Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 189 Family Planning Commissi1r

On the other end of the communicator, Captain Dai scratched his head. He didn't quite understand what Mr. Phil Coulson meant.

Not by airship?

How did it get there?


In terms of Nova Corps' Air Defense Ability, no one would sneak in silently, which is unreasonable.

Not even an inconspicuous mosquito can escape their air defense surveillance network.

Since it was invaded by Ronan's army last time, Nova Corps has increased its funds and manpower in defense deployment. The current Nova Corps can be described as an iron barrel. The entire planet is impenetrable, and it is basically impossible for outsiders to sneak in. .

And Bifrost can't get here either.

In fact, apart from Earth, a friendly neighbor, no one would like to allow the means of transport from other forces to go directly to their door. That would be a provocation.

In a sense, that was an invasion.

Especially above the law-enforced Xandar star.

Even if Commander Dai didn't understand, he quickly informed Nova Supreme about the matter.

For Xandar Star and Nova Corps, the earth is a good object to establish diplomatic relations, and a good common development relationship should be established between the two balls.

Half an hour later, Phil Coulson brought Luo Bing to meet the supreme commander here.


This is a lady with blond hair, short hair, well-groomed hairstyle, wearing a uniform of Nova Corps, and kindly extended her right hand towards Luo Bing.

"Hello, Supreme" Luo Bing shook hands politely.

"Hello, Mr. Robin" Ms. Nova also had kindness on her face.

I heard that the "Robin Miracle No. 1" was created by the young man in front of him, and Nova has long been like meeting this outstanding young man.

Like humans on Earth, most of the inhabitants of Xandar are humans, which is part of the reason Nova Corps is friendly to Earth.

In fact, human beings are spread all over the universe, and the difference between the human beings in Xandar and the human beings on Earth is like the human beings from different villages.

For the huge universe, the name Roar seems to be too much for the village.

After all... the universe is just too big.

" name is Luo Bing, Robin is just a misunderstanding." Luo Bing smiled, adjusted the universe translator in the headset, and shrugged helplessly.

"So that's the case... I'm so sorry, Mr. Luo Bing"

Obviously, there is no homophony in Xandar Star's language, they don't seem to understand this stalk, and they are a little embarrassed.

But soon, the embarrassment was completely eliminated in the pleasant conversation.

After more than an hour of chat, Luo Bing had a comprehensive understanding of the specific environment and responsibilities of Xandar Star.

Moreover, Nova Supreme also recommended some products and delicacies unique to Xandar Star to Luo Bing.

Similarly, Luo Bing also introduced the present Earth in detail.

After learning that the earth does not lag behind the various technologies of Xandar, Nova Supreme seemed a little surprised, or a little unbelievable. They still stayed for a long time in the impression of the distant neighbor of the earth. .

Probably still belongs to the state of the frog in the bottom of the well where the teachings do not make sense.

However, in just a few decades, I did not expect that the development of the earth would progress so rapidly, which made Nova Supreme admire very much, and also paid tribute to the efforts of the earth.


Luo Bing is the first time to chat with others about so many official issues.

However, as an honorary captain, these seem to be within his duties.

Moreover, the main purpose of his visit this time is because of the 'power gem'. It seems impossible to obtain the power gem from Xandar Star without using force.

So at this time, showing muscles is very important.

Not only do you want to solve this problem by simply showing off your muscles, that is the real brain.

If Luo Bing is not representing the earth side now, he has 10,000 ways to get the power gem, and he is omnipotent by stealing, smashing and smashing.


I don't know why, but now he doesn't bother to do it...

Maybe because of the stronger relationship, Luo Bing's mentality has become more stable now, and he is no longer so impatient and urgent when dealing with things.

Sometimes, waiting may be a good idea.

And now Luo Bing needs an assist from the distant Thanos army.

Simply, according to Time Gem's prediction, this intrusion event will happen in about 134,615 seconds, which is noon a day later, so Luo Bing is not so impatient.

On the contrary, his impression of Thanos is not so bad.

In a sense, Thanos isn't actually a bad guy?

Yes, his ideas are crazy, but most of what he said is true. Under the premise of the constant expansion of the population of the universe, the ability to regenerate resources in the universe is far behind the ability to consume.

Sooner or later, the resources of the universe will be exhausted by the expanding species, and the universe will die completely.

Just look at what he's done in the past.

He invaded a planet, killed half and kept half, but did not snatch the supplies. In the eyes of many people, he was a lunatic, a lunatic who lost his mind.

And this madman has always regarded family planning as his mission, and spent his whole life to accomplish this goal.

That is his destiny!


As a result, Luo Bing has doubts, is this guy brainwashed by the remaining will of the universe?

Or, he is the reincarnation of the will of the universe?

All in all, it's all a mystery, Luo Bing doesn't quite understand his paranoid philosophy.

This guy is a strategist, or rather a philosopher. Everyone has a different perspective. Luo Bing doesn't want to evaluate this character, but Luo Bing absolutely doesn't approve of his behavior.

To protect the universe, you have to sacrifice half of the lives of the entire universe?

What bullshit is this.

Random selection seems fair.

But yourself...are you also in the range of random selection?.

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