Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 190 Waiting for the arrival of Thanos

After the exchange with Nova Supreme, Captain Dai was in charge of leading Luo Bing to tour the entire Xandar star.

Indeed, as Fitz said, the food culture here is indeed different, and there are many things that have never been seen on earth.

The taste is also strange.

In addition to the sour, sweet, bitter, salty, and salty that the earth normally recognizes, there seem to be other flavors in the universe that are not among these five.

Definitely, Luo Bing is not the first time to try to eat the food in the universe, he has not finished eating the pearls given by the mermaid family.

However, it seemed a bit extravagant to eat it. Even in Xandar Star, Luo Bing saw some commodity stores selling this kind of thing, but the price was very high.


Luo Bing's universal currency is surprisingly large, which is the last time left over from the "Crazy Homecoming" with Ms. Marvel. It is a thing called Domorage.

With his current money reserve, he can buy half of the planet's territory on Xandar Star.

It's just that this thing obviously cannot be bought with money.

Fitz originally wanted to treat guests. He also exchanged some supplies for the Universal Coin in Xandar Star, but after seeing the half Domora Gold meteorite ball that Luo Bing took out, he was speechless.

I can't say anything like a guest anymore.

Even Dai Jun, who was on the side, was dumbfounded. Could it be that the earth is actually a rich planet?

Then, he immediately and solemnly told Luo Bing.

"Mr. Luo Bing, it's best not to reveal such a high-quality Domoragin. Even in Xandar, there is no guarantee that there will be news. At that time, you will face a fierce cosmic robber."

"That's all a bunch of guys who want money and don't want to die"

Captain Dai's expression was very serious and serious.

To be honest, he was able to maintain his composure in the face of such a large fortune, and his mental quality was already exceptionally excellent.

In other words, if such a large and high-quality Domora gold was placed in front of Nova Supreme, she would probably be shocked too.

I'm afraid I have to be stunned for two or three seconds.

Luo Bing smiled, thanked the other party for his kindness, and did not speak.

He was so hopeful that that kind of scene could happen, to add some fun to his calm days.

If there is such a child with no eyes, it can only be regarded as unlucky for him.

Phil Coulson and others also laughed, making the old Comrade Dai doubt his life.

Humans on Earth... are really arrogant.

Never experienced the beating of cosmic robbers at all.

"Ah..." Lao Dai sighed, a little headache.

Perhaps in the future, the Nova Corps may have to pay more manpower to defend the earth.

However, as a glorious Xandar star, a representative of civilization, protecting their young neighbors is what they should do. This is a responsibility and an honor.

But Lao Dai still hopes that the earth can cause as little trouble as possible.

Lao Dai looked at the backs of Luo Bing and his group, and felt that the courage on his shoulders was a little heavier, but he didn't complain about it, on the contrary, he became more and more motivated.

That's right...

In the eyes of Nova Corps, all friends and neighbors are a group of younger brothers who need to be protected.

As the bosses of the galaxy, protecting their own people is what they should do, and it is also a glorious tradition of Nova Corps.

It has a similar meaning to the phrase 'the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility'.


There is one thing that has always puzzled Lao Dai.

That is...

Why is the space storage equipment that the earth represents 'Luo Bing' so exaggerated, it can fit half a small meteorite!

You must know that the popular high-quality storage devices in the universe can have at most one cubic File size!

That is already invaluable!

Surprisingly in that condition, the storage device can only hold one cube.

Maybe Earth really is a Warehouse that produces treasure.


It's really reasonable if you think about it.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why the earth is developing so fast.


One more thing...

Old Dai still doesn't know how the 'representative of the earth' came to Xandar Star, because he was worried that it would involve their privacy, so out of courtesy, Old Dai kept this doubt deep in his heart.

Nova Corps is so cute...

In Xandar, there are countless people like Lao Dai. In addition to strictly following the law, they are actually kind and good people in essence.

Perhaps it is a genetic problem, which cannot be verified.

But more should be the local environment, and the traditional influences all along.

Bad circumstances do constantly affect generations, and glorious traditions lead them even more.

to be frank...

Earth doesn't need anyone's protection right now.

However, Luo Bing didn't mind this kindness at all.

He didn't explain anything.

He really likes the frankness and kindness of the Xandar people, at least they don't need to be so troublesome to get along with each other.

After playing for an afternoon, Luo Bing returned to the "Guest Hotel". He bought a lot of gifts, um.

But the purchasing agent should not have bought the spaceship, right?

Luo Bing just bought a few spaceships, and Xandar is also the largest trading city in the galaxy from another perspective.

There are too many merchants here, from various planets, and at the same time, there will be one or two auctions held here from time to time, all of which are treasures, and even out of print in the universe.

It is precisely because of the strict discipline of Xandar Star that all those big merchants will choose to trade and sell their goods here.

Definitely, that's all obvious stuff.

If it was those people who bought and sold people and traded slaves, they would not dare to come to Xandar if they were killed.

That's the equivalent of dying.

That's what the Nova Corps hates the most!

Generally like that kind of business, they all choose to go to the place where they can't, Ultra Blue Star.

It's a criminal's paradise.

Luo Bing hung up the video call, definitely, as expected, he was complained by his sister-in-law again.

Knowing that her brother-in-law slipped away without her, Wanda was about to go crazy.

But Luo Bing is used to it.

And... this time we are about to face the Thanos army, in order to avoid unexpected situations, Luo Bing is not ready to bring it alone.

he himself.

Will suffice!.

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