Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 195 Planetary Offensive and Defensive Battle

The family knows their own affairs.

Seeing Luo Bing's confident expression, Phil Coulson put down the contactor in his hand.

He chose to trust Luo Bing.

Because this man has never let anyone down.

What's more, if it's something Luo Bing can't solve, it won't help if Captain Marvel is here.

At the moment, Luo Bing's tall image is crazy in Fitz's eyes, and even a little passionate, not to mention Zhenma on the side, now she is a crazy little girl.

Mei didn't speak, but had to admit that Luo Bing did give her a sense of security.

This can't help but make her begin to suspect that when the two first met, this guy might not have been so outrageously strong at that time.

Could it be... a camouflage?

Lao Dai's scalp was numb. On the one hand, he was frightened by Luo Bing's magical operation. On the other hand, he also knew how powerful the Dark Elephant Realm was.

Therefore, no matter what, he cannot let his guard down and continue to command the frontier work.

Only this time, he no longer dared to underestimate these earthlings, let alone send them away.

"Maybe he might really be a good helper." A thought bred in Lao Dai's heart.

Time passed quietly, and almost in the blink of an eye, the fleet of the dark quadrant appeared on the holographic projection.

They broke in with great fanfare and without a trace of cover up.

"Boom boom..."

Huge amounts of thick smoke rose, and the small planet explosion trap deployed by the Xandar star frontline defense was successfully triggered. Although no sound could be heard, it was the intense firelight that revealed its power.

"Fantastic!" Old Day waved his fist, and the other group of Nova Warriors followed Roar.

I never thought that a small planet explosion trap could solve the entire fleet. In the plan of Lao Dai and the senior officers of the army, this was only the first step.

And what is surprising is that the first step was such a success, two small planets full of traps were successfully detonated!

This is enough to bring a lot of trouble to the fleet of the Dark Elephant Realm!

The army is cheering Roar, and the power of the explosion of the two small planets has brought them great morale!

It seems that the distant victory is gradually seeing the traces...


This joyous Roar only lasted for five seconds, and Xandar star disappeared instantly.

The dark elephant world composed of five huge motherships and hundreds of small space battleships rushed out of the thick smoke unharmed. The battleships were surrounded by dark arcs of electric fire, and they continued to drive forward. , seems to be laughing at the powerlessness of Xandar star.

"What an amazing defense... No wonder the 'Dark Elephant Realm' is invincible. Their fleet is equipped with a combination of quantum force field defense technology, and this technology is applied to the warship... It's a luxury" Lao Dai muttered to himself , frowned.

Combined force field defense technology, this is a very conventional technology.

The principle is very simple. Each individual is a point, and this point releases quantum connections to the outside world. When many points are connected together at the same time, a network is formed.

The Nova Corps has this technology, and each of their fighter jets has it on board.

When the fighter group is turned on at the same time, a golden chain defense like a spider web will be formed.

This defense is difficult to break.

Every point is the integration of all the defenses of all the fighter groups, unless you are defeated all at once, you will be invincible!

And the dark ignition arc shrouded in the Dark Elephant Legion is a similar technology!

Moreover, from what we have seen, we can also draw a conclusion that the Dark Quadrant has far more technology than Xandar in this regard!

"This is difficult to do. This defense is too amazing and must be broken from the inside. With the current power of Xandar Star's energy cannon, it can't effectively cause damage from the outside. It can only tickle him" Lao Dai frowned. Subconsciously looked at Luo Bing.

"Oh..." Luo Bing nodded.

Lao Dai: "35

Seeing Luo Bing's expressionless face, Lao Dai sighed, it seems that this young man really realized the strength of Thanos Legion at the moment.


Still too young.

"All Quantum Cannons! Volley!"

Although he knew it was useless, Lao Dai still gave the order to die!

"Boom rumble...

Beam particle cannons like a meteor shower were intensively fired towards the dark quadrant.

The legion's target is large, which makes their dodging space limited, coupled with the involvement of the combined force field defense technology, it is difficult for them to form a surprise attack.

In this way, the power of the quantum cannon will keep them locked out of Xandar.

As long as they give up the combined force field defense, they can break them one by one!

Moreover, the dozen or so barrier apertures on the Xandar star also gave Lao Dai a lot of confidence, even if there is a firefight, he is not afraid!

"Now, the fight is to reserve energy"

"They can't beat us, after all, we can have a planet behind us!" Lao Dai grinned and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he turned to look at the other Master Chief and asked, "Has there been a response to the call for help?"

"Not yet, but what is certain is that the signal gauges have not been intercepted, and they are flying towards the target point at a speed of 840," the Master Chief nodded and resumed.

"Very good, continue like this, we have hope of winning" Lao Dai nodded solemnly, although he was confident, he did not relax because of this.

The ideal picture is only the ideal picture after all, the situation on the battlefield is strange and changeable, and this is just the beginning.

Next, there are many more situations that will make him unable to wait.

And old wear.

mentally prepared.

"Look! They're moving!" Fitz stared at the holographic projection, and he keenly discovered the fleet's movements.

"Triangles! They want the triangle arrangement to avoid most attacks! And! The speed of the triangles will make them faster!

All eyes were drawn to Fitz's words.

Sure enough, after three or five minutes, a dark quadrant like an arrow appeared in front of everyone.

The effective hit rate of the quantum cannon fired by Xandar has dropped significantly.

In the arrow-shaped fleet, only the outer circle was attacked, while the vast majority of the inner circle were pushing forward with all their strength.

One after another, Xandar Star began to get tired of defending.

But at this moment, something even more unexpected happened.

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