Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 188 Xandar Star

Xandar Star, the base of the Nova Corps.

The spaceships come and go in an endless stream, and various strange-shaped Flight devices cross the sky. On the surface, this is a prosperous planet with an area about 10 times the size of the earth. Various straight buildings tower into the sky, and the spaceship unfolds The wings are like a bright star.

That's the Nova Corps logo.

The daylight hours here are long, about ~1.5 times that of Earth.

Usually, Nova Corps soldiers are called 'Cosmic Police'

This is not to be said casually.

The Nova Corps has a strict hierarchy, ranging from the first-level medics to the fourth-level centurions, which are divided into four levels.

And the source of their Ability is also very strange, which is the energy granted according to different levels.

The development of their world is more inclined to science and technology, and what gives them great power is a super biological computer. This power is called nova power, which is an almost infinite power.

But no power is infinite.

Even the prestigious Nova Corps in the universe actually has only five hundred soldiers.

Definitely a five hundred superhero too.

There are clear rules for their replacement and replacement, and only if one Nova fighter dies, another Nova Warrior will be born.

This seems to have something to do with their power source mechanism.

Definitely, not only Nova Corps, but also tens of billions of various living creatures live on the huge Xandar star. At the moment, Phil Coulson was in a 'guest hotel' making a high-level video call.

On the other hand, it is Stark's wedding scene.

At the moment, the wedding is coming to an end, and Phil Coulson cannot come to the scene due to personal reasons, so he can only send blessings from a distance.

Along with Phil Coulson are more than a dozen agents on Earth, including Fitz and Gemma, May and others, all of whom are members of Phil Coulson's special squad.

As far as the current situation on Earth is concerned, the relationship between S.H.I.E.L.D and Avengers is basically inseparable, and the two organizations are essentially a family.

Just like the relationship between Earth and Asgard now.

Luo Bing is God's eldest brother-in-law.

And also saved Asgard from being attacked by the Ice giants.

When departing from Earth this time, Phil Coulson's team also teleported a long distance through Bifrost, otherwise, they would not have reached their destination so quickly.

Whether a planet is developed or not requires the approval of others in terms of hard conditions.

And the Nova Corps is a powerful force in the galaxy.

Phil Coulson's trip to the universe said that the establishment of diplomatic relations is actually a record, just like setting up a household registration, so that the cosmic police in the galaxy know that there is also a planet Earth in the galaxy.

It is still developing steadily.

Protection is required.

Then the Nova Corps will formulate a new protection net, and by the way, the earth is also included in the sphere of influence of protection.


Actually, that's what it is.

It can be said that the Nova Corps is an upright and bright organization, very reassuring, and at the same time very responsible for the universe, and belongs to the positive representatives among the positive representatives.

Otherwise, Star-Lord would not rest assured to keep the power gem in Xandar.

Moreover, the 'Robin Miracle One' brought by Phil Coulson is very valued by the Nova Corps, and they are willing to spend a lot of money---some new technological products and technologies as well as construction planning images to buy a large number of 'Robin Miracle 1' like Earth. '

After all, the effect of this medicine is really amazing.

This kind of technology, even Xandar Star cannot replicate.

"Yes, yes, I have reported to the queen here, and she said it was an honor to welcome you here," Phil Coulson said to Luo Bing on the other end of the phone.

"The question is... uh, when can you get here? 35

Luo Bing glanced at the wedding that was almost over and opened his mouth: "Right now"

Phil Coulson: "???"


The space pushed open like a water curtain, and a man with golden gloves walked in from the other side.

That's Luo Bing.

He took off the Infinity Gauntlet and threw it into the Shenwei space. Luo Bing made a move Roar to a few people who were in a daze in front of him.

・・・・・Seeking flowers・・・0

"Hi, long time no see."

"Long time no see..." Phil Coulson shrugged, then smiled and held out his right hand.

The two shook hands, and at the moment, Phil Coulson had a lot of questions he wanted to ask.

It seems that in the past few days, something incredible has happened again.

"Uh...I didn't expect you to come so quickly, hey, Luo Bing" Fitz and Gemma also rushed over and gave a warm hug.

"How about space travel?" Luo Bing asked, looking at Mei who was beside him, nodded, and made a move Roar.

The two had some small festivals before, but now it's nothing.


"Cool, the residents here are very friendly to us, oh my god, I should show you the food here, it's definitely something you haven't eaten on Earth," Fitz said eloquently.

Gemma on the side was also very happy.

That is the excitement of seeing the people of my hometown in the cosmic wandering.

"What mode of transportation did you just come here?" Phil Coulson was thoughtful, and the image of the Infinity Gauntlet flashed across his head. Although he didn't understand, he vaguely guessed something.

"I'll explain it to you later."

"The queen here is called Nova, right, help me contact her, there is something I need to talk to her about," Luo Bing said.

"Okay" Phil Coulson nodded.

Then he pressed a communicator in the room.

"Mr. Dai, please let me know Nova Supreme, our representative of the earth has arrived," Phil Coulson said quickly.

"Huh? But... I didn't receive any information about the spacecraft requesting to land?" Commander Dai on the liaison side was a little puzzled.

He glanced at the cruise map on the table again and made sure that no spacecraft landed today.

The earth was very far away from the Xandar star, and the speed of the other party surprised him.

Could it be that Earth has developed particularly rapidly in terms of spaceship technology?

"Uh... Mr. Luo Bing is already in my room, he didn't come by airship..." And.

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