him and faintly realized something.

He glanced at Thanos in the distance, at the moment Thanos was silent, very strange... He was not affected by Luo Bing's power, how did he do it?

When Luo Bing released his ability, he clearly included him, but he was not affected. This is really a big guy.

"It turns out that you are a person with the same belief as me, but the number of deaths in the universe is not enough, you need to destroy half of it, come on, come with me, and achieve this great goal together! Thanos kindly moved towards Luo Bing stretched out his right hand in the direction.

Quite a bit of an illusion of like-mindedness.

"Wait, I'm sorry, I made a mistake." Luo Bing was ashamed. It was the first time he used this skill since the upgrade that day, but the effect! But it was far beyond his expectations.

This thing is like a cosmic backstage.

Entered a code to kill Zhang San, and all the creatures named Zhang San in this universe were stunned!


Back in time.

The hands were adjusted to one minute ago.

History rollback.

Luo Bing stood in front of the two armies again.

"This guy... looks familiar, by the way... he's the man from Earth," Ebony Maw told Thanos beside him.

At the moment, Thanos was stunned, and looked at the man in front of him with complicated eyes.

"How is this going?

"(befa) Time reversed?" Thanos asked in confusion.

"Huh?" Ebony Maw was puzzled and didn't quite understand what the leader of Thanos meant.

Time reversal?


"Huh?" Luo Bing also looked at Thanos in surprise, what's the situation? He seems to have retained the memory before the time reversal?

Damn, there's a bug!???

Or, is Thanos immune to this force?

"You... see?" Luo Bing asked suspiciously.

"That's right... how did you do it? The Heart of the Universe?" Thanos threw out something Luo Bing had never heard of.

Obviously, that thing seems to be a legendary thing, and no one has seen it before.

"What heart?" Luo Bing frowned, he had never heard of this thing, but now, it was obviously not the best time to chat.

Luo Bing didn't talk nonsense, a colorful light shot out from his eyes.

"Pregnancy Gaze!"

The light of the powerhouse identification technique quickly spread to the audience.

This time, even Thanos was not spared.

Millions of troops wailed on the ground, and the situation was very tragic.

Luo Bing nodded with a smile, very satisfied with the effect.

But then, a sudden change happened again...

Those insect-like monsters actually split into small insects after the ten-second expansion period. Then, this strange creature constantly began to split and expand. In a short period of time, the number of Thanos army was large. More than doubled!

"This is... what a witchcraft!" Ebony Maw clutched his stomach, sweat dripping from his entire body.

Although Thanos didn't scream in embarrassment, judging from his expression, he was working hard at the moment.

"What species is this? Can it split?" Luo Bing frowned.

While he was thinking, the whole person entered the small flash mode, the whole person turned into invisible light, and quickly started his slaughter.

After a minute, Luo Bing silently twisted his sore arm as he watched the number of insects that were not decreasing and were thrown at the rapidly dividing bugs.

Then, back in time again.

He returned to the front of the two armies.

"Mr. Luo Bing?" Lao Dai, who was rushing forward, looked at the man in front of him, and seemed to realize this powerful character only at this moment.

He said that he would protect Xandar Star, but Lao Dai didn't know what kind of strength he was.

And then, everything that happened left him a little confused.

Thanos army direction.

"Evacuate! Evacuate all!" Thanos gave the order under everyone's disbelief.

Then, while covering his eyes with his hands, he frantically rushed into the spaceship.

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